Sunday, March 20, 2011

Applied Earth Assist 3/21-3/25

Objective:  Measuring air pressure, and atmospheric layers.  Cover all major "spheres" of the earth

Text:  515-520.  Key in on page 517....there is an excellent graphic on that page which summarizes atmospheric layers nicely!!

Vocab: trophosphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere, exosphere
Homework: #1-15 on page 522

Objective: Discuss heat transfer and global wind belts

Text:  532-535, 541-544

Vocab: trade winds, coriolis effect, polar easterlies, doldrums, horse latitudes
Homework: #1-4 on 535,  #1-4 on 544.

Objective: Discuss cloud types, formations, and water in the atmosphere

Text: 545-554

Vocab: stratus, cumulus, cirrus, nimbostratus, cumulonimbus, altostratus, altocumulus, cirrocumulus
Homework: none

Objective:  Begin Chapter 17 - Weather Patterns.  Air masses and fronts

Text: 550-556

Vocab: stationary fronts, occluded fronts, continental masses, maritime masses, polar masses
Homework:  #1-5 on 566

Objective:  To watch a video about air masses and weather patterns

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study notes for a minimum of 20 minutes over the weekend