Monday, September 26, 2011

Field Biology 9/26-9/30

Objective: Eco Meet prep



Objective: Eco Meet prep



Objective: Eco Meet prep



Objective: Eco Meet in Salina



Objective: no class ... homecoming



Applied Bio 9/26-9/30

Objective: to learn about the discovery of cells, and discuss the importance of surface:volume ratio with cell size

Text: read 69-72

Vocab:surface area, volume, cell theory

Homework: do #1-6 on page 72

Objective:  watch the Khan Academy video over cells.  Introduce major cellular organelles

Text: none

Vocab: nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum (smooth & rough), lysosome, lipid bi-layer

Homework: none

Objective: Finish organelle discussion, and work on a crossword which focuses on cellular vocab

Text: none

Vocab: see vocab sheet

Homework: crossword puzzle due on Friday at beginning of class

Objective:  Hadachek absent for Eco Meet; students to CRC for cell activity (TBA)

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: worksheet due by end of period

Objective: to complete a microscope lab investigating cells under a compound microscope; students will look at different cell types and complete a lab handout over the exercise

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none; HOWEVER, Wednesday's crossword puzzle is due at the beginning of class today!

Biology 9/26-9/30

Objective: to learn about the discovery of cells, and discuss the importance of surface:volume ratio with cell size

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: 2nd hour:  focus group, no class; please watch the following Khan Academy video on YouTube at this link (the video is 21 minutes long):

4th & 7th:  watch the Khan Academy video over cells.  Introduce major cellular organelles

Text: none

Vocab: nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum (smooth & rough), lysosome, lipid bi-layer

Homework: none

Objective: Finish organelle discussion, and work on a crossword which focuses on cellular vocab

Text: none

Vocab: see vocab sheet

Homework: crossword puzzle due on Friday

Objective:  Hadachek absent for Eco Meet; students to CRC for cell activity (TBA)

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: worksheet due by end of period

Objective: to complete a microscope lab investigating cells under a compound microscope; students will look at different cell types and complete a lab handout over the exercise

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none; HOWEVER, crossword from Wednesday is due at the beginning of this period!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Anatomy 9/26-9/30


Objective: Introduction to the integumentary system; to investigate basic skin facts.  Discuss layers of the epidermis, skin color & tone, and skin pigments.  Also, discuss vampire lore and how it relates to an actual physiological condition in select people. 

Text: Read 142-148.

Vocab: epidermis, stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, stratum corneum, dermis, blister, flexure lines, melanin, carotene, keratin, hemoglobin, porphyria

Homework: Do worksheet over skin layers; start in class, hand in tomorrow (9/27)


Objective: To investigate flexure lines on the skin; class time for questions over worksheet. 

Text: review pages 142-148

Vocab: none

Homework: write up over flexure lines due by end of period


Objective: to discuss Trich; hair anatomy and hair types; introduce specific exocrine glands.  Differences in eccrine, apocrine, and ceruminous glands will be covered

Text: 148-152

Vocab: trichotillomania, terminal, vellus, lanugo hairs, suderiferous, eccrine, apocrine, ceruminous glands, sebaceous glands, sebum

Homework:  none


Objective: Hadachek absent for Eco Meet; On pages 162-163 do the following questions:  #1-12, 14,15,17,19,21, critical thinking #3.  Due tomorrow!

Text: 142-152

Vocab: none

Homework: do any questions which were not completed in class; they are due tomorrow.

Objective: Skin care lab; use common skin care products found in your home to relate vocab learned this week to real-world applications.

Text: none

Vocab: ....see skin care products  :)

Homework: turn in skin care lab sheet by the end of the period.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Extra Credit posted in Google Groups!! Due Friday 9/23

ATTN:  Anatomy, Biology, Applied Biology classes!!

You were recently invited to, and joined, my science discussion forum in Google Groups.  There is an extra-credit assignment in that forum which is due this coming Friday, and it involves discussing a current event in science.  It's not a requirement, but it's easy bonus points if you choose to post about it.  To log on to Groups, log into your E Mail account, and then find the "Groups" link at the top of the page.  Once you click on it, you will see the "RHHS Science Forum" link to the right.  Click on that and you're in!! 

Friday, September 16, 2011


With the tests coming up Thursday of this week, I have some important study information for you; these are the areas of interest I want you to concentrate most of your study efforts....

Biology/Applied Biology

*know the differences between protons, neutrons, and electrons, and where they are found in an atom.
*saturated vs unsaturated fats - what's the differences?  Examples??
*monosaccharides vs. polysaccharides - examples?  What's the difference?
*amino acids & proteins - what are they?
*enzymes & substrates ... what are the differences??

Anatomy & Physiology

*know the differences between epithelial & connective tissues, specifically differences in what makes them up vs their other words, know differences in their ingredients vs. facts about them.

Field Biology

Objective: bird review; data analysis from insect project.  Skit practice from 7:30-8:00am.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective:  bird review; data analysis from insect project.  Skit practice from 7:30-8:00am.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study birds as needed

Objective: bird review; data analysis from insect project if needed.  Skit practice from 7:30-8:00am.  Introduce students to the writing style of Journal of Wildlife Management

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: To take a test over the bird identification slides; the performance objective is 100/85.  Discuss research paper over insect project. 


Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: Students to CRC to begin typing paper over insect project

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Applied Biology 9/19-9/23

Objective: To cover the importance of enzyme & substrate relationships; this is covered because of 1) it's importance in living systems, and 2) because it's a state standard for the Kansas High School Science Assessment.  After discussing enzyme activity, students will take construction paper and make their own enzyme models.

Text: none

Vocab: enzyme, substrate, activation energy
Homework: none

Objective:  Hand out review for the test.  The test will be on Thursday.  Discuss the test review, and mention the importance of coming in for Thursday morning's review session.  Performance objective on this test is 100/85.

Text: none

Vocab: see review sheet
Homework: study for test as needed

Objective: no classes for 2nd, 3rd, or 4th hour biological science periods; the career fair will be taking place.

Text: none

Vocab:  see review sheet
Homework: study as needed for test

Objective: there are two objectives for today; objective #1 is to attend the Thursday morning review session beginning at 7:30am.  Objective #2 is to take the chemistry unit test, with 100% of the students scoring at least 85% on it (100/85). 

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: to show a video and introduce the class to the cell unit.  We will be starting this unit on Monday.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Biology 9/19-9/23

Objective: To cover the importance of enzyme & substrate relationships; this is covered because of 1) it's importance in living systems, and 2) because it's a state standard for the Kansas High School Science Assessment.  After discussing enzyme activity, students will take construction paper and make their own enzyme models.

Text: none

Vocab: enzyme, substrate, activation energy
Homework: none

Objective:  Hand out review for the test.  The test will be on Thursday.  Discuss the test review, and mention the importance of coming in for Thursday morning's review session.  Performance objective on this test is 100/85.

Text: none

Vocab: see review sheet
Homework: study for test as needed

Objective: no classes for 2nd, 3rd, or 4th hour biological science periods; the career fair will be taking place.

Text: none

Vocab:  see review sheet
Homework: study as needed for test

Objective: there are two objectives for today; objective #1 is to attend the Thursday morning review session beginning at 7:30am.  Objective #2 is to take the chemistry unit test, with 100% of the students scoring at least 85% on it (100/85). 

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: to show a video and introduce the class to the cell unit.  We will be starting this unit on Monday.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Anatomy 9/19-9/23

Objective: To hand out a review sheet for Thursday's tissue unit test; performance objective for this test will be 100/75.  The class period will involve going over the review handout, and then small group work/graphic organizers/unconventional study techniques.

Text: Compare relevant information from your notes to Chapter 4.

Vocab: see review sheet
Homework: study for test as needed

Objective: To involve students in a two-team competition using review Jeopardy

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study for test as needed

Objective:  no class today .... students will be attending the career fair from 8am-noon.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study for test as needed

Objective: take test over tissue unit.  Performance objective is 100/75.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: To watch a video and prepare for Monday's integumentary system discussion

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Eco Meet Teams:

Beginning Monday 9/19, skit practice will take place Monday through Wednesday mornings from 7:30-8:00 am.  Please make all efforts to attend, as this practice is key for a positive interpretive event experience at Eco Meet Regionals.  

Also, please take the time to review the bird lists as much as you can, as we have limited class time before the meet and, other than the two bird lists we've covered in class, most of the identification required for the Eco Meet will need to be done on your own time to prepare.  Remember, we want the Eco Meet to be fun, but I would really like to see both teams compete at state.  Dedication to studying these wildlife lists is the key to success!!  Don't forget to take advantage of the identification lists at the Great Plains Nature Center, by using their website,

Field Biology 9/12-9/16

Objective: To review Kansas bird set #2; continue skit planning.  Skit script must be finalized by this Friday.  Hand out all information for Kansas Eco Meet.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study bird set #2

Objective: To review Kansas bird set #2; continue skit planning.  Skit script must be finalized by this Friday.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study bird set #2

Objective: Students absent to Kansas State Fair.  Study birds if needed.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study bird set #2

Objective: Study bird set #2, write scripts for skits. 

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study birds as needed; study skit scripts.

Objective: Finalize skit scripts.  Skit practice will be from 7:30-8:00 am Mon-Wed

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study birds as needed, skits as needed

Applied Biology 9/12-9/16

Objective: To discuss how ionic bonds differ from covalent bonds; to explain the significance of carbon in living systems, and to introduce biochemistry with lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins.  Emphasis will be placed on monosaccharides, polysaccharides,  and saturated vs. unsaturated fats.

Text: none

Vocab: ionic bond, lipid, carbohydrate, protein, amino acids, saturated fats, unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats

Homework: none

Objective:  kitchen lab; examples of saturated/unsaturated fats, proteins, carbs. 

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: finish lab handout and turn in by end of period. 

Objective: Most students will be gone on the band trip; today is an excellent day for note review over the chemistry unit

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: review notes as necessary

Objective: To reinforce knowledge of atoms & molecules with music education; this will be based off the website,

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective:  written quiz over enzyme activity; lab practical quiz over examples of saturated & unsaturated fats.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Friday, September 9, 2011

Biology 9/12-9/16

Objective: To discuss how ionic bonds differ from covalent bonds; to explain the significance of carbon in living systems, and to introduce biochemistry with lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins.  Emphasis will be placed on monosaccharides, polysaccharides,  and saturated vs. unsaturated fats.

Text: none

Vocab: ionic bond, lipid, carbohydrate, protein, amino acids, saturated fats, unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats

Homework: none

Objective:  kitchen lab; examples of saturated/unsaturated fats, proteins, carbs. 

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: finish lab handout and turn in by end of period. 

Objective: Most students will be gone on the band trip; today is an excellent day for note review over the chemistry unit

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: review notes as necessary

Objective: To reinforce knowledge of atoms & molecules with music education; this will be based off the website,

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective:  written quiz over enzyme activity; lab practical quiz over examples of saturated & unsaturated fats.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Anatomy 9/12-9/16

Objective:  To reinforce knowledge regarding classification/functions of epithelial tissues, to reinforce glands, and to study cartilage types and functions.  There will be a quiz over tissue types tomorrow (Tues, 9/13).  Make a graphic organizer to help distinguish characteristics of connective tissues vs epithelia.

Text:  Read 117-125.

Vocab: glycosaminoglycans, matrix, dense, regular, irregular, mesenchyme, clasts, blasts

Homework: study for tomorrow's quiz

Objective: to take a quiz over epithelial tissues and connective tissue basics (goal = 100/85); use rest of class time to study histology slides under the microscopes.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective:  Much of the class will be gone for the band trip; use this time to study microscope slides

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: study/review note sets as needed.

Objective: To take a tissue slide quiz and reach the 100/85 performance objective.  There will be five slides worth two points each on this quiz.  For the rest of the period, study microscope slides.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: Students will investigate various tissue types at in the CRC, and complete a worksheet dealing with the website.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: do assignment over the website; due at end of period.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Field Biology 9/6-9/9


Objective: To collect insects on the nature trail in plots C & D.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: To discuss the note set over history of wildlife management in America.  Much of the discussion will fall upon numbers of wildlife species from the past vs. the current, what has made them that way, and what we are doing now to address the problem.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: To collect insects on the nature trail in plots C and D.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: To begin planning a skit for the Eco Meet coming up Sept. 29.  Groups will be determined, and skit specifics will be addressed (requirements, themes, etc)

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Applied Biology 9/6-9/9


Objective: To take a test over introductory biology and scientific method dscussion.  Students will take this test on Quia, in the CRC.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: To begin discussion on chemistry; we will cover basic chemistry principles, including atoms, molecules, what makes an element by definition, and different types of bonding scenarios.

Text: none

Vocab: atom, molecule, element, proton, neutron, electrons, chemistry, covalent bonds, ionic bonds

Homework: TBA

Objective: Microscope Lab #2; students will further practice and reinforce their knowledge of microscopes and techniques for focusing & magnification.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: lab handout due at the end of this period.

Objective: To learn about human body biochemistry; discuss state standards as they relate to enzyme activity, and discuss saturated vs polyunsaturated fats.

Text: none

Vocab: see note set

Homework: none

Biology 9/6-9/9


Objective: To take a test over introductory biology and scientific method dscussion.  Students will take this test on Quia, in the CRC.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: To begin discussion on chemistry; we will cover basic chemistry principles, including atoms, molecules, what makes an element by definition, and different types of bonding scenarios.

Text: none

Vocab: atom, molecule, element, proton, neutron, electrons, chemistry, covalent bonds, ionic bonds
Homework: none

Objective: Microscope Lab #2; students will further practice and reinforce their knowledge of microscopes and techniques for focusing & magnification.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: lab handout due at the end of this period.

Objective: To learn about human body biochemistry; discuss state standards as they relate to enzyme activity, and discuss saturated vs polyunsaturated fats.

Text: none

Vocab: see note set
Homework: none

Anatomy 9/6-9/9

Objective: To take a test over the introductory chapter in human anatomy & physiology.  The goal is to have 100% of the students receive an 85% or higher (100/85)on this test. 

Text: none

Vocab:  none
Homework:  none

Objective: Students will learn the basics of tissues; what they are, and how to classify tissues by both layering & shape. 


Homework: none

Objective: Tissue lab; today students will be introduced to tissue slides.  This is the beginning step to mastering histology tissue slides visually, so the students can master them for the lab practical over tissue slides at a later date.


Homework: none

Objective: Discuss the anatomy of tissues, including ground substance, glycosaminoglycans, extra cellular matrix, and how they contribute to the overall health of tissue types.


Homework: none