Sunday, September 4, 2011

Field Biology 9/6-9/9


Objective: To collect insects on the nature trail in plots C & D.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: To discuss the note set over history of wildlife management in America.  Much of the discussion will fall upon numbers of wildlife species from the past vs. the current, what has made them that way, and what we are doing now to address the problem.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: To collect insects on the nature trail in plots C and D.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: To begin planning a skit for the Eco Meet coming up Sept. 29.  Groups will be determined, and skit specifics will be addressed (requirements, themes, etc)

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none