Sunday, September 11, 2011


Eco Meet Teams:

Beginning Monday 9/19, skit practice will take place Monday through Wednesday mornings from 7:30-8:00 am.  Please make all efforts to attend, as this practice is key for a positive interpretive event experience at Eco Meet Regionals.  

Also, please take the time to review the bird lists as much as you can, as we have limited class time before the meet and, other than the two bird lists we've covered in class, most of the identification required for the Eco Meet will need to be done on your own time to prepare.  Remember, we want the Eco Meet to be fun, but I would really like to see both teams compete at state.  Dedication to studying these wildlife lists is the key to success!!  Don't forget to take advantage of the identification lists at the Great Plains Nature Center, by using their website,