Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Life Science .... STEM with seeds!!!!

STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math - is an integral part of science and the hands-on learning process.  My 7th grade life science students are building "seeds" ... plant seeds of their own design.

Their challenge ..... to build a seed that simulates a seed that sticks to animal fur/hair, and to build a seed that simulates  a seed blowing into the wind.  They must brainstorm, draw designs, build the design with pre-determined materials, and test/measure their designs, and graph their results, all while working together cooperatively in a group.  By the end of the project, students should have a deeper understanding of what makes  a seed become successfully disbursed throughout the ecosystem.

Here's a photo of one seed a group built, it must stay attached to a cotton-flannel cloth for a minimum of 30 seconds to be considered a high-quality/successful build: