Sunday, February 2, 2014

Zoology 2/3-2/7

Objective this week:  To understand the anatomy and body plan of a frog through a dissection of a frog specimen.

Frog dissection day one - external anatomy of a leopard frog.  Film the external anatomy for a YouTube video that will go on this blog.

Frog dissection day two - review external anatomy; begin muscle identification.  Transition to internal anatomy and organ identification.  Film all progress.

Frog dissection day three - continue dissection.  Map out digestive system and remove.  Dissect heart under a dissection microscope.  Look at lung anatomy.

Clean up and review frog dissection.  Begin studying for checkoffs.  Lab practical next Monday 2/10.  

Begin reviewing for amphibian test (next Wed, 2/12)