Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Zoology Test .... on TUESDAY!!

As you've seen on my lesson plans, the zoology test that was scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday) has been pushed back to Tuesday.  We needed to put more coverage into frog anatomy before we take the test, thus the reason for pushing it back.

Here are some things to study for on the test:

**Frog lifecycle ... number of eggs, important time frames for gaining/losing body parts in their development, etc

**Taxonomy of frogs and toads - important orders and families

**The importance of a moist environment and moist skin

**Amphibian success ... what makes them this way?

**Anatomical and diet differences between frogs and toads

**The test will be a combination of fill-in, multiple choice, essay, and short answer questions.

Here's a sample question that may (or may not be) on the test:

Question:              ______From the time they’re deposited, frog eggs hatch into tadpoles in approx. how many days?
a.     Two
b.     Three
c.     Five
d.     Seven

e.     Ten