Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Life Science .... 1/27/15

Hey everyone!  If you missed class today, here is what you need to do ......

Hand-write a 1/2 page essay over this topic:  "How would life be different if 10,000 people moved into Mankato, Kansas overnight?"

Think about what would change in town ... room for people, effects on grocery stores, gas stations, etc.  Think of multiple possibilities and write your essay on how life would be different?

This essay will be worth TEN POINTS and must be in complete sentences.

Zoology ... here are the amphibian notes, PLUS an assignment due on 1/28!!!!

Hey class,

Be sure to get any notes missed over the amphibians & frogs, and their basic body plan.  At this point, we have taken notes through the basic facts about frogs.  Here is the entire amphibian note set:


Then, you need to work on this assignment that's due tomorrow, 1/28.....


Let me know before class tomorrow, or E Mail me tonight if you have any questions/issues.......:)

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Field Biology 1/26-1/30

Objective this week:  To continue water quality field work as weather permits, and discuss water quality/pollutants in the classroom to understand their importance.

Field work - water quality lab

Analysis of field work

Class activity - water pollutants and water pollutants worksheet

Water pollutants worksheet due; field work.

Field work

Life Science 1/26-1/30

Objective this week:  To learn how population dynamics affect ecosystems and understand the importance of those dynamics.

Review lecture video concepts over carrying capacity and population dynamics.  Hand out a population dynamics worksheet.  This is due tomorrow.

Worksheet due.  Discuss limiting factors and complete an essay over limiting factors

Wednesday - Friday
Discuss biomes and create the tabletop activity over biomes.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Zoology 1/26-1/30

Objective this week:  To present student projects over the history of amphibians as well as learning about the basic anatomical/physiological features of specific amphibians.

Present amphibian history projects today

Introduce amphibian anatomy & physiology, and begin discussing frogs.  There will be an amphibian worksheet/assignment today

Frog lifecycle and toads.  Worksheet due;

Frog calls and frog/toad identification.  Complete a graphic organizer over frog/toad phylums/classes

Quiz - frog & toad specifics and basic amphibians

Anatomy 1/26-1/30

Lecture objective this week: To learn the major components of the eye and complete a series of eye worksheets and a quiz over eye structures.  Lab emphasis will consist of cat muscle identification and the dissection of a cow eye.

Eye components and vision lecture.  Discuss the tunics and their importance.

Identification of shoulder/arm muscles of the cat specimen, and quiz over the first nine muscles covered in last week's muscle lab

Eye and ear discussion/importance of these senses along with anatomical features

Cow eye dissection

Quiz - eye components.  Continue discussion of the ear

Biology 1/26-1/30

Objective this week:  To assess student learning of punnett squares through a quiz, and to introduce mutations and their importance to genetics.  We will begin a differentiated activity over mutations this week as well.

Quiz - punnett squares.  Begin discussing mutations.

Mutations - types of mutations existing today

Mutation video

Mutation differentiation day 1.

Mutation differentiation day 2

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Biology .... blood typing and blood typing genetics....

Here's the video we watched in class over blood typing and the genetics behind it.  Please watch/re-watch this video as needed to better understand these important concepts.  Thanks!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Biology 1/21 - here's what you missed

Today in biology we started discussing GMO's (genetically-modified organisms).  To start class off, we watched this Kimmel video:

Next, we researched GMO's and how they affect us, or how we think they might affect us.  The assignment that's due tomorrow is as follows:

  1. Research genetically modified organisms
  2. Submit FOUR URL website links regarding GMO's (+4)
  3. For TWO of those URL's, write a summary of what the URL's content was about with a minimum of five complete sentences (+5 each = +10)
  4. Finally, in complete sentences, explain briefly your thoughts on GMO's and your opinions about them and your/human health (+1)
  5. Submit this to my E Mail at jhadachek@usd107.org

Remember, this is due 1/22 by class .... thanks :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Zoology Class .... did you miss Tuesday, 1/20? Here's the scoop! (Important Update 1/21!!!!!!!)

If you missed Zoology class today, we watched a video over the origin of the Tetrapods, which is approximately 17 minutes.  Please watch that video.  The video is found below:

We then went over the assignment for the Prezi multimedia project and how it would be scored.  I did NOT hand out a hard copy of the guidelines in class, but you can find the link for it on the "Zoology 1/19-1/23" post.  Go to http://www.prezi.com and sign up for an account.  You can also get an app for it.


This will be due on Monday of next week!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Field Biology 1/19-1/23

Objectives this week:  To understand how an aquifer works by completing an "aquifer in a cup" activity.  Students will build the activity, film the layers, and answer the questions based on their cup design on the video.  Students will also learn about the importance of groundwater this week.

"Aquifer in a cup" activity.  Students will need to film their projects

Lecture/discussion - water resources

Quiz review and prepare for "bio bottle" activity

Prepare for bio bottle activity and take quiz.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Life Science 1/19-1/23

Objective this week:  To learn the basics of ecosystems through a series of multimedia videos, lecture, and public speaking.  Graded components and learning assessment through a public speaking project and quiz, and assessment questions following lecture videos.

Review the "divisions of life" on earth and concentrate on ecosystems.  Discuss energy flow in ecosystems.  Then answer the questions that follow the video.  The video can be found here ....

Begin a differentiated activity over ecosystem examples.  Students will draw an ecosystem at random, and then research and present their findings over that ecosystem in an oral presentation.

Complete presentations over ecosystems today.  Ecosystem quiz.

Learn about and discuss ecosystem dynamics today.  Watch this video and then answer the assessment questions for points:

Ecosystem multimedia/video today

Anatomy 1/19-1/23

Objective this week:  To take a test over the PNS and maintain a 100/80 performance objective on the test, and to introduce important concepts of the special senses.

Discuss short term and long term memory today

Review for tomorrow's test and continue cat dissection with available time

PNS Test and begin discussion of special senses

Lab - special senses

Discuss special senses and the ear

Zoology 1/19-1/23

Objective this week:  To learn the history of amphibians and to understand how their body plan helps them survive in terrestrial environments.

Watch a lecture video over amphibian history and take notes over the video.  When finished, look up amphibian facts, species, etc

The video can be found here:

Tuesday - Friday
Create a multimedia presentation on Prezi over the history of amphibians

The link to this assignment can be found here:


Biology 1/19-1/23

Objective this week:  To apply information learned about dihybrid crosses to real-world scenarios and the farming industry.  We will also learn about incomplete dominance and codominant punnet squares.

Dihybrid corn genetics day 1 - investigate dihybrid corn genetics and apply this information to farming scenarios.  We will finish this activity tomorrow.

Dihybrid corn genetics day 2

Discussion over GMO's and GMO assignment

Incomplete dominance and codominance in punnett squares

Genetics differentiation

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Zoology Quiz Info ... Blog Exclusive!!!

Here is the format of the quiz:

20 M/C questions worth two points each.

One paragraph question (five points)

Two short answer questions (together these are worth a total of five points)

50 total points for this quiz

Questions are over catfish, bullheads, paddlefish, largemouth bass, and the white basses

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Field Biology: Aquifer information!

Here is an excellent website where the USGS explains facts about aquifers:


Zoology Reminders!!! Assignments, Practical, Quiz!!!

Hey everyone,

Remember there's lots of things going on for the remainder of this week, specifically:

  • The KDWPT fish assignment is due by 4pm TODAY.
  • There is a practical tomorrow, 1/15/15 over the lamprey
  • There is a quiz on Friday, 1/16/15 over general fish facts

Friday quiz info:

  • Mostly multiple choice
  • 25-30 questions.  Remember this quiz is weighted at 70% of your grade (just like the practical)
  • Any catfish facts mentioned in class are a possibility
  • Know facts about the three white basses
  • Know facts about yellow/black bullheads
  • Know facts about largemouth bass
  • Know examples of fish in the class Agnatha, Chondrichthyes, and Osteichthyes

Zoology...graphic organizer for white basses

Here is a graphic organizer showing trends in tooth patches, lines, fertility, and fresh/saltwater habitats of the three white basses discussed in class.  These will be on Fridays quiz....

Biology .... Dihybrid Punnett Squares!!!

Here are two VERY IMPORTANT videos over dihybrid punnett squares.  Please watch/review these .....

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Zoology Assignment Due 1/14/15 ......

The objective of this assignment is to learn more about Kansas bony fish through the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, & Tourism website.  Please visit the website below, and then complete the questions that follow.  Please answer all questions with complete sentences for full credit.


Use the "Fishing Menu" series of links to answer the questions below:

1.  Click on "Hatcheries".  Choose two hatcheries and write down several facts about each hatchery in Kansas, in complete sentences.  (+4)

2.  Click on "Aquatic Nuisance Species" and do the following:

A. Research a minimum of THREE aquatic nuisance fish species.  Describe several facts about each fish, where they are found in Kansas, etc.  (the list and locations links will help you here). (+9)

B. Student choice:  List FIVE interesting facts you've learned about aquatic nuisance species not already mentioned on this assignment.  (+5)

3.  Click on "How to Fish" and watch several videos of your choice.  Choose two videos.  Tell me what videos you chose, and write  a brief (three-four sentences) review of the video.  (+6)

If you finish these tasks, please navigate around the KDWP website and look at other interesting fish facts.  This will be due by 4pm on Wednesday, 1/14/15.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Field Biology 1/12-1/16

Objective this week:  To learn about the importance of aquifers and to design a STEM education project over water use.

Video - the importance of water

Discuss aquifers and the STEM design challenge

Wednesday - Friday
STEM project - water

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Life Science 1/12-1/16

Objective this week:  To understand the evolutionary relationships between fossils and modern day organisms, with learning being assessed through a quiz at the end of the week.

Film geologic scale timelines.

Video - walking with the dinosaurs

Activity - similarities/differences between wings, arms, bones of fossilized/modern-day organisms

Finish activity and review for Friday's quiz over natural selection

Quiz - natural selection mechanics

Zoology 1/12-1/16

Objective this week:  To continue discussing Kansas fish and successfully complete a lamprey practical with a 100/80 performance objective.

Kansas fisheries - bass, sunfish, sportfish.

Review lampreys.  Kansas fisheries assignment today.

Kansas fisheries and Kansas fisheries assignment.  Assignment due today.  Quiz on Friday over Kansas fisheries.

Practical exam - Lamprey

Quiz - Kansas fisheries

Anatomy 1/12-1/16

Objective this week:  To understand the specifics of memory, sleep/wake cycles, dreams, and neural integration.

Discuss sleep/wake cycles and dreams

Cat dissection - skinning and prep work

Review sleep/wake cycles and dreams.  Continue discussion.  Introduce memory and neural integration

Cat dissection - major muscle groups

Quiz - PNS Quiz 1

Biology 1/12-1/16

Objective this week:  To better understand genetic inheritance through family tree activities, a video, dihybrid crosses, and a quiz.

Pedigree activity today in class

Video - "Giants"

Dihybrid crosses day 1 - techniques, construction of, and importance of these.

Dihybrid crosses day 2 - tutorial video over dihybrid crosses and worksheet

Quiz - pedigrees.  There will also be a quiz on MONDAY over a dihybrid cross scenario.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Zoology Practical Info

The lamprey practical is scheduled for Thursday, January 15, 2015.  Here are a few structures you will need to know, along with the functions of those structures.  Please continue to follow this blog for updates!!  

Monday, January 5, 2015

Field Biology 1/5-1/9

Objective this week:  To  understand the components of the water cycle and the importance of water/water quality, and important uses for water.

Discuss water components and surface water/aquifers.  Review the water cycle.  Read pages 419-425.  Complete the "map it" watershed activity on page 422, and answer the questions on page 425.  These questions are due by tomorrow in class.

Discuss aquifers and water use.

Water use survey in class

Republican River mapping assignment - investigate basins, streams, and tributaries feeding the Republican River.

Worksheet Packet today .... when finished, investigate the Amazon River Basin using Google Maps.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Life Science 1/5-1/9

Objective this week:  To understand the concept of geologic time along with similarities/differences in modern vs fossilized animal structures to enhance learning about natural selection.

Pretest - second semester

Investigate geologic time

Complete a fossil layers worksheet in class.

Fossil layers worksheet due.  Film projects.

Video today.

Anatomy 1/5-1/9

Objectives this week:  To understand the divisions of the peripheral nervous system, what the PNS basically does, and why it's important to your life.

Video - Stress:  Portrait of a Killer

Review major brain structures and features.  There will be a brain anatomy quiz on Thursday.  Begin discussing the PNS.

PNS discussion.  Explain major components of the somatic and autonomic nervous systems.

Brain anatomy quiz.  Continue PNS discussion.

PNS assignment with sub (Mr. Hadachek absent).

Zoology 1/5-1/9

Objective this week:  To understand major morphological differences between individual fish classes through lecture, quizzes, and lab work.

Bony fish overview and review major anatomical features of fish.

Watch these two videos:

Next, answer these questions over the hatchery documentary.  These questions are due by WEDNESDAY at 4pm either through E Mail or on paper:

1. What are three factors that make it difficult for fish to live/spawn in streams? (+3)

2. How long can the rearing process take? (+1)

3. What are two methods of collecting adult spawning salmon, as mentioned on the video? (+2)

4. Pacific salmon species are not "repeat spawners".  What does this mean?  (+2)

5. Explain how the eggs are fertilized, and also the reasoning behind washing them with an ovidine solution.  (+2)

6. In the context of this video, what are "bullets"? (+1)

7. Before being released into the early rearing tanks, they are put into sorting tanks.  What is the reasoning behind this? (+2)

8. What happens in the advanced rearing tanks and how long do fish remain there? (+2)

9. Why is this entire process so important for salmon species?  Explain.  (+2)

10. What part of this video was the most interesting to you?  (+1)

Lab - Lamprey dissection day 1

Discuss local species of bony fish.  Multimedia questions due by 4pm today.

Lab - Lamprey dissection day 2

Video today

Biology 1/5-1/9

Objective this week:  To understand the basics of chromosomal inheritance and genetic variation.  Emphasis this week will be on monohybrid cross punnett squares and their importance/use.

Review the importance of sexual reproduction.  Discuss chromosome crossovers during meiosis and learn how to assemble punnett squares.

Here is a video explaining how to create a punnett square:

Punnett square worksheet and practice

Pedigree construction and analysis

Pedigree assignment and quiz.

Video - TBA

Happy New Year!!

Welcome to 2015!  I hope this year is an amazing one for all of you!  This semester should be quite interesting, and I guarantee you'll learn a lot along the way.  In just a few short months we will be preparing for yet another summer's vacation.  Until then, lets work hard, make great decisions, and be  champions by choice!!!