Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Biology 1/21 - here's what you missed

Today in biology we started discussing GMO's (genetically-modified organisms).  To start class off, we watched this Kimmel video:

Next, we researched GMO's and how they affect us, or how we think they might affect us.  The assignment that's due tomorrow is as follows:

  1. Research genetically modified organisms
  2. Submit FOUR URL website links regarding GMO's (+4)
  3. For TWO of those URL's, write a summary of what the URL's content was about with a minimum of five complete sentences (+5 each = +10)
  4. Finally, in complete sentences, explain briefly your thoughts on GMO's and your opinions about them and your/human health (+1)
  5. Submit this to my E Mail at

Remember, this is due 1/22 by class .... thanks :)