Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Zoology Assignment Due 1/14/15 ......

The objective of this assignment is to learn more about Kansas bony fish through the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, & Tourism website.  Please visit the website below, and then complete the questions that follow.  Please answer all questions with complete sentences for full credit.


Use the "Fishing Menu" series of links to answer the questions below:

1.  Click on "Hatcheries".  Choose two hatcheries and write down several facts about each hatchery in Kansas, in complete sentences.  (+4)

2.  Click on "Aquatic Nuisance Species" and do the following:

A. Research a minimum of THREE aquatic nuisance fish species.  Describe several facts about each fish, where they are found in Kansas, etc.  (the list and locations links will help you here). (+9)

B. Student choice:  List FIVE interesting facts you've learned about aquatic nuisance species not already mentioned on this assignment.  (+5)

3.  Click on "How to Fish" and watch several videos of your choice.  Choose two videos.  Tell me what videos you chose, and write  a brief (three-four sentences) review of the video.  (+6)

If you finish these tasks, please navigate around the KDWP website and look at other interesting fish facts.  This will be due by 4pm on Wednesday, 1/14/15.