Friday, January 2, 2015

Zoology 1/5-1/9

Objective this week:  To understand major morphological differences between individual fish classes through lecture, quizzes, and lab work.

Bony fish overview and review major anatomical features of fish.

Watch these two videos:

Next, answer these questions over the hatchery documentary.  These questions are due by WEDNESDAY at 4pm either through E Mail or on paper:

1. What are three factors that make it difficult for fish to live/spawn in streams? (+3)

2. How long can the rearing process take? (+1)

3. What are two methods of collecting adult spawning salmon, as mentioned on the video? (+2)

4. Pacific salmon species are not "repeat spawners".  What does this mean?  (+2)

5. Explain how the eggs are fertilized, and also the reasoning behind washing them with an ovidine solution.  (+2)

6. In the context of this video, what are "bullets"? (+1)

7. Before being released into the early rearing tanks, they are put into sorting tanks.  What is the reasoning behind this? (+2)

8. What happens in the advanced rearing tanks and how long do fish remain there? (+2)

9. Why is this entire process so important for salmon species?  Explain.  (+2)

10. What part of this video was the most interesting to you?  (+1)

Lab - Lamprey dissection day 1

Discuss local species of bony fish.  Multimedia questions due by 4pm today.

Lab - Lamprey dissection day 2

Video today