Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Anatomy students in lab!!

RHHS anatomy students worked on a lab today investigating tissue types with a microscope.  They also used stereoscopes to analyze bone fragments!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Field Biology 8/29-9/2

Objective:  To learn visual identification of Kansas birds.  This is the first of a three-part identification series.  Students will be tested over this identification at a later date.

Text: none


Homework: none

Objective: Continue practicing identification of bird set #1

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: insect collecting in student-designed experimental plots.  These data will be added to previous data collected.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: Introduce Kansas bird set #2.  This will be a basic introduction to these birds.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

insect collecting in student-designed experimental plots.  These data will be added to previous data collected.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Applied Biology 8/29-9/2

Objective: Begin discussing biology; introduce class with a short video podcast, and then discuss the basic principles of life, the unifying principles of biology, and also mention ethers & biogenesis.  Hand out a worksheet over these basic principles called, "Basic Life Principles Worksheet".

Text: none - see notes

Vocab:  adaptation, spontaneous generation, ethers, biogenesis, Redi, cells, genes, evolution, homeostasis

Homework: worksheet due at the end of class today.

Objective: microscope lab #1.  Introduction to using a microscope; show students how to use all focus rules, and how to correctly magnify images.  Complete a basic lab using the microscopes in class.  Study for scientific method quiz.

Text: none

Vocab:  ocular lens, objective lens, stage, light source, magnification, slides

Homework:  Lab handout will be due by end of period.  Study for quiz over scientific method (quiz will be tomorrow!!)

Objective: 100% of the class to score at least 85% or better on scientific method quiz (100/85).  Quiz will be on Quia.  Back in classroom, discuss the interdependence of living things.

Text: none

Vocab: see notes

Homework: none

Objective: Microscope lab #2.  Students will look at micro-organisms (mostly protozoans) under a microscope from a pond water sample.  They will complete a worksheet due at the end of the period.  Hand out review sheets for test one

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: lab worksheet due at end of period.

Objective: Discuss review sheet; biology test one on Tuesday, 9/6.  When finished, let students study in small groups.

Text: none

Vocab: see review

Homework: study as needed for Tuesday's test

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Biology 8/29-9/2

Objective: Begin discussing biology; introduce class with a short video podcast, and then discuss the basic principles of life, the unifying principles of biology, and also mention ethers & biogenesis.  Hand out a worksheet over these basic principles called, "Basic Life Principles Worksheet".

Text: none - see notes

Vocab:  adaptation, spontaneous generation, ethers, biogenesis, Redi, cells, genes, evolution, homeostasis

Homework: worksheet due at the end of class today.

Objective: microscope lab #1.  Introduction to using a microscope; show students how to use all focus rules, and how to correctly magnify images.  Complete a basic lab using the microscopes in class.  Study for scientific method quiz.

Text: none

Vocab:  ocular lens, objective lens, stage, light source, magnification, slides

Homework:  Lab handout will be due by end of period.  Study for quiz over scientific method (quiz will be tomorrow!!)

Objective: 100% of the class to score at least 85% or better on scientific method quiz (100/85).  Quiz will be on Quia.  Back in classroom, discuss the interdependence of living things.

Text: none

Vocab: see notes

Homework: none

Objective: Microscope lab #2.  Students will look at micro-organisms (mostly protozoans) under a microscope from a pond water sample.  They will complete a worksheet due at the end of the period.  Hand out review sheets for test one

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: lab worksheet due at end of period.

Objective: Discuss review sheet; biology test one on Tuesday, 9/6.  When finished, let students study in small groups.

Text: none

Vocab: see review

Homework: study as needed for Tuesday's test

Anatomy 8/29-9/2

Objective: Discuss body regions and quadrants.  Do an in-class worksheet over these areas which can be used as a helpful study guide.

Text:  pages 15-16

Vocab: dorsal, ventral, abdominal, abdominopelvic, pelvic, mediastium, pleural cavities
Homework:  worksheet due at end of period

Objective: Lab 2; basic microscopy.  Review parts of a microscope and look at a variety of slides.  Learn to familiarize yourself with how a microscope works, and be able to turn in the lab sheet by the end of the class period.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: lab handout due at end of period.

Objective:  To watch a relevant/modern video over the human body to help gain insight into the functions it performs on a daily basis.  The video will take the entire class period.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: Finish video as necessary.  Hand out review sheet for test and cover it; pair students together for study/Q&A sessions.

Text: chapter one in textbook

Vocab: see review sheet
Homework: study for test one

Objective: Open review period over the human body intro; attain mastery of information presented in unit 1.  Test will be on Tuesday, 9/6.

Text: review chapter one in A&P book; take book home if needed to study for the test

Vocab: see review sheet.
Homework: study as needed for anatomy test one.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Field Biology 8/22-8/26

Objective: Finish constructing insect study grids.  Measure average grass height.  Give students experience in using metric measurements, and making an accurate field study design.  Students will then be introduced to wildlife resources in America, and their importance will be discussed.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: Continue class discussion of wildlife resources.  Students will draw parallels between how resources today differ than resources from the past.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: Collect insects in student-constructed insect grids.  Students will learn how to collect, and also learn how to minimize field bias.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: Data collection and wrap up of wildlife resources.  Students will practice with the metric system and peer review any notes or points of uncertainty with one another.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: review notes for a quiz tomorrow.

Objective: All students should reach 100/85 mastery of the history of wildlife resources on today's quiz.  After the quiz, we will go outside and collect insects once again from the same grids.

Text:  none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Applied Biology 8/22-8/26

To familiarize students with this lesson plan blog; students will go to this site and answer questions which require them to navigate around on the blog.  This will give them practice using the blog in the days, weeks, and months throughout the school year.  When finished, preview the relevant class websites on the blog.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: blob assignment due Tuesday 8/23 at the beginning of class

Objective: I will be with my Juniors in the Commons for QSP/magazine sales.  The objective today is to familiarize yourself with the basics of biology and the scientific method.  Read pages 5-24 in the Biology textbook.

Text: pages 5-24.

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Discuss what science is, the themes of science, and the scientific method. 

Text:  none

Vocab: dependent variable, independent variable, control, hypothesis, theory, accuracy, objectivity
Homework:  review today's note set for at least 20 minutes

continue discussion of the scientific method; explain how science needs to be accurate, with clear directions.  Class activity.  Design your own experiments, which are due tomorrow 8/26.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: work on experimental design enough so that you can have it ready to turn in by tomorrow!

Objective: Finish working on experimental design.  Reach level of mastery with variables, and become fluent with the steps of the scientific method.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Biology 8/22-8/26

(4th & 7th hrs....2nd hour will be visiting the Josten's rep) To familiarize students with this lesson plan blog; students will go to this site and answer questions which require them to navigate around on the blog.  This will give them practice using the blog in the days, weeks, and months throughout the school year.  When finished, preview the relevant class websites on the blog. 

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework:  4th & 7th .... blog assignment due Tuesday 8/23.  2nd .... blog assignment due Thursday 8/25.  2nd period .... this assignment will need to be done on your own time!

Objective: Discuss what science is, the themes of science, and the scientific method

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: review today's notes for 20 minutes

Objective: continue discussion of the scientific method; explain how science needs to be accurate, with clear directions.  Class activity.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: review today's notes for 20 minutes, and reflect back on activity

Objective: Design an experiment on paper.  Be able to explain all steps of the scientific method, and review differences in variables.  4th hour Biology will not meet today, as they will be in their focus groups.

Text: none

Vocab: use relevant vocab found on note set

Homework:  experimental design will be due at the end of the period on Friday.  Do what is needed tonight to ensure you can hand it in on time tomorrow.

Objective: Finish experimental design, and turn in.  When you finish, study the scientific method, especially the variables.  The goal is to reach mastery level with variables by the end of this period.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Anatomy 8/22-8/26

Objective: To familiarize students with this lesson plan blog; students will go to this site and answer questions which require them to navigate around on the blog.  This will give them practice using the blog in the days, weeks, and months throughout the school year.  When finished, preview the relevant class websites on the blog.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework:  Finish lesson plan blog worksheet and turn in tomorrow. 

Objective: Begin discussing the fundamentals of anatomy ... what is it?  What are the divisions?  We will cover the major divisions of anatomy & physiology.  Also covered will be the principle of complimentarity of structure & function.

Text: pages 1-6

Vocab: anatomy, macroscopic, microscopic, responsiveness, irratibility, metabolism, excretion, nutrients

Homework: none

Objective: Discussion over homeostasis and positive vs negative feedback.  How does homeostasis help us?  What are the differences in feedback and why is it useful to know the difference?  You'll find out today.

Text: pages 8-12

Vocab: stimulus, afferent, efferent, set point, control center, affectors, effectors, response

Homework: none

Objective: Lab 1:  Today students will work on a lab, being able to apply concepts learned from macroscopic & microscopic anatomy.  They will put items into groups, and explore those items accordingly by investigating their anatomy.

Text: none

Vocab: see lab handout

Homework: lab handout due tomorrow

Objective: Begin discussing anatomical terms; make a modified graphic organizer to help remember the terms in question.  We will also investigate body planes that split the human physique into their respective halves/quadrants.

Text:  pages 12-15

Vocab: proximal, distal, superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, medial, lateral, intermediate

Homework:  none

Anatomy Seminar

There will be a weekly anatomy seminar in my room from 7:30-8:00 am every Friday morning.  This seminar will be a review of the week's material for anyone who wishes to attend.  It is highly recommended you attend these seminars, as they will help you to master the material for that week....especially in anatomy class!!   It will be guided instruction along with any questions you might have.  Seminar is basically an optional review class for anyone that wants to attend on that day.


Biology Seminar

There will be a weekly biology seminar in my room from 7:30-8:00 am every Thursday morning.  This seminar will be a review of the week's material for anyone who wishes to attend.  It is highly recommended you attend these seminars, as they will help you to master the material for that week.  It will be guided instruction along with any questions you might have.  Seminar is basically an optional review class for anyone that wants to attend on that day.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Field Biology 8/18-8/19


Objective:  Discuss class expectations, answer student questions, etc.  Discuss what equipment will be needed for class, and appropriate dress for field trips

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective:  Begin fall insect study on nature trail.  Discuss design, grids, etc

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: fill out personal information sheets if you didn't get them finished in class.

Applied Biology 8/18-8/19


Objective:  Discuss class expectations, answer student questions, etc

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: Introduction to biology; finish up any discussion over class expectations

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: fill out personal information sheets if you didn't get them finished in class.

Biology 8/18-8/19

Objective:  Discuss class expectations, answer student questions, etc

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: Introduction to biology; finish up any discussion over class expectations

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: fill out personal information sheets if you didn't get them finished in class.

Anatomy 8/18-8/19

Objective: Class basics; dismiss for high school class meeting first period.  Fifth period:  Go over class rules, expectations, etc

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: Class rules, expectations, etc for first period if needed; begin human body introduction

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Note Set & Extra Credit Policy

Note Set Policy:

I will be providing many of the note sets for this class.  Most of the important points will be on those notes, but you will have to add a few things here and there.  I will not print the notes and hand them to you; instead, it will be your responsibility to print the note sets and bring them to class each day.  I will try to email two-three chapters worth of note sets at a time, so you have plenty of time to print them off.  If you don't have a computer at home, no problem.  Just print them off in the CRC or wherever a printer is available in the school.    Why do I provide most of the notes?  It allows you to listen & take in more of what I'm teaching, rather than trying to play "catch up" by writing out our conversations. 

Extra Credit Policy:

Starting this school year, all extra-credit assignments/opportunities will be posted on this blog, and will be un-announced.  It will be up to you to check this blog and see what extra credit options are available to you at any given time.

Welcome to the 2011-2012 Rock Hills School Year!!

Hey everybody!

Welcome back to another year at Rock Hills High School!  I hope you all had a wonderful summer!!  This is my "official" lesson plan blog.  For those of you who have used it in the past, you're already up to speed with the format.  If you've never used it before, there's no better time than now to play around with it and see how it works.  Basically, this blog is your resource for all things related to Mr. Hadachek's classes.  There are links to homework documents, videos, and many other items.  Your class events will be posted so you can get an idea of what to expect for that week.  Just click on the correct date & class link to see what's coming up.  Have a great semester, and I will see you in class!!