Friday, August 19, 2011

Anatomy 8/22-8/26

Objective: To familiarize students with this lesson plan blog; students will go to this site and answer questions which require them to navigate around on the blog.  This will give them practice using the blog in the days, weeks, and months throughout the school year.  When finished, preview the relevant class websites on the blog.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework:  Finish lesson plan blog worksheet and turn in tomorrow. 

Objective: Begin discussing the fundamentals of anatomy ... what is it?  What are the divisions?  We will cover the major divisions of anatomy & physiology.  Also covered will be the principle of complimentarity of structure & function.

Text: pages 1-6

Vocab: anatomy, macroscopic, microscopic, responsiveness, irratibility, metabolism, excretion, nutrients

Homework: none

Objective: Discussion over homeostasis and positive vs negative feedback.  How does homeostasis help us?  What are the differences in feedback and why is it useful to know the difference?  You'll find out today.

Text: pages 8-12

Vocab: stimulus, afferent, efferent, set point, control center, affectors, effectors, response

Homework: none

Objective: Lab 1:  Today students will work on a lab, being able to apply concepts learned from macroscopic & microscopic anatomy.  They will put items into groups, and explore those items accordingly by investigating their anatomy.

Text: none

Vocab: see lab handout

Homework: lab handout due tomorrow

Objective: Begin discussing anatomical terms; make a modified graphic organizer to help remember the terms in question.  We will also investigate body planes that split the human physique into their respective halves/quadrants.

Text:  pages 12-15

Vocab: proximal, distal, superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, medial, lateral, intermediate

Homework:  none