Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Anatomy 8/29-9/2

Objective: Discuss body regions and quadrants.  Do an in-class worksheet over these areas which can be used as a helpful study guide.

Text:  pages 15-16

Vocab: dorsal, ventral, abdominal, abdominopelvic, pelvic, mediastium, pleural cavities
Homework:  worksheet due at end of period

Objective: Lab 2; basic microscopy.  Review parts of a microscope and look at a variety of slides.  Learn to familiarize yourself with how a microscope works, and be able to turn in the lab sheet by the end of the class period.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: lab handout due at end of period.

Objective:  To watch a relevant/modern video over the human body to help gain insight into the functions it performs on a daily basis.  The video will take the entire class period.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: Finish video as necessary.  Hand out review sheet for test and cover it; pair students together for study/Q&A sessions.

Text: chapter one in textbook

Vocab: see review sheet
Homework: study for test one

Objective: Open review period over the human body intro; attain mastery of information presented in unit 1.  Test will be on Tuesday, 9/6.

Text: review chapter one in A&P book; take book home if needed to study for the test

Vocab: see review sheet.
Homework: study as needed for anatomy test one.