Friday, August 19, 2011

Biology 8/22-8/26

(4th & 7th hrs....2nd hour will be visiting the Josten's rep) To familiarize students with this lesson plan blog; students will go to this site and answer questions which require them to navigate around on the blog.  This will give them practice using the blog in the days, weeks, and months throughout the school year.  When finished, preview the relevant class websites on the blog. 

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework:  4th & 7th .... blog assignment due Tuesday 8/23.  2nd .... blog assignment due Thursday 8/25.  2nd period .... this assignment will need to be done on your own time!

Objective: Discuss what science is, the themes of science, and the scientific method

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: review today's notes for 20 minutes

Objective: continue discussion of the scientific method; explain how science needs to be accurate, with clear directions.  Class activity.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: review today's notes for 20 minutes, and reflect back on activity

Objective: Design an experiment on paper.  Be able to explain all steps of the scientific method, and review differences in variables.  4th hour Biology will not meet today, as they will be in their focus groups.

Text: none

Vocab: use relevant vocab found on note set

Homework:  experimental design will be due at the end of the period on Friday.  Do what is needed tonight to ensure you can hand it in on time tomorrow.

Objective: Finish experimental design, and turn in.  When you finish, study the scientific method, especially the variables.  The goal is to reach mastery level with variables by the end of this period.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none