Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Field Biology 1/30-2/3


Field work - scavenger hunt


Canada goose restoration and worksheet


Field work weather permitting


Field work weather permitting


Field work weather permitting

Anatomy 1/30-2/3


Today we will show a video over the special senses, highlighting the sense of taste.  This is an introduction for the smell/taste portion of the unit, and we will begin covering that tomorrow.


Hand out a survey over individual taste preferences.  Today we will introduce the difference between taste and smell, and why each of those are important in our everyday lives.  We will also cover the differences between circumvallate and fungiform papillae.


Today we will review taste bud categories and perform a lab over taste.  This lab will demonstrate whether or not people are non-tasters, average tasters, or super tasters.  A lab handout will be given and will be due on Friday


Today we will be doing differentiated instruction over the special senses


Review the senses of smell & taste, and take a quiz over this material.  There will be an 85/85 performance objective on this quiz.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Biology 1/30-2/3


Today we will continue our paperslide video projects over the carbon cycle.  Remember, you need three major components:  1) How photosynthesis and cellular respiration are linked together, how decomposers return carbon to the soil, and how carbon cycles through the environment.  2)  A component over deforestation, vehicle emissions, or something equivalent that deals with increasing carbon dioxide, and why this is alarming.  3)  What we can do to help reduce these problems and make the environment healthier.  This project is due by 4pm on Wednesday.  Watch the video lecture over the nitrogen cycle by class on Thursday.


Begin wrap-up of the carbon cycle paperslide video.  Most of your work on it should be done by now, and you should be at the point where you are ready or are close to ready to film your presentation.


Final day to work on paperslide videos if needed.  We will go outside weather (and paperslide project) permitting for application of the principles learned this week.  Remember, paperslide video projects are due by 4pm TODAY!!!


Discuss the nitrogen cycle, and evaluate student notes over the nitrogen cycle.  Differentiated learning over the nitrogen cycle


Take a quiz over the nitrogen cycle and the carbon cycle.  There is an 85/85 performance objective for this quiz.  There will be a test over biogeochemical cycles (water, carbon, nitrogen) next Wednesday.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Field Biology 1/23-1/27


Field work


Field work


Field work


Field work


Field work

Applied Biology 1/23-1/27

This week's important reminders & objectives:
  • There will be a quiz over the water cycle on Friday.  You will need to know what condensation, transpiration, & evaporation are, and how they work in the water cycle
  • Objective:  To extend density dependent limiting factors and introduce/reinforce the water & carbon cycles on how they relate to your life as well as for state assessment prep


Today we will watch a video over one of, if not THE deadliest virus on the planet - Ebola.  The video documentary takes place in Kikwit, Zaire.  This video will extend upon the principles learned last week with disease as a density-dependent limiting factor.


Today we will  finish yesterday's video and then perform a virtual dissection in the CRC.  You will take two quizzes in this dissection and they will be graded.


Today we will discuss the water cycle in class, and look up water cycle animations on the computer.  You will also have an Edmodo assignment due by the end of class today.


Review photosynthesis and cellular respiration.  Tie in these processes to state standards.  Do worksheet.


There will be a water cycle quiz today.  Review the carbon cycle notes in class, as well as state standards discussing these cycles

Biology 1/23-1/27

This week's important reminders & objectives:
  • You have two Video Lectures to watch this week (water cycle, carbon cycle). Both are up and can be found either on Edmodo or on the lesson plan blog.  Remember, you need to watch these and take notes, as I will grade your notes over the material.
  • There will be a quiz over the water cycle on Friday.  You will need to know what condensation, transpiration, & evaporation are, and how they work in the water cycle
  • Objective:  To extend density dependent limiting factors and introduce/reinforce the water & carbon cycles on how they relate to your life as well as for state assessment prep


Today we will watch a video over one of, if not THE deadliest virus on the planet - Ebola.  The video documentary takes place in Kikwit, Zaire.  This video will extend upon the principles learned last week with disease as a density-dependent limiting factor.


Today we will  finish yesterday's video and then perform a virtual dissection in the CRC.  You will take two quizzes in this dissection and they will be graded.


Review the water cycle video and grade student notes.  Today we will do a "county commissioner meeting" over the water cycle.  This is a critical-thinking activity that involves the entire class.


Finish the county commissioner meeting.  Review state standards over the water cycle and review photosynthesis & cellular respiration equations.


There will be a water cycle quiz today.  Review the carbon cycle notes in class, as well as state standards discussing these cycles

Anatomy 1/23-1/27

Important Reminders This Week:
  • There are TWO Edmodo assignments due this week.  One will be due on Thursday, the other will be due on Friday, both will be due by 4pm.  Check out your Edmodo account for details.....
  • There is a test on Friday over the nervous system...be sure you study for it!  A review over the test will be posted on Edmodo by Tuesday.


Discuss sleep/wake cycles and dreams.  The information covered in today's discussion will be the subject of the Edmodo assignment due on Thursday.


Today we will discuss the review sheet for the nervous system unit.  Also, review sleep/wake cycles and dreams.


Open review for the nervous system unit, plus a cell phone review component will help students to reach the goal of 85% of students scoring an 85% on the nervous system unit test.


Open review for the nervous system unit test today. Edmodo assignment #1 due by 4pm.


Edmodo assignment #2 due by 4pm.  Today there will be a test over the nervous system unit.  There is an 85/85 performance objective on this test.  This test will be a paper test, and NOT on Quia!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Anatomy 1/16-1/20


Brain dissection lab will be started today; students will need to do a worksheet over the brain dissection procedure worth 31 points.  The worksheet is due Thursday


Finish brain dissection, then watch an HHMI video over Broca's Area and other "specialty" brain areas


Finish HHMI video; review Broca's Area and Wernicke's Area, and introduce personality traits & the prefrontal cortex


Review personality studies of the past, including lobotomies and why they were done in the CRC.  Post a link to an article you researched to Edmodo, and discuss your review in the "comments" section.  Brain dissection worksheet due today.....


Wrap-up/review the week's material, and introduce the hypothalamus & thalamus

Applied Biology 1/16-1/20

Edmodo assignment due Thursday!
Lecture video over Limiting Factors due Thursday!


Complete the food chain activity in the CRC (log onto Edmodo to see the activity); the purpose of this is to show students how food chain relationships work, and how organisms interact in a food chain.  This will prepare students for the ecology portion of the state assessment test, and help them to gain a new perspective on life in the environment.  There is an Edmodo assignment due on Thursday of this week!!  If you finish early, work on the Edmodo assignment and/or watch the video lecture over Limiting Factors, which is due by class on Thursday.


Review food chains, and introduce carrying capacity; discuss the differences between numbers and density of life forms in a given area.  Discuss mortality, natality, and bizarre wildlife accidents when interacting with human beings.  If you finish early, watch the video lecture over Limiting Factors.


Carrying capacity lab; if you finish early, watch the video lecture over Limiting Factors.


Please have the video lecture over Limiting Factors watched by class today.  Also, the Edmodo assignment over carrying capacity is due today by 4pm.  Use your cell phones to make a video review for a quiz tomorrow.


There will be an Ecology Quiz in the CRC today.  There is a 100/85 performance objective for this quiz.

Biology 1/16-1/20

Edmodo assignment due Thursday!
Lecture video over Limiting Factors due Thursday!


Complete the food chain activity in the CRC (log onto Edmodo to see the activity); the purpose of this is to show students how food chain relationships work, and how organisms interact in a food chain.  This will prepare students for the ecology portion of the state assessment test, and help them to gain a new perspective on life in the environment.  There is an Edmodo assignment due on Thursday of this week!!  If you finish early, work on the Edmodo assignment and/or watch the video lecture over Limiting Factors, which is due by class on Thursday.


Review food chains, and introduce carrying capacity; discuss the differences between numbers and density of life forms in a given area.  Discuss mortality, natality, and bizarre wildlife accidents when interacting with human beings.  If you finish early, watch the video lecture over Limiting Factors.


Carrying capacity lab; if you finish early, watch the video lecture over Limiting Factors.


Please have the video lecture over Limiting Factors watched by class today.  Also, the Edmodo assignment over carrying capacity is due today by 4pm.  Use your cell phones to make a video review for a quiz tomorrow.


There will be an Ecology Quiz in the CRC today.  There is a 100/85 performance objective for this quiz.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Field Biology 1/9-1/13


Introduce the quail management unit.  Edmodo assignment due on Wednesday.


Basketball - 3/5 students absent; review quail management


Continue quail management unit, and discuss cover manipulation for quail survival.  Edmodo assignment due today.  Hand out worksheet over quail management.


Continue quail management, focusing on herbicide treatments and burn regimes.  Worksheet due today.


Baskeball - 3/5 students absent; review quail management.

Anatomy 1/9-1/13


Finish video projects over the nervous system.  These projects are due by the end of the period today.  Homework for WEDNESDAY:  Watch the "Brain Anatomy, Cerebrum, Cerebral Cortex" video lecture by class on Wednesday.


Today we will watch a video over the brain


Review "Brain Anatomy, Cerebrum, Cerebral Cortex" video lecture.  Today we will do differentiated activities focusing on the vocab for the central nervous system.  This will help students reinforce and master vocab up to this point in the unit, and introduce new vocabulary for future class periods.


Review "Sensory Areas" video lecture.  Get into groups and design an activity that can be performed in class tomorrow highlighting the importance of these sensory areas.  Homework for MONDAY:  Watch the "Motor Areas, Broca's Area & Prefrontal Cortex" video lecture by class time on Monday.


Student-designed activities over sensory areas of the brain, turn in worksheet.  Remember to watch the video lecture by class on Monday so you're prepared for the activities on that day.

Biology 1/9-1/13


Finish video presentations over classification systems, and review the correct format when writing scientific names.  All video presentations are due by 4pm today. Homework for WEDNESDAY:  Watch the "Ecosystems & Biomass" video lecture by class on Wednesday.


Owl pellet lab today.  Homework for THURSDAY:  Watch the "Producers, Consumers, Decomposers, and Food Webs" video lecture by class on Thursday.


Review the information in the "Ecosystems & Biomass" video.  Differentiated activity over the information in this video.


Review the information in the "Producers, Consumers, Decomposers, and Food Webs" video.  Differentiated instruction/activities over this lab today in class.  These activities will be due by the end of class on Friday.  Attain the level of mastery on food webs and the owl pellet example.  Homework for MONDAY:  Watch the "Carrying Capacity & Limiting Factors" video lecture by class on Monday.


Work on the owl pellet lab projects.  These projects are designed to provide extension/enrichment on food chains and the owl pellet project.  These projects are due by the end of class today.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Field Biology 1/3-1/6


Field work - wildlife habitat evaluations (filmed)


Field work - wildlife habitat evaluations (filmed)


Field work - wildlife habitat evaluations (filmed)


Wildlife habitat evaluation wrap-up

Anatomy 1/3-1/6


Discuss brain differences between males and females, and how they effect their respective behaviors. Have the lecture videos over central & peripheral nervous systems watched by class time on Thursday.  I will grade the notes you took over these videos for ten points per nervous system note set.  Therefore, 20 total points will be assigned over these lecture videos.  Be sure you watch them!!


Students will watch an HHMI video over the nervous system today in class.


The central & peripheral nervous system videos must be watched by the beginning of class today.  Students will be broken into groups, and will do research over a particular nervous system division.


Work on your research for the assigned nervous system division.  Prepare visuals and work out details to film a presentation over your research to the class.  This research must be filmed by the end of the school day on Monday.

Applied Biology 1/3-1/6


Introduce biological classification systems.  Show how to construct a dichotomous key.  Give each student a list of animals and/or items to key out for practice.


Watch the video over classification in class; the video will be explained, and each student will be given a list of organisms in a series of kingdoms to research and present via video.  Research these animals in the CRC.


Continue and finish your research over the organisms within your classification level in the CRC.  Prepare visuals for your video presentation in class.


Finish up visuals for your classification presentation, and record these presentations on video during class.

Biology 1/3-1/6


Begin the discussion of classification.  Explain how to set up dichotomous keys.  Please watch the classification video lecture by this Thursday.


Differentiated group work - designing dichotomous keys in groups.  These group mini-projects will be graded.


Have the classification video lecture watched by class today.  I will grade your notes over this video, so be sure you have written the notes over the lecture.  Students will be placed into groups, and given a different kingdom to research.  Students will go to the CRC to complete this research.


Student groups will work on designing their presentation materials for the class presentation over the biology kingdoms.  This presentation will take place on Monday 1/9.