Monday, January 30, 2012

Biology 1/30-2/3


Today we will continue our paperslide video projects over the carbon cycle.  Remember, you need three major components:  1) How photosynthesis and cellular respiration are linked together, how decomposers return carbon to the soil, and how carbon cycles through the environment.  2)  A component over deforestation, vehicle emissions, or something equivalent that deals with increasing carbon dioxide, and why this is alarming.  3)  What we can do to help reduce these problems and make the environment healthier.  This project is due by 4pm on Wednesday.  Watch the video lecture over the nitrogen cycle by class on Thursday.


Begin wrap-up of the carbon cycle paperslide video.  Most of your work on it should be done by now, and you should be at the point where you are ready or are close to ready to film your presentation.


Final day to work on paperslide videos if needed.  We will go outside weather (and paperslide project) permitting for application of the principles learned this week.  Remember, paperslide video projects are due by 4pm TODAY!!!


Discuss the nitrogen cycle, and evaluate student notes over the nitrogen cycle.  Differentiated learning over the nitrogen cycle


Take a quiz over the nitrogen cycle and the carbon cycle.  There is an 85/85 performance objective for this quiz.  There will be a test over biogeochemical cycles (water, carbon, nitrogen) next Wednesday.