Sunday, January 8, 2012

Biology 1/9-1/13


Finish video presentations over classification systems, and review the correct format when writing scientific names.  All video presentations are due by 4pm today. Homework for WEDNESDAY:  Watch the "Ecosystems & Biomass" video lecture by class on Wednesday.


Owl pellet lab today.  Homework for THURSDAY:  Watch the "Producers, Consumers, Decomposers, and Food Webs" video lecture by class on Thursday.


Review the information in the "Ecosystems & Biomass" video.  Differentiated activity over the information in this video.


Review the information in the "Producers, Consumers, Decomposers, and Food Webs" video.  Differentiated instruction/activities over this lab today in class.  These activities will be due by the end of class on Friday.  Attain the level of mastery on food webs and the owl pellet example.  Homework for MONDAY:  Watch the "Carrying Capacity & Limiting Factors" video lecture by class on Monday.


Work on the owl pellet lab projects.  These projects are designed to provide extension/enrichment on food chains and the owl pellet project.  These projects are due by the end of class today.