Sunday, January 22, 2012

Biology 1/23-1/27

This week's important reminders & objectives:
  • You have two Video Lectures to watch this week (water cycle, carbon cycle). Both are up and can be found either on Edmodo or on the lesson plan blog.  Remember, you need to watch these and take notes, as I will grade your notes over the material.
  • There will be a quiz over the water cycle on Friday.  You will need to know what condensation, transpiration, & evaporation are, and how they work in the water cycle
  • Objective:  To extend density dependent limiting factors and introduce/reinforce the water & carbon cycles on how they relate to your life as well as for state assessment prep


Today we will watch a video over one of, if not THE deadliest virus on the planet - Ebola.  The video documentary takes place in Kikwit, Zaire.  This video will extend upon the principles learned last week with disease as a density-dependent limiting factor.


Today we will  finish yesterday's video and then perform a virtual dissection in the CRC.  You will take two quizzes in this dissection and they will be graded.


Review the water cycle video and grade student notes.  Today we will do a "county commissioner meeting" over the water cycle.  This is a critical-thinking activity that involves the entire class.


Finish the county commissioner meeting.  Review state standards over the water cycle and review photosynthesis & cellular respiration equations.


There will be a water cycle quiz today.  Review the carbon cycle notes in class, as well as state standards discussing these cycles