Sunday, January 15, 2012

Applied Biology 1/16-1/20

Edmodo assignment due Thursday!
Lecture video over Limiting Factors due Thursday!


Complete the food chain activity in the CRC (log onto Edmodo to see the activity); the purpose of this is to show students how food chain relationships work, and how organisms interact in a food chain.  This will prepare students for the ecology portion of the state assessment test, and help them to gain a new perspective on life in the environment.  There is an Edmodo assignment due on Thursday of this week!!  If you finish early, work on the Edmodo assignment and/or watch the video lecture over Limiting Factors, which is due by class on Thursday.


Review food chains, and introduce carrying capacity; discuss the differences between numbers and density of life forms in a given area.  Discuss mortality, natality, and bizarre wildlife accidents when interacting with human beings.  If you finish early, watch the video lecture over Limiting Factors.


Carrying capacity lab; if you finish early, watch the video lecture over Limiting Factors.


Please have the video lecture over Limiting Factors watched by class today.  Also, the Edmodo assignment over carrying capacity is due today by 4pm.  Use your cell phones to make a video review for a quiz tomorrow.


There will be an Ecology Quiz in the CRC today.  There is a 100/85 performance objective for this quiz.