Monday, April 28, 2014

Miss Class Today (4/28)? Here's the scoop:


We did the modular activity today.  This assignment is due by the end of class tomorrow, so it's critical that you work on it so you stay within the school's homework policy.  Read through this assignment and click on the links to complete it.  If you can't print it out, no problemo!  Just answer and send via E Mail to my school E Mail address!  The lab portion (Module 5) you will have to do in class.


We updated our bird watching journals on Google Drive, including the pictures we took.  Please do this ASAP.

Life Science:
Modular activity over the importance of algae


Cat dissection.  See me about procedure question set #1 if you missed (Hunter).

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Lesson Plans 4/28 - 5/2

Time Codes:

Biology 0:43
Zoology 2:17
Anatomy 2:58
Field Biology 3:40
Life Science 4:51

Life Science 4/28 - 5/2

Objective this week:  To learn what microscopic life forms exist in the water you use for recreational activities.  Learning will be assessed through lab work and directed questions.

Lake water lab today - protista.  Complete lab handout.

The handout can be found at this link:

Track meet today - yesterday's lab handout due for all students.  Any student not in track will begin setup of their reflection project

Hadachek absent - video today

Thursday, Friday
Reflection projects on these days

Field Biology 4/28 - 5/2

Objective this week:  To successfully complete an aquatic insect study and to continue preparing for the city wide cleanup.  Learning will be assessed through directed questions to students while in the field.

Project CLEAN continued; finalize the flyer for businesses.  PR work on the lesson plan blog.  Review business list and place sign up sheet in office for city cleanup.

Distribute flyers to downtown businesses

Field trip to Manhattan, KS

Reflect on field trip and enter data into aquatic insect journals

Aquatic insect study at Emerson Lake

Anatomy 4/28 - 5/2

Objective this week:  To understand key principles of lessons throughout the year via cat dissection.  Learning will be assessed through directed student questions as well as a quiz at the end of the week.

Monday, Tuesday
Cat dissection - external anatomy and cardiovascular system.  

Hadachek absent - video

Thursday, Friday
Cat dissection - cardiovascular system and digestive system plus quiz over these areas

Zoology 4/28 - 5/2

Objective this week:  To understand and master the internal and external components of a bird's anatomy through dissection.  Assessment of learning will be evident through successful completion of a dissection lab practical by the end of this week.

Make necessary additions to bird watching journals.  Internal dissection of birds

Finish bird dissection as necessary and begin studying for Friday's dissection practical

Hadachek absent - bird video

Open review for bird practical

Bird practical today - there is a 100/85 performance objective on this practical

Biology 4/28 - 5/2

Objective this week:  To understand different aspects of the protista.  Learning will be assessed through successful, accurate completion of a modular activity as well as a quiz on Friday.

Modular activity - protista (multiple components)

Modular activity continued (finish components)

Hadachek absent - watch video

Review for protista quiz

Protista quiz 1

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Anatomy Assignment due Tuesday 4/29

Please read this article link:

The article lists several reasons as to why this device might be helpful for people.  Write a review of the article in complete sentences and explain the benefits.  Then discuss your thoughts on what sort of consequences this device may cause.  This needs to be written in paragraph form and will be worth ten points.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Biology Assignment due 4/25:

Using the worksheet found at the link below, answer the questions and submit to me.  You can either print off a hard copy and submit the answers or you can E Mail me the answers to my school E Mail address (this is probably the easiest option of the two)......this will be due at the beginning of class, 4/25 (8:15am).  If you have questions, please E Mail me your questions/concerns or visit with me before school to get help with the assignment.  Thanks.

Assignment link:

Field Biology Assignment 4/23

Objective:  Your goal today is to expand upon your learning and understanding of the life cycle of an aquatic insect.  Choose an aquatic insect of your choice from the five selections below:

  • Mayfly
  • Dragonfly
  • Damselfly
  • Water Boatman
  • Backswimmers

Now do the following via E Mail submission and complete sentences:  

  1. Find a web site that discusses the aquatic insect.
  2. Review the website and write down at least five interesting facts you learned from the website regarding it's lifecycle, eating habits, body plan, etc.  (+5)
  3. Share the web-site URL with me as a link (+2)
  4. Find a YouTube video dealing with the life cycle of one of these insects.  Watch the video.  
  5. Write down a minimum of three facts about this video and explain why you chose it (+3)
  6. Share the YouTube video with me as a link (+2)

This will be due tomorrow 4/24/14 by class.

Here's an example of how to set up the assignment E Mail:

Web-site Link:  (put URL link here)

Interesting web site facts:

YouTube Link: (put URL link here)

Interesting video facts/why did I choose this?

Monday, April 21, 2014

Life Science 4/22 - 4/25

Objective this week:  To work on the reflection project, finalize your study plan, and share your journal with me in Google Drive.

Tuesday - Friday
Differentiated group work:  Work on the reflection project, share your journal with me in Google Drive, and begin your reflection research.

Field Biology 4/22 - 4/25

Objective this week:  To work on the CLEAN project and prepare for the aquatic insect study

CLEAN project - discuss, prepare, clean.

Wednesday - Friday
Aquatic insect life cycles and CLEAN project as needed

Anatomy 4/22 - 4/25

Objective this week:  To understand the functionality of the digestive system through classroom lecture and hands-on dissection procedure.

Tuesday & Wednesday
Begin discussing major structures of the digestive system

Thursday & Friday
Cat dissection & analysis of it's digestive system

Zoology 4/22 - 4/25

Objective this week:  To learn the anatomy of a bird through a pigeon dissection & continue our bird watching journals

Update bird watching journals.  Begin bird dissection #1 - external anatomy.

Bird dissection #2 - internal anatomy.

Bird watching route #2.

Update journal.  Bird watching journal route #3.

Biology 4/22 - 4/25

Objective this week:  To work on the semester reflection project and the Google Doc that must accompany it.

Much of the class will be gone today for the track meet.  Work on the reflection project and add specifics to your testable idea.  Share the Google Doc with me.

Create a hypothesis to add to the reflection project.  This will help narrow your focus in the project itself.  All proposals must be completed - and shared with me - by Friday of this week.

Thursday, Friday
Kingdom Protista/reflection projects

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Music Review Battles

Here is a new idea I thought about for a review .... I call them, "Music Review" battles where we have a friendly competition between two groups of students.  They write as much as they can on the board based of what knowledge they've retained, and then I have them switch off with other students in the group and they add to the content on the board.  All while jamming out to some righteous tunes!  We then reflect on accuracy when finished.

Here's a pair-off between two students discussing bird adaptations ..... being inspired by Van Halen's "Jump"!

Biology Reflection Project Info .....

Here are the guidelines for the reflection project for biology:

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Life Science .... Reflection Project Specifics

Here are the specifics for the Life Science Reflection Project:

Here are specifics for how to change formats in Google Drive:

Field Biology Aquatic Insect Study Journal Setup

Here are the specifics for the journal you need to set up for the aquatic insect study:

Here is a video on how to make changes to Google Docs to customize the look of it.  I have also included a link to this video in the assignment specifics above:

Monday, April 14, 2014

Biology Test Teaser .....

......try to answer this question:

4. As the years go by, bacteria have remained very small, simple living organisms.  In terms of the future, is it in their advantage to become more complex, or to remain small and simple for long term survival?  Explain.  (+4)

Anatomy Class - Review for Thursday's Test:

Here is the review for Thursday's reproductive unit/pregnancy test:

Let me know if you have any questions in class or by E Mail.  Thanks!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Aquatic Field Study

My Field Biology students recently went out to investigate aquatic animals.  We are beginning our spring field study over aquatic insects....stay tuned for updates!!!

A Practical Guide to Bird Beaks

Here is a video highlighting useful information about bird beaks as explained by one of my students:

Life Science 4/14 - 4/17

Objective this week:  To create an end-of-year reflection project that will demonstrate understanding of important content throughout both semesters.

Finish earthworm dissection.  Dissection packet due today.  Also discuss planaria lab

Begin nature trail journal and brainstorm for your end of year project

Nature trail work and review for worm quiz tomorrow.

Nature trail work and worm quiz.

Field Biology 4/14 - 4/17

Objective this week:  To make progress with our community cleanup project and to learn & understand the life cycles of aquatic insects

Begin the aquatic insect unit.  This will serve as a basis for our spring field study

Lunch meeting with the Chamber of Commerce

Field study/community project

Field study/community project

Anatomy 4/14 - 4/17

Objective this week:  To understand the key events that occur in childbirth and to relate that importance to your life.  There will be a test at the end of this week over the pregnancy/reproduction unit with a 100/80 performance objective

Discuss pregnancy/key events during the childbirth process

Wrap up the pregnancy and reproduction unit.  Begin reviewing for Thursday's test....

Test review today

Test - reproductive/pregnancy unit

Zoology 4/14 - 4/17

Objective this week:  Learn and understand the importance of the amniotic egg and internal anatomy of birds.  There will be a bird quiz on Thursday.

Begin investigating the internal anatomy of birds and discuss the structure and importance of the amniotic egg.  Remember the Google Doc for your birdwatching journal is due by class tomorrow for a grade and there will be NO class time to work on it.  Be sure you complete this activity if you want the points for it ......

Birdwatching route #1 today (weather pending) or migratory bird video (poor/cold weather)

Migratory bird video or birdwatching route #1 (weather pending)

Bird quiz and finish migration video

Biology 4/14 - 4/17

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of bacteria and viruses to your life and for 100% of the class to score at least an 85% on Wednesday's test over this content.

Finish bacteria culture plate lab (due today) and begin review for Wednesday's test

Test review - bacteria and viruses

Bacteria and virus test

Begin discussing the protista

Friday, April 11, 2014

Review for Bacteria/Virus Test ....

Here's what you need to know about bacteria and viruses:

Understand the real-world importance of bacteria and viruses - know examples of how bacteria can help us, and how they can make us sick.  Same with viruses.

Think about the importance of bacteria in dairy products and as decomposers in the food chain.  What would life be like without these important microbes?

How do we classify bacteria?  Know this!

  • By shape - review your notes for the shapes
  • By color (purple, pink)
  • By environment (where they live)
How about the differences between archaea (extremophiles) and eubacteria?  These differences are important, so know them ......

Do you know the differences between thermophiles, halophiles, and methanogens?  Important stuff right here!!

Viruses - what are they really?  Are they TRULY alive??

What are differences between the lytic viral cycle and the lysogenic viral cycle??

**Above all else, be able to relate the importance of bacteria and viruses to .... YOU!!!!!

E Mail me if you have any questions to my school E Mail address.  Thanks!!!  I hope you guys rock this test, I know you can do it!!!!

Earthworm Selfie!

An earthworm selfie with my students just because they're awesome!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Importance of BUILDING Things .....

I've always been a big believer that science is about doing things, and not just listening to things.  So many students learn differently - and I love giving them opportunities to build models to help them learn concepts.  Here is a student explaining the importance of building models of bird beaks.  Turn up your speakers, she isn't talking very loud :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Zoology Bird Watching Journals

Here are the specifics for the bird watching journal:

Here's how to use Google Drive and make changes to Google Docs .... use this as a reference as often as you need ....

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Introducing "Scream"

A student recently brought me a juvenile Great Plains rat snake.  My zoology students instantly noticed something very interesting about the pattern on the back of the snake's head:   It has a mask/hood pattern almost identical to the one worn in the popular horror movie franchise "Scream", thus giving the snake it's name.  It never ceases to amaze me how creative my students are!!  What do you think?  Can you see the hood and mask??

Anatomy quiz tomorrow, 4/9/14. Here's what to study:

Male reproductive system components - testes, epididymis, ductus deferens.   Know the functions of these.

Understand why the prostate gland is important in males, and issues males have with this structure.

Female reproductive system components - ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina - know the functions of these.

Understand differences between the ovarian cycle and the menstrual cycle.  Where does each happen at?  Why do they work together, even though they occur in slightly different areas??  What is ovulation?  What is a corpus luteum?

These are items to concentrate on for tomorrow's quiz.  Stop by early for a quick review if you have concerns, or E Mail me for more study tips ... thanks!

Life Science 4/8/14: What you missed

In class today, we discussed symbiotic relationships - meaning relationships of organisms living together closely for possible benefit.

Two major types of symbiotic relationships discussed in class today included:

Mutualism - both organisms work together and benefit each other in some way.  Example:  Mutualistic bacteria in the digestive tract

Parasitism - one organism benefits, the other is harmed.  Class examples included ticks, fleas, parasitic worms, etc.

We also discussed different groups of worms, including flatworms, roundworms, and segmented worms.

The flatworms discussed include planarians (free-living/no host required) and tapeworms (parasitic)

We discussed parasitic roundworms....

We also talked about segmented worms, including earthworms and leeches.  Environmental benefits for each were discussed.  The importance of a body cavity was discussed also.

**See me for extra facts you missed after getting these notes...thanks!!!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Bacteria - a basic class review

Here is a very basic review for what we've learned so far in the  bacteria unit:

There are two Kingdoms of bacteria - Archaea and Eubacteria.

Archaea is more of an "old school" primitive bacteria that live in extreme places (we sometimes call them extremophiles).

There are several types of Archaea, including:  Thermophiles (heat lovers), Halophiles (salt lovers), and Methanogens (bacteria living in the digestive tract).

Eubacteria = most every other bacteria type

We can classify bacteria several ways, including by shape and stain color!

By shape:  Bacillus:  Rod-shaped.  Coccus:  Spherical.  Spirillum:  Spiral-shaped.

There are many more GOOD bacteria than BAD bacteria!

Bacteria have many positive uses, including defense against disease/infections, in the dairy industry, etc

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Hydra Labs....

These are freshwater hydra.  They are known for their near-limitless lifespan and asexual budding.  We recently completed a lab with these amazing creatures in 7th grade Life Science!!!

Life Science 4/7 - 4/11

Objective this week:  To understand the anatomy of lower-order animals through lab work and a dissection.

Planarian lab and planarian regeneration

Worm dissection 1

Finish work dissection.  Class outside to nature trail

Review for quiz over labs and earthworms

Quiz and video

Field Biology 4/7-4/11

Objective this week:  To continue working on the community service project and learn the basics of aquatic insect life cycles

Aquatic insect lifecycles

Field trip - county transfer station tour

Community project/Chamber of Commerce meeting

Thursday - Friday
Community project/aquatic insect lifecycles

Anatomy 4/7 - 4/11

Objective this week:  Understand the importance of STI's, contraceptives, and learn the basics of embryonic/infant development and pregnancy

Contraceptives 101; "In the Womb:  Multiples" video

Quiz - 7th period.  Continue video

Video wrap-up/reflection of video content

Continue infant development discussion/lecture

Zoology 4/7-4/11

Objective this week:  To understand the basics of bird anatomy, and differences in bird species

Introduction to birds - explain the evolutionary link between birds and reptiles as well as mutation importance.  

Bird anatomy - external and internal anatomy.  

Bird walk #1 - backyard wildlife

Bird anatomy part two

Video - migratory birds

Biology 4/7-4/11

Objective this week: To understand the important differences between bacteria and viruses and identify the common places you can find each.

Bacteria awareness and checking on culture plate lab.  Live animal component of lab today.  Begin discussing viruses

Watch the Ebola virus video

Discuss viruses - including different types of viruses

Explain common bacterial and viral infections.  Finish virus notes

Review for Tuesday's bacteria/virus test.  Complete the culture plate lab and reflect on your results

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Life Science Updates

If you've missed Life Science this week, we have been working on our bacteria paperslide shows.  Most groups have finished drawing/constructing their shows, and now they are choosing music for the shows and getting ready to film their presentations.  Please see me when you get back so you can finish the work on your show and get it recorded...thanks!!