Monday, April 7, 2014

Bacteria - a basic class review

Here is a very basic review for what we've learned so far in the  bacteria unit:

There are two Kingdoms of bacteria - Archaea and Eubacteria.

Archaea is more of an "old school" primitive bacteria that live in extreme places (we sometimes call them extremophiles).

There are several types of Archaea, including:  Thermophiles (heat lovers), Halophiles (salt lovers), and Methanogens (bacteria living in the digestive tract).

Eubacteria = most every other bacteria type

We can classify bacteria several ways, including by shape and stain color!

By shape:  Bacillus:  Rod-shaped.  Coccus:  Spherical.  Spirillum:  Spiral-shaped.

There are many more GOOD bacteria than BAD bacteria!

Bacteria have many positive uses, including defense against disease/infections, in the dairy industry, etc