Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Field Biology Assignment 4/23

Objective:  Your goal today is to expand upon your learning and understanding of the life cycle of an aquatic insect.  Choose an aquatic insect of your choice from the five selections below:

  • Mayfly
  • Dragonfly
  • Damselfly
  • Water Boatman
  • Backswimmers

Now do the following via E Mail submission and complete sentences:  

  1. Find a web site that discusses the aquatic insect.
  2. Review the website and write down at least five interesting facts you learned from the website regarding it's lifecycle, eating habits, body plan, etc.  (+5)
  3. Share the web-site URL with me as a link (+2)
  4. Find a YouTube video dealing with the life cycle of one of these insects.  Watch the video.  
  5. Write down a minimum of three facts about this video and explain why you chose it (+3)
  6. Share the YouTube video with me as a link (+2)

This will be due tomorrow 4/24/14 by class.

Here's an example of how to set up the assignment E Mail:

Web-site Link:  (put URL link here)

Interesting web site facts:

YouTube Link: (put URL link here)

Interesting video facts/why did I choose this?