Friday, April 11, 2014

Review for Bacteria/Virus Test ....

Here's what you need to know about bacteria and viruses:

Understand the real-world importance of bacteria and viruses - know examples of how bacteria can help us, and how they can make us sick.  Same with viruses.

Think about the importance of bacteria in dairy products and as decomposers in the food chain.  What would life be like without these important microbes?

How do we classify bacteria?  Know this!

  • By shape - review your notes for the shapes
  • By color (purple, pink)
  • By environment (where they live)
How about the differences between archaea (extremophiles) and eubacteria?  These differences are important, so know them ......

Do you know the differences between thermophiles, halophiles, and methanogens?  Important stuff right here!!

Viruses - what are they really?  Are they TRULY alive??

What are differences between the lytic viral cycle and the lysogenic viral cycle??

**Above all else, be able to relate the importance of bacteria and viruses to .... YOU!!!!!

E Mail me if you have any questions to my school E Mail address.  Thanks!!!  I hope you guys rock this test, I know you can do it!!!!