Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Life Science 4/8/14: What you missed

In class today, we discussed symbiotic relationships - meaning relationships of organisms living together closely for possible benefit.

Two major types of symbiotic relationships discussed in class today included:

Mutualism - both organisms work together and benefit each other in some way.  Example:  Mutualistic bacteria in the digestive tract

Parasitism - one organism benefits, the other is harmed.  Class examples included ticks, fleas, parasitic worms, etc.

We also discussed different groups of worms, including flatworms, roundworms, and segmented worms.

The flatworms discussed include planarians (free-living/no host required) and tapeworms (parasitic)

We discussed parasitic roundworms....

We also talked about segmented worms, including earthworms and leeches.  Environmental benefits for each were discussed.  The importance of a body cavity was discussed also.

**See me for extra facts you missed after getting these notes...thanks!!!