Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Afternoon Classes 5/7:

If you missed today, there was a sub.  My Field Biology students and I went on a field trip.  Here's what you missed:


Do questions 17,19,20,22,23,27,31, and critical thinking #1 on pages 906-907.  Consult the review on pages 903-905 and/or Chapter 24 itself for help with these questions.  Also we did a word search puzzle and you need to define the words in the word search.  Both of these will be due tomorrow by class.  You can stop by in the morning and get help with these questions if you'd like, I will be here by 7:30am at the absolute latest.

Here is the link for the word search...print it off and turn it in by class tomorrow.  The DEFINITIONS should be your top priority on this and then the word search:

Life Science:

We worked on two word searches today; you need to finish both of these by class tomorrow.  Be sure to do the definitions first, as they should be your top priority.  Here are the word searches to print out/work on: