Thursday, May 15, 2014

Anatomy Final ..... The Lowdown!!

Here's what you can expect from this year's Anatomy final:

  • There will be a maximum of 50 questions.
  • The test will be comprehensive throughout the entire year
  • The test will be on Quia and will be multiple choice.

Here are some things to study/key in on:

Anatomy Introduction

  • understand directional terms
  • understand positive and negative feedback
  • understand afferent & efferent pathways
  • know the difference between anatomy and physiology

Integumentary system

  • know the basic functions of the skin, nails, hairs, glands
  • burns - first second, third degree and rule of nines - what do these mean?
  • trich - what is it?
  • what are endocrine glands and what are exocrine glands?
  • sebaceous glands and sebum - what are they?


  • know functions of bones, what they do, how they work
  • be able to identify bones from a picture, and/or name bones


  • sliding filament theory - how does it work?
  • what are the functions of muscle?

Nervous system

  • cerebrum, cerebellum ... what are they?
  • gyri, sulci, corpous callosum - explain what these are
  • hypothalamus, motor cortex, premotor cortex, frontal cortex, sensory cortexes - what do they do?

Special senses

  • basic eye parts and ear parts - anatomy, bones of the middle ear, etc

Reproductive unit:

  • male and female anatomy vocabulary words
  • basic differences between the menstrual and ovarian cycles
  • facts about STI's and contraception
  • major events in the childbirth process

Digestive unit

  • events of the digestive process
  • mechanical vs chemical digestion
  • functions of major organs and parts of the small intestine & stomach

**There may be other questions from material not listed on here as well.  There should be approx. 5-6 questions per unit discussed in class.**