Thursday, May 1, 2014

Biology Quiz Monday - Protista

Here's what to study for the protista quiz on Monday:

Protista Basics and Protozoans:

  • Are they prokaryotic or eukaryotic?  What does this mean?
  • Are they single-celled or multi-celled?
  • Do they reproduce sexually, asexually, or both?  (you don't need to know the names binary fission or conjugation)
  • Understand how amoebas feed (phagocytosis) and how they move
  • Protozoans are "animal-like".  Why are they given this recognition?
  • What are differences between cilia and flagella?

Radiolarians and Foraminiferans:

  • Understand the importance of these creatures to our life/environment (limestone facts?)
  • What are "tests"?

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly:

  • Be able to explain how algae plays such a huge role in the lives of organisms around the world
  • Be able to explain how malaria and South American Trypanosomiasis is spread

Sample Test Question:

List three ways algae is important to either you, oil companies, and/or other living things


  • 15 - 20 points, short answer/multiple choice/fill-in (questions will show life relevance)