Thursday, May 1, 2014

Zoology Bird Practical - What to Expect and Date Change

The date for the bird practical has been pushed back to Monday 5/5.   Here are some things to key in on for that test:

External Anatomy:

  • Differences between feathers (contour, down)
  • Anatomy of a feather (shaft, barbs, barbules)
  • Be able to distinguish between primaries, secondaries, and coverts
  • Uropygial gland - be able to locate it and give its function

Internal Anatomy:

  • Respiratory system - locate trachea and general area of air sacs
  • Digestive system - anything discussed in class is fair game here.....esophagus, crop and gizzard (plus functions of each), proventriculus, small intestine, cloaca (and any functions of these).
  • Kidneys - Be able to identify.  
  • Syrinx - identify and function
  • Male vs. Female .... how to tell?  Identify ovaries and testes.

Critical Thinking Questions:

  • There will be a couple of these .... be able to apply what you've learned to the bird's life; "If a bird was built differently, how would not having a ______________ affect the bird and how would it have to adapt?"  Several questions like these will be on the test.  Study the anatomy of the birds, how they are specialized for flight, etc to help answer this.