Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Battling Beetles!!

Today in biology...students are simulating the hardness of beetle exoskeletons by crushing red and green M & M's! 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Filming with a tripod!!!

We are filming presentations today in Field Biology...yet another way to use videocameras in the classroom!!

Field Biology 12/12-12/16


Objective:  To film nuisance species interviews, distribute review sheet


Objective:  Review for wildlife management test


Objective:  Take wildlife management test; there is a 100/85 performance objective on this test.


Objective:  Work on final paper


Objective:  Work on final paper

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Applied Biology 12/12-12/16


Objective:  Finish the evolution unit; review cladograms.


Objective:  Review for evolution test; assign review word-search vocab assignment


Objective:  Review for evolution test, finish vocab asignment


Objective:  Take evolution test; there is a 100/75 performance objective for this test.  Then hand out review for semester final exam (next Tuesday)


Objective:  An open class review over the semester final exam.

Biology 12/12-12/16


Objective:  Discuss Hardy Weinberg equilibrium and population genetics; give students practice worksheets over HW equilibrium


Objective:  Continue Hardy Weinberg discussion, and distribute review sheet for semester final.  Begin "Clamys sweetus" activity.  


Objective:  Review for final exam during the first 20 minutes of class.  Then continue Clamys sweetus.


Objective:  Review for final exam during the first 20 minutes of class.  Continue/finish Clamys sweetus.


Objective:  Finish Clamys sweetus activity if needed; then review for the semester exam for the remainder of the class period.

Anatomy 12/12-12/16


Objective:  Introduce the nervous system with a streaming video over the effects of methamphetamine use on your body.


Objective:   Discuss video. Review neurotransmitters discussed so far, and introduce new neurotransmitters.  We will explain how different types of drugs disrupt these neurotransmitters.


Objective: Review basic nervous system information learned from chapter one .. sensory input, integration, and motor output.  Distribute review sheet for Tuesday's final exam. 


Review for semester final exam


Review for semester final exam

Monday, December 5, 2011

Applied Biology 12/5-12/9


Begin evolution discussion; explain the topic, and cover relevant state science standards regarding evolution.  The evolution notes will be given via PowerPoint.  Homework:  Watch Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium video lecture part 1 by Wednesday.  Take notes over the video, and your notes will be graded.


Continue evolution discussion, keying in on natural selection and Charles Darwin.  Finch beaks, jaw diversity in cichlid fish jaws.  Homework:  Watch the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium video lecture part 2 by Friday.  Take notes over the video, and your notes will be graded.


Watch the Howard Hughes Medical Institute video over Charles Darwin and his work, and answer the worksheet question over the video.


Turn in the video questions if you have not done so; eview any major evolution/natural selection topics not covered; discuss cladograms and how they work, and do a cladogram activity in class.


Cladograms/video review make-up; be prepared to discuss Hardy-Weinberg starting on Monday of next week!!!

Biology 12/5-12/9


Begin evolution discussion; explain the topic, and cover relevant state science standards regarding evolution.  The evolution notes will be given via PowerPoint.  Homework:  Watch Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium video lecture part 1 by Wednesday.  Take notes over the video, and your notes will be graded.


Continue evolution discussion, keying in on natural selection and Charles Darwin.  Finch beaks, jaw diversity in cichlid fish jaws.  Homework:  Watch the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium video lecture part 2 by Friday.  Take notes over the video, and your notes will be graded.


Watch the Howard Hughes Medical Institute video over Charles Darwin and his work, and answer the worksheet question over the video.


Turn in the video questions if you have not done so; eview any major evolution/natural selection topics not covered; discuss cladograms and how they work, and do a cladogram activity in class.


Cladograms/video review make-up; be prepared to discuss Hardy-Weinberg starting on Monday of next week!!!

Anatomy 12/5-12/9


Discuss how muscles tap into energy via three different methods: Creatine Phosphate synthesis, anaerobic glycolysis, aerobic respiration.


Review muscle energy pathways, discuss specific muscles briefly;  hand out review sheet for muscle test. Muscle test on Friday.  Give a worksheet out over muscles.


Muscle worksheet due; Review for muscle test


Review for muscle test


Muscle unit test....there is a 100/80 performance objective on this test

Monday, November 28, 2011

Applied Biology 11/28-12/2


Watch a video over gigantism, a genetic disorder that affects your growth.  This will tie into the genetic unit


Discuss genetic "exceptions", including codominance, incomplete dominance, polygenic traits, and pleiotropy.  Blood typing will also be discussed


Review Tuesday's material, and continue punnett square practice.  Review for Friday's test


Review for tomorrow's test


Take genetics test; there is a 100/85 performance objective for this test

Biology 11/28-12/2


Watch a video over gigantism, a genetic disorder that affects your growth.  This will tie into the genetic unit


Discuss genetic "exceptions", including codominance, incomplete dominance, polygenic traits, and pleiotropy.  Blood typing will also be discussed


Review Tuesday's material, and begin video project over punnett squares.  This video project will take the place of the punnett square test


Work on video project


Complete video project (due by 4pm today)

Anatomy 11/28-12/2


Watch video over cosmetic surgery, and then have a class discussion over the video


Review major muscle facts; discuss muscle bioelectricity and depolarization mechanisms.  A worksheet will be given over bioelectricity


Bioelectricity worksheet due today; discuss contraction types.  The majority of this lecture period will involve the discussion of ATP regeneration mechanisms


Review bioelectricity and finish ATP regeneration; begin video project over ATP regeneration


Continue ATP video project; due Monday of next week!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Field BIology 11/21-11/22


Introduce scientific names of mammals in Kansas, there will be a quiz tomorrow over Kansas mammal facts and three out of five given scientific names.  Film paperslide videos with any leftover time


Take mammal quiz, all paperslide videos must be filmed by the end of the day today

Applied Biology 11/21-11/22


Students will learn about pedigrees, and how they can predict genetic traits into future generations


Students will be given a pedigree activity for an assignment, to assess understanding in this area.  The activity will be due at the end of the period and will be worth 20 points.

Biology 11/21-11/22


Dihybrid crosses; students will learn to do dihybrid cross punnett squares, and will be given a 15 point assignment to evaluate performance in this area


Dihybrid corn genetics lab - students will do a lab with corn and practice dyhibrid cross proportions and probability

Anatomy 11/21-11/22


ROCK YOUR MUSCLE!!!  Muscle vocab music poster activity.  Students will design posters using muscle vocab as band names, and hang them around the school.


ROCK YOUR MUSCLE!!! Extension activity; students will search the school for posters on a scavenger hunt, and then race back to Mr. Hadachek with clues on those posters and/or vocab definitions

Monday, November 14, 2011


Students do!!  We're using our cell phones in class to take videos and pictures of bones for a test review...!!

Field Biology 11/14-11/18


Finish mammal skull lab


Work on mammal posters


Discuss mammal tracks, scats


Hunting as a wildlife management tool



Applied Biology 11/14-11/18


Review protein synthesis with a Jeopardy flash-animation review game


Introduce genetics; discuss advantages of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction, Mendel's Law of Dominance, negative aspects of inbreeding, and introduce pedigrees.  Follow all state standards and benchmarks!!


Pedigree detail, give in-class graded activity over pedigree charts


Introduce punnett squares for monohybrid crosses, and practice identification of dominant/recessive traits with them


Continue work with punnett squares, introduce di-hybrid crosses.  Practice punnett squares!!

Anatomy 11/14-11/18


Review for Tuesday's bone test


Final bone test - bones of the legs, spine


Introduction to muscles - functions, characteristics, etc


Sliding filament theory and how it works


Continue sliding filament theory and its mechanisms

Biology 11/14-11/18


Review protein synthesis with a Jeopardy flash-animation review game


Introduce genetics; discuss advantages of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction, Mendel's Law of Dominance, negative aspects of inbreeding, and introduce pedigrees.  Follow all state standards and benchmarks!!


Pedigree detail, give in-class graded activity over pedigree charts


Introduce punnett squares for monohybrid crosses, and practice identification of dominant/recessive traits with them


Continue work with punnett squares, introduce di-hybrid crosses.  Practice punnett squares!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Edmodo Assignment Reminders!!!

Biology Students:

Remember you have TWO Edmodo assignments due this week (Tues, 11/8 and Fri, 11/11).  Please submit by clicking on the "Turn in Homework" button.  These are for a grade, so don't forget about them!!

Field Biology 11/7-11/11

Discuss Kansas mammals, and their significance

Begin working on Kansas mammal posters

Work on posters - Hadachek absent

Skull lab - Kansas mammals

Work on posters if you have time after Veterans Day assembly - Hadachek absent

Applied Biology 11/7-11/11

Watch/finish video over designer babies and discuss as necessary.  Remember, Edmodo assignment #1 is due by tomorrow.  When you do the assignment, you need to submit it to me by hitting the "Turn-In" button.  Please do NOT just hit "reply".  Thanks!   Edmodo assignment #2 is due on Friday of this week.

Edmodo assignment due; discuss transcription & translation of DNA.

Review & discuss transcription & translation of DNA, along with all vocab.  Give an in-class assignment/activity over the process (students will build DNA molecules)

Differentiated projects over transcription & translation and finish building your DNA molecule

Edmodo assignment due over this past Monday's video.  Finish differentiated projects.

Biology 11/7-11/11

Watch/finish video over designer babies and discuss as necessary.  Remember, Edmodo assignment #1 is due by tomorrow.  When you do the assignment, you need to submit it to me by hitting the "Turn-In" button.  Please do NOT just hit "reply".  Thanks!   Edmodo assignment #2 is due on Friday of this week.

Edmodo assignment due; discuss transcription & translation of DNA.

Review & discuss transcription & translation of DNA, along with all vocab.  Give an in-class assignment/activity over the process.  Hadachek absent 7th period - students will build DNA molecules

Differentiated projects over transcription & translation

Edmodo assignment due over this past Monday's video.  Finish differentiated projects.  Hadachek absent 7th period.

Anatomy 11/7-11/11

Take a pre-test over bone set #2 as practice for Wednesday's test.  Watch the Standard Deviants bone video

Open study & practice for Wednesday's bone test

Bone Test #2 and begin final bone test study

Differentiated activities over bones

Finish differentiated activites - bone test #3 is on Monday.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Attn. 2nd, 4th, and 7th hour Biology .....

Attention biology students:

Your first Edmodo assignment is posted.  You need to log on to your Edmodo account (or create one if you haven't done so) and answer the questions.  The class code for biology is on the board in my room.  I also sent 2nd hour an E Mail with all of the info about how to register.  Answer the questions and then submit back to me.  This is due on Tuesday, 11/8 and is worth ten points.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Field Biology 10/31-11/4


Video scavenger hunt today


Football players and cheer absent


Class activity TBA


Hadachek absent for state Eco Meet.  Work with the sub TBA


Class work TBA ... review ECO meet

Applied Biology 10/31-11/4


Continue differentiated cell division activities; when finished, watch the lecture video over meiosis.  Video must be watched before Wednesday's class


Finish differentiated cell activities.  Remember, have this video watched before you come to class on Wednesday


Review mitosis and meiosis, and differences between the two types of divisions.  Then finish differentiated activities


Hadachek absent for state Eco Meet.  Groups will need to review material for the cell division test using their activities they did in class.


Cell division test today; 100/85 performance objective

Biology 10/31-11/4


Continue differentiated cell division activities; when finished, watch the lecture video over meiosis.  Video must be watched before Wednesday's class


Finish differentiated cell activities.  Remember, have this video watched before you come to class on Wednesday


Review mitosis and meiosis, and differences between the two types of divisions.  Then finish differentiated activities


Hadachek absent for state Eco Meet.  Groups will need to review material for the cell division test using their activities they did in class.


Cell division test today; 100/85 performance objective

Anatomy 10/31-11/4


Wrap up differentiated activities for the skull bones; study for tomorrow's skull bone practical.


Take skull bone practical; 100/85 performance objective


Introduce bone set #2, individual study over this set


Hadachek absent for state Eco Meet.  Groups will need to make flash cards, paper slide shows, or video reviews over these bones


Continue differentiated group work over bone set #2

Friday, October 28, 2011

Video Revolution...

Are video cameras the future of teaching?  In Mr. Hadachek's classroom, the answer is YES!!  These small technological wonders are being used every day in class, transforming and re-shaping how students learn science.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Field Biology 10/24-10-28


Take test over wildlife legislation laws


Work on Konza video; video project due Friday 


Work on Konza video/wildlife mgmt techniques


Football players absent; wrap up Konza video


Watch Konza videos, wrap up basic wildlife mgmt

Applied Biology 10/24-10/28


introduce students to video lectures and where to find them on the blog


Differentiated instruction over cell division 


Sophomores absent hours 1-4, no class today


Differentiated instruction over cell instruction


Article jigsaw over mitosis, group article reviews toward end of period

Biology 10/24-10-28


introduce students to video lectures and where to find them on the blog


Differentiated instruction over cell division 


Sophomores absent hours 1-4; 7th hour differentiated instruction over cell division


Differentiated instruction over cell instruction


Article jigsaw over mitosis, group article reviews toward end of period

Anatomy 10/24-10/28


Differentiated instruction over skull bones


Differentiated instruction over skull bones


Differentiated instruction over skull bones


Differentiated instruction over skull bones


Wrap up skull bone activities; watch video review over vertebrae this weekend.

Friday, October 21, 2011

New video lectures are up!!

Hey everyone, I have added two new separate pages under the "Student Resources" heading.  One is called "Anatomy Video Lecture Series" and the other is called "Biology Video Lecture Series".  I have added a couple new lecture videos in each category....and for you Anatomy students, I recorded a video review over the skull bones.  Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hi-Def video in the classroom!!

Here is a Field Biology student working with high-definition video uploaded onto a computer for a video project.....

Friday, October 14, 2011

Field Biology 10/17-10/21


Review wildlife legislation laws.  Start using Animoto in the classroom to piece together your field trip videos.  For homework, continue working on wildlife management plan.


Prepare for Wednesday's fish trip. Use netbooks & Animoto to work on the field trip video.  Continue working on your wildlife management plan at home throughout the week.


Fish trip to Lovewell ... we will be using gill nets and trap nets.  We will leave around 7:15am, and should return by the end of the school day.


Study for legislation test, and work on video project.


Take the wildlife legislation test and reach my 100/85 performance objective.  Discuss wildlife management plans, which will be due on Monday 10/24.

Applied Biology 10/17-10/21


Today is an open review over the cell unit.  Please come prepared to ask any questions you may have over cells, and especially cellular respiration.  Homework is to study as needed to ensure success on the test.


Today's performance objective on the test is to have 100% percent of the class score at least 85% on the test (100/85).  When finished, come back to the classroom to prepare for Thursday's class.


Hadachek absent; there will be a sub.  Class activity TBA.


Cover and/or review diffusion vs osmosis, and solute vs solvent relationships.  Discuss hypertonicity, hypotonicity, and isotonicity in solutions.  Work on the "naked egg" experiment using vinegar and chicken eggs to demonstrate osmosis and diffusion


Continue the "naked egg" experiment, using vinegar and chicken eggs to demonstrate osmosis and diffusion.

Biology 10/17-10/21


Today is an open review over the cell unit.  Please come prepared to ask any questions you may have over cells, and especially cellular respiration.  Homework is to study as needed to ensure success on the test.


Today's performance objective on the test is to have 100% percent of the class score at least 85% on the test (100/85).  When finished, come back to the classroom to prepare for Thursday's class.


Hadachek absent; there will be a sub.  Class activity TBA.


Cover and/or review diffusion vs osmosis, and solute vs solvent relationships.  Discuss hypertonicity, hypotonicity, and isotonicity in solutions.


Begin the "naked egg" experiment, using vinegar and chicken eggs to demonstrate osmosis and diffusion.

Anatomy 10/17-10/21


Today is an open-review for tomorrow's integumentary system test.  I will answer any questions you may have over the test format, the study guide material, etc.


Today we will take the integumentary system test.  The test will be a combination of short answer/fill-in and multiple choice questions.  Our objective for this test is to have 100% of the students score at least an 85% score (100/85).  Also, please watch my lecture video over bones at this link:


Watching this video is your homework for tonight.


Hadachek absent.  There will be a sub.  Class activity TBA.


Begin discussion over bones, and specific bone identification.  The bones that will be covered today include:

cranium, saggital suture, coronal suture, lambdoid suture, occipitomastoid suture, squamous suture, frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital, zygomatic, mastoid process, styloid process, zygomatic process, mandibular condyle, coronoid process, mandible, supraorbital foramen, infraorbital foramen, foramen magnum, occipital condyle, hyoid bone


Today will be open study over Thursday's introductory bone list.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Biology 10/11-10/14

Today's objective is to discuss cellular respiration and relate its importance to the cell, and all animals which use cellular respiration.  We will cover glycolysis, the Kreb's Cycle, and cellular respiration.

I will be absent today with my field biology class.  Students are to go to the CRC and watch the video at this link:  http://www.khanacademy.org/video/introduction-to-cellular-respiration?playlist=Biology over cellular respiration.  After watching the video, allow them to look at other websites over cellular respiration so they can become more familiar with its principles.

Today's objective is to do an "ad-lib" fill in over the process of cellular respiration.  This will allow students to become more familiar with the process, and prepare them for questions on the state science assessment.

Today's objective is to take a basic quiz over cellular respiration (ten points max), and to do a worksheet over the process.  There will be a test next TUESDAY over the cell unit.

Anatomy 10/11-10/14


Today we will be videotaping our segments over the integumentary system notes; there is no time limit and it's worth ten points.  The purpose of this project is to help students learn and remember parts of the integumentary system in "non-traditional" ways, through the use of video technology.


I will be absent today with my field biology students.  Students will be given the period to cover the tables   and write interactive study guides in preparation for next week's test.


Today we will discuss cancer, and the mechanics of cancer cells.  We will cover protooncogenes, oncogenes, Rb, and p53, with an objective of learning about how cancer actually works and why it's so damaging to us.  We will also discuss apoptosis, and how it relates to the cell.  The major skin cancers are on pages 156-157 in your textbook.


Continue discussion of cancer mechanics.  Prepare for next Tuesday's test.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Field Biology 10/3-10/7

Objective: To introduce major wildlife & fisheries legislation laws, and their importance to wildlife and fisheries


Vocab: none

Homework: study laws as needed

Objective: To watch & discuss the process of tranquilizing wolves and affixing radio collars for telemetry studies, and review wildlife legislation laws

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: write a two-page summary over the process of radio-collaring wolves and wolf telemetry studies with an article you find online.  Write your summary in word and attach it to an E Mail as a MS Word document.  Send to jhadachek@usd107.org.  Include a title page and include a reference page, along with the manuscript. The paper must have two pages of manuscript.  Please cite references APA style.  Due Tuesday, 10/11/11. 

Objective: Discuss the USFWS and wildlife refuge laws & regulations

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: prepare for Friday's quiz over wildlife laws/legislation, finish USFWS discussion

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: study as needed for quiz

Objective: quiz over wildlife legislation, continue USFWS discussion if needed.  Introduce wildlife management basics

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Applied Biology 10/3-107


Objective: To introduce an activity over making a model of a eukaryotic cell by using materials found at home.  The purpose of this activity is to encourage learning by hands-on & visual learners, while allowing linguistic learners the chance to practice vocab over cellular structures.  Project due on Friday!

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: gather materials for project.  Project proposal due by end of period for five points.

Objective: bring materials for project and work on project. 

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: continue work on project if needed; gather more supplies.  Supplies due tomorrow for ten points.

Objective: supplies for project due for ten points; continue working on project

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: work on project as necessary

Objective:  class time to work on projects

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: work on project as necessary

Objective: cell project due by 4pm today.  Videotape project with Kodak PlaySport cameras for final ten points of project grade

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Biology 10/3-10/7

Objective: To introduce an activity over making a model of a eukaryotic cell by using materials found at home.  The purpose of this activity is to encourage learning by hands-on & visual learners, while allowing linguistic learners the chance to practice vocab over cellular structures.  Project due on Friday!

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: gather materials for project.  Project proposal due by end of period for five points.

Objective: bring materials for project and work on project. 

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: continue work on project if needed; gather more supplies.  Supplies due tomorrow for ten points.

Objective: supplies for project due for ten points; continue working on project

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: work on project as necessary

Objective:  class time to work on projects

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: work on project as necessary

Objective: cell project due by 4pm today.  Videotape project with Kodak PlaySport cameras for final ten points of project grade

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Monday, October 3, 2011

Anatomy 10/3-10/7

Objective: to take a quiz over the epidermal layers; performance objective is 100/75.  Also, wrap up discussion of dermis & epidermis

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: discussion over hair anatomy, nails, and specific functions of the integumentary system

Text: 150-154

Vocab: hair shaft, hair root, hair bulb, terminal, vellus, alopecia, keratin, trichotillomania, lunula, hangnail

Homework: none

Objective: finish discussing specific skin functions; introduce first, second, and third degree burns, and the rule of nines. 

Text: 155-156

Vocab: rule of nines, first, second, third degree burns, electrolytes, fungus

Homework: none

Objective: to discuss the mechanics of cancer, and how cancer affects our life.  primary investigation will center around different types of skin cancers

Text: 156-157

Vocab: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, p53, Rb, protooncogenes, oncogenes, apoptosis, ABCD rule

Homework: none

Objective: wrap up integumentary unit, in-class activity TBA

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Monday, September 26, 2011

Field Biology 9/26-9/30

Objective: Eco Meet prep



Objective: Eco Meet prep



Objective: Eco Meet prep



Objective: Eco Meet in Salina



Objective: no class ... homecoming



Applied Bio 9/26-9/30

Objective: to learn about the discovery of cells, and discuss the importance of surface:volume ratio with cell size

Text: read 69-72

Vocab:surface area, volume, cell theory

Homework: do #1-6 on page 72

Objective:  watch the Khan Academy video over cells.  Introduce major cellular organelles

Text: none

Vocab: nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum (smooth & rough), lysosome, lipid bi-layer

Homework: none

Objective: Finish organelle discussion, and work on a crossword which focuses on cellular vocab

Text: none

Vocab: see vocab sheet

Homework: crossword puzzle due on Friday at beginning of class

Objective:  Hadachek absent for Eco Meet; students to CRC for cell activity (TBA)

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: worksheet due by end of period

Objective: to complete a microscope lab investigating cells under a compound microscope; students will look at different cell types and complete a lab handout over the exercise

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none; HOWEVER, Wednesday's crossword puzzle is due at the beginning of class today!

Biology 9/26-9/30

Objective: to learn about the discovery of cells, and discuss the importance of surface:volume ratio with cell size

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: 2nd hour:  focus group, no class; please watch the following Khan Academy video on YouTube at this link (the video is 21 minutes long):


4th & 7th:  watch the Khan Academy video over cells.  Introduce major cellular organelles

Text: none

Vocab: nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum (smooth & rough), lysosome, lipid bi-layer

Homework: none

Objective: Finish organelle discussion, and work on a crossword which focuses on cellular vocab

Text: none

Vocab: see vocab sheet

Homework: crossword puzzle due on Friday

Objective:  Hadachek absent for Eco Meet; students to CRC for cell activity (TBA)

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: worksheet due by end of period

Objective: to complete a microscope lab investigating cells under a compound microscope; students will look at different cell types and complete a lab handout over the exercise

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none; HOWEVER, crossword from Wednesday is due at the beginning of this period!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Anatomy 9/26-9/30


Objective: Introduction to the integumentary system; to investigate basic skin facts.  Discuss layers of the epidermis, skin color & tone, and skin pigments.  Also, discuss vampire lore and how it relates to an actual physiological condition in select people. 

Text: Read 142-148.

Vocab: epidermis, stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, stratum corneum, dermis, blister, flexure lines, melanin, carotene, keratin, hemoglobin, porphyria

Homework: Do worksheet over skin layers; start in class, hand in tomorrow (9/27)


Objective: To investigate flexure lines on the skin; class time for questions over worksheet. 

Text: review pages 142-148

Vocab: none

Homework: write up over flexure lines due by end of period


Objective: to discuss Trich; hair anatomy and hair types; introduce specific exocrine glands.  Differences in eccrine, apocrine, and ceruminous glands will be covered

Text: 148-152

Vocab: trichotillomania, terminal, vellus, lanugo hairs, suderiferous, eccrine, apocrine, ceruminous glands, sebaceous glands, sebum

Homework:  none


Objective: Hadachek absent for Eco Meet; On pages 162-163 do the following questions:  #1-12, 14,15,17,19,21, critical thinking #3.  Due tomorrow!

Text: 142-152

Vocab: none

Homework: do any questions which were not completed in class; they are due tomorrow.

Objective: Skin care lab; use common skin care products found in your home to relate vocab learned this week to real-world applications.

Text: none

Vocab: ....see skin care products  :)

Homework: turn in skin care lab sheet by the end of the period.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Extra Credit posted in Google Groups!! Due Friday 9/23

ATTN:  Anatomy, Biology, Applied Biology classes!!

You were recently invited to, and joined, my science discussion forum in Google Groups.  There is an extra-credit assignment in that forum which is due this coming Friday, and it involves discussing a current event in science.  It's not a requirement, but it's easy bonus points if you choose to post about it.  To log on to Groups, log into your E Mail account, and then find the "Groups" link at the top of the page.  Once you click on it, you will see the "RHHS Science Forum" link to the right.  Click on that and you're in!! 

Friday, September 16, 2011


With the tests coming up Thursday of this week, I have some important study information for you; these are the areas of interest I want you to concentrate most of your study efforts....

Biology/Applied Biology

*know the differences between protons, neutrons, and electrons, and where they are found in an atom.
*saturated vs unsaturated fats - what's the differences?  Examples??
*monosaccharides vs. polysaccharides - examples?  What's the difference?
*amino acids & proteins - what are they?
*enzymes & substrates ... what are the differences??

Anatomy & Physiology

*know the differences between epithelial & connective tissues, specifically differences in what makes them up vs their characteristics....in other words, know differences in their ingredients vs. facts about them.

Field Biology

Objective: bird review; data analysis from insect project.  Skit practice from 7:30-8:00am.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective:  bird review; data analysis from insect project.  Skit practice from 7:30-8:00am.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study birds as needed

Objective: bird review; data analysis from insect project if needed.  Skit practice from 7:30-8:00am.  Introduce students to the writing style of Journal of Wildlife Management

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: To take a test over the bird identification slides; the performance objective is 100/85.  Discuss research paper over insect project. 


Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: Students to CRC to begin typing paper over insect project

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Applied Biology 9/19-9/23

Objective: To cover the importance of enzyme & substrate relationships; this is covered because of 1) it's importance in living systems, and 2) because it's a state standard for the Kansas High School Science Assessment.  After discussing enzyme activity, students will take construction paper and make their own enzyme models.

Text: none

Vocab: enzyme, substrate, activation energy
Homework: none

Objective:  Hand out review for the test.  The test will be on Thursday.  Discuss the test review, and mention the importance of coming in for Thursday morning's review session.  Performance objective on this test is 100/85.

Text: none

Vocab: see review sheet
Homework: study for test as needed

Objective: no classes for 2nd, 3rd, or 4th hour biological science periods; the career fair will be taking place.

Text: none

Vocab:  see review sheet
Homework: study as needed for test

Objective: there are two objectives for today; objective #1 is to attend the Thursday morning review session beginning at 7:30am.  Objective #2 is to take the chemistry unit test, with 100% of the students scoring at least 85% on it (100/85). 

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: to show a video and introduce the class to the cell unit.  We will be starting this unit on Monday.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Biology 9/19-9/23

Objective: To cover the importance of enzyme & substrate relationships; this is covered because of 1) it's importance in living systems, and 2) because it's a state standard for the Kansas High School Science Assessment.  After discussing enzyme activity, students will take construction paper and make their own enzyme models.

Text: none

Vocab: enzyme, substrate, activation energy
Homework: none

Objective:  Hand out review for the test.  The test will be on Thursday.  Discuss the test review, and mention the importance of coming in for Thursday morning's review session.  Performance objective on this test is 100/85.

Text: none

Vocab: see review sheet
Homework: study for test as needed

Objective: no classes for 2nd, 3rd, or 4th hour biological science periods; the career fair will be taking place.

Text: none

Vocab:  see review sheet
Homework: study as needed for test

Objective: there are two objectives for today; objective #1 is to attend the Thursday morning review session beginning at 7:30am.  Objective #2 is to take the chemistry unit test, with 100% of the students scoring at least 85% on it (100/85). 

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: to show a video and introduce the class to the cell unit.  We will be starting this unit on Monday.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Anatomy 9/19-9/23

Objective: To hand out a review sheet for Thursday's tissue unit test; performance objective for this test will be 100/75.  The class period will involve going over the review handout, and then small group work/graphic organizers/unconventional study techniques.

Text: Compare relevant information from your notes to Chapter 4.

Vocab: see review sheet
Homework: study for test as needed

Objective: To involve students in a two-team competition using review Jeopardy

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study for test as needed

Objective:  no class today .... students will be attending the career fair from 8am-noon.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study for test as needed

Objective: take test over tissue unit.  Performance objective is 100/75.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: To watch a video and prepare for Monday's integumentary system discussion

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Eco Meet Teams:

Beginning Monday 9/19, skit practice will take place Monday through Wednesday mornings from 7:30-8:00 am.  Please make all efforts to attend, as this practice is key for a positive interpretive event experience at Eco Meet Regionals.  

Also, please take the time to review the bird lists as much as you can, as we have limited class time before the meet and, other than the two bird lists we've covered in class, most of the identification required for the Eco Meet will need to be done on your own time to prepare.  Remember, we want the Eco Meet to be fun, but I would really like to see both teams compete at state.  Dedication to studying these wildlife lists is the key to success!!  Don't forget to take advantage of the identification lists at the Great Plains Nature Center, by using their website, http://www.gpnc.org

Field Biology 9/12-9/16

Objective: To review Kansas bird set #2; continue skit planning.  Skit script must be finalized by this Friday.  Hand out all information for Kansas Eco Meet.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study bird set #2

Objective: To review Kansas bird set #2; continue skit planning.  Skit script must be finalized by this Friday.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study bird set #2

Objective: Students absent to Kansas State Fair.  Study birds if needed.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study bird set #2

Objective: Study bird set #2, write scripts for skits. 

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study birds as needed; study skit scripts.

Objective: Finalize skit scripts.  Skit practice will be from 7:30-8:00 am Mon-Wed

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study birds as needed, skits as needed

Applied Biology 9/12-9/16

Objective: To discuss how ionic bonds differ from covalent bonds; to explain the significance of carbon in living systems, and to introduce biochemistry with lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins.  Emphasis will be placed on monosaccharides, polysaccharides,  and saturated vs. unsaturated fats.

Text: none

Vocab: ionic bond, lipid, carbohydrate, protein, amino acids, saturated fats, unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats

Homework: none

Objective:  kitchen lab; examples of saturated/unsaturated fats, proteins, carbs. 

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: finish lab handout and turn in by end of period. 

Objective: Most students will be gone on the band trip; today is an excellent day for note review over the chemistry unit

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: review notes as necessary

Objective: To reinforce knowledge of atoms & molecules with music education; this will be based off the website, http://www.iamlodge.com/beans//?p=44

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective:  written quiz over enzyme activity; lab practical quiz over examples of saturated & unsaturated fats.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Friday, September 9, 2011

Biology 9/12-9/16

Objective: To discuss how ionic bonds differ from covalent bonds; to explain the significance of carbon in living systems, and to introduce biochemistry with lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins.  Emphasis will be placed on monosaccharides, polysaccharides,  and saturated vs. unsaturated fats.

Text: none

Vocab: ionic bond, lipid, carbohydrate, protein, amino acids, saturated fats, unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats

Homework: none

Objective:  kitchen lab; examples of saturated/unsaturated fats, proteins, carbs. 

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: finish lab handout and turn in by end of period. 

Objective: Most students will be gone on the band trip; today is an excellent day for note review over the chemistry unit

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: review notes as necessary

Objective: To reinforce knowledge of atoms & molecules with music education; this will be based off the website, http://www.iamlodge.com/beans//?p=44

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective:  written quiz over enzyme activity; lab practical quiz over examples of saturated & unsaturated fats.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Anatomy 9/12-9/16

Objective:  To reinforce knowledge regarding classification/functions of epithelial tissues, to reinforce glands, and to study cartilage types and functions.  There will be a quiz over tissue types tomorrow (Tues, 9/13).  Make a graphic organizer to help distinguish characteristics of connective tissues vs epithelia.

Text:  Read 117-125.

Vocab: glycosaminoglycans, matrix, dense, regular, irregular, mesenchyme, clasts, blasts

Homework: study for tomorrow's quiz

Objective: to take a quiz over epithelial tissues and connective tissue basics (goal = 100/85); use rest of class time to study histology slides under the microscopes.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective:  Much of the class will be gone for the band trip; use this time to study microscope slides

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: study/review note sets as needed.

Objective: To take a tissue slide quiz and reach the 100/85 performance objective.  There will be five slides worth two points each on this quiz.  For the rest of the period, study microscope slides.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: Students will investigate various tissue types at http://www.histology-world.com in the CRC, and complete a worksheet dealing with the website.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: do assignment over the website; due at end of period.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Field Biology 9/6-9/9


Objective: To collect insects on the nature trail in plots C & D.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: To discuss the note set over history of wildlife management in America.  Much of the discussion will fall upon numbers of wildlife species from the past vs. the current, what has made them that way, and what we are doing now to address the problem.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: To collect insects on the nature trail in plots C and D.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: To begin planning a skit for the Eco Meet coming up Sept. 29.  Groups will be determined, and skit specifics will be addressed (requirements, themes, etc)

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Applied Biology 9/6-9/9


Objective: To take a test over introductory biology and scientific method dscussion.  Students will take this test on Quia, in the CRC.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: To begin discussion on chemistry; we will cover basic chemistry principles, including atoms, molecules, what makes an element by definition, and different types of bonding scenarios.

Text: none

Vocab: atom, molecule, element, proton, neutron, electrons, chemistry, covalent bonds, ionic bonds

Homework: TBA

Objective: Microscope Lab #2; students will further practice and reinforce their knowledge of microscopes and techniques for focusing & magnification.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: lab handout due at the end of this period.

Objective: To learn about human body biochemistry; discuss state standards as they relate to enzyme activity, and discuss saturated vs polyunsaturated fats.

Text: none

Vocab: see note set

Homework: none

Biology 9/6-9/9


Objective: To take a test over introductory biology and scientific method dscussion.  Students will take this test on Quia, in the CRC.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: To begin discussion on chemistry; we will cover basic chemistry principles, including atoms, molecules, what makes an element by definition, and different types of bonding scenarios.

Text: none

Vocab: atom, molecule, element, proton, neutron, electrons, chemistry, covalent bonds, ionic bonds
Homework: none

Objective: Microscope Lab #2; students will further practice and reinforce their knowledge of microscopes and techniques for focusing & magnification.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: lab handout due at the end of this period.

Objective: To learn about human body biochemistry; discuss state standards as they relate to enzyme activity, and discuss saturated vs polyunsaturated fats.

Text: none

Vocab: see note set
Homework: none

Anatomy 9/6-9/9

Objective: To take a test over the introductory chapter in human anatomy & physiology.  The goal is to have 100% of the students receive an 85% or higher (100/85)on this test. 

Text: none

Vocab:  none
Homework:  none

Objective: Students will learn the basics of tissues; what they are, and how to classify tissues by both layering & shape. 


Homework: none

Objective: Tissue lab; today students will be introduced to tissue slides.  This is the beginning step to mastering histology tissue slides visually, so the students can master them for the lab practical over tissue slides at a later date.


Homework: none

Objective: Discuss the anatomy of tissues, including ground substance, glycosaminoglycans, extra cellular matrix, and how they contribute to the overall health of tissue types.


Homework: none

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Anatomy students in lab!!

RHHS anatomy students worked on a lab today investigating tissue types with a microscope.  They also used stereoscopes to analyze bone fragments!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Field Biology 8/29-9/2

Objective:  To learn visual identification of Kansas birds.  This is the first of a three-part identification series.  Students will be tested over this identification at a later date.

Text: none


Homework: none

Objective: Continue practicing identification of bird set #1

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: insect collecting in student-designed experimental plots.  These data will be added to previous data collected.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: Introduce Kansas bird set #2.  This will be a basic introduction to these birds.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

insect collecting in student-designed experimental plots.  These data will be added to previous data collected.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none