Monday, March 28, 2011

Anatomy 3/28-4/1

Objective: To take a quiz over basic blood cell facts, and flow of circulation through the heart; discuss valves, nodes, bioelectricity of the heart

Text:  672-676

Vocab: SA node, AV node, ECG
Homework: worksheet due on Wed.

Objective: heart dissection

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: finish dissection handout, turn in Wed.

Objective: practice vocab; vocab word search and define words on back of paper.

Text: review all pages covered

Vocab: see handout.
Homework: vocab sheet due Thursday.

Objective: Design heart models and pumps

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: Discuss AICD's, bypass surgery, and begin review of the cardiovascular system.  Test next Wednesday.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: AICD worksheet due Monday

Applied Earth Assist 3/28-4/1

Objective: To learn about different types of clouds in the atmosphere, and precipitation.  Discuss facts about snow & hail.

Text: pages 548-550

Vocab: cumulus, stratus, nimbostratus, cumulonimbus, altostratus, altocumulus, cirrocumulus, cirrus
Homework: 550 (1-4), 554 (1-5)

Objective: Watch video - "Tornado Intercept"

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: 550, 554 questions due.

Objective: Hadachek absent; do vocab word-search and define the words on the back of the sheet

Text: none

Vocab: see handout
Homework:  vocab due at end of period

Objective: discuss weather patterns; air masses and fronts.

Text: 560-566

Vocab: tropical, polar, maritime, stationary & occluded fronts, cyclones, anticyclones
Homework:  566 #1-5

Objective: Class time to work on newscast projects

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Friday, March 25, 2011

Applied Biology 3/28-4/1

Objective: Take test over state standards. 

Text:  none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: Class testing for science assessment

Text: none - none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: Do #1-6 on 745, #1-6 on 750

Text: review pages 743-750

Vocab: review Monday's vocab

Homework: questions due at end of period.

Objective: Discuss ticks.  See handout

Text: see handout

Vocab: see handout

Homework: tick worksheet

Objective: Discuss spiders, including poisonous & non-poisonous spiders in Kansas

Text: none

Vocab: see handout

Homework: questions over handout due on Monday

Biology 3/28-4/1

Objective: Review State Standards Test.  Finish earthworm dissection sheet

Text:  none

Vocab:  none

Homework:  none

Objective: Discuss arthropods.  Cover basic body plans and structures.  Discuss insects and their success.

Text: none - pages 743-745, 761-767.

Vocab:  arthropods, appendages, compound eyes, exoskeleton, mandibles, carapace, head, thorax, abdomen


Objective:  Use books from back of room.  Read 743-750.  Do #1-6 on 750.

Text: 743-750

Vocab: see book pages

Homework: #1-6 on 750 due by end of period

Objective: Dissect Grasshoppers.  Hands-on experience with arthropods.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: complete grasshopper dissection and turn in Friday.

Objective: Discuss spiders, including poisonous & non-poisonous spiders in Kansas

Text: none

Vocab: see handout

Homework: questions over handout due on Monday

Monday, March 21, 2011

Lesson Plan Updates .. Important!

Hey everybody, I have been really sick for the past few days, and I missed today (Monday) and I'll be absent tomorrow as well.   This slightly changes things for the rest of the week's blog entries.  The assignments planned for Tueday-Friday will be adjusted when I return on Wednesday. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Field Biology 3/21-3/25

Objective: outside/field work



Objective: outside/field work



Objective: outside/field work



Objective: outside/field work



Objective: outside/field work



Anatomy 3/21-3/25

Objective: Introduce blood & cardio unit;

Text: Read 626-632, 635-636

Vocab: plasma, erythrocytes, buffy coat, hemoglobin
Homework:  Page 654-655:  #1-3,8,11-14

Objective: Discuss leukocytes, clotting factors, blood type review, and introduce the cardio unit

Text:  637-641, 657-660

Vocab: cardiac muscle tissue, veins, arteries, capillaries
Homework: none

Objective: Trace the path of blood flow through the heart

Text: 661-663; there is an excellent diagram in your book on page 662.

Vocab:  atria, ventricles, septum, aorta, superior/inferior vena cava, pulmonary circuit, systemic circuit
Homework:  cardio worksheet

Objective: Discuss valve specifics, SA & AV nodes, and learn how to read an ECG.


Vocab: atrioventricular, sinoatrial, semilunar
Homework: cardio worksheet #2

Objective: Coronary circulation, heart attacks, AICD's importance of learning CPR

Text:  666-667

Vocab: see notes
Homework: none

Applied Earth Assist 3/21-3/25

Objective:  Measuring air pressure, and atmospheric layers.  Cover all major "spheres" of the earth

Text:  515-520.  Key in on page 517....there is an excellent graphic on that page which summarizes atmospheric layers nicely!!

Vocab: trophosphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere, exosphere
Homework: #1-15 on page 522

Objective: Discuss heat transfer and global wind belts

Text:  532-535, 541-544

Vocab: trade winds, coriolis effect, polar easterlies, doldrums, horse latitudes
Homework: #1-4 on 535,  #1-4 on 544.

Objective: Discuss cloud types, formations, and water in the atmosphere

Text: 545-554

Vocab: stratus, cumulus, cirrus, nimbostratus, cumulonimbus, altostratus, altocumulus, cirrocumulus
Homework: none

Objective:  Begin Chapter 17 - Weather Patterns.  Air masses and fronts

Text: 550-556

Vocab: stationary fronts, occluded fronts, continental masses, maritime masses, polar masses
Homework:  #1-5 on 566

Objective:  To watch a video about air masses and weather patterns

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study notes for a minimum of 20 minutes over the weekend

Applied Biology 3/21-3/25

Objective: To peer review state standards for the upcoming science assessment on 3/29 the first half of class.  Then do a worksheet over state standards the second half.  Worksheet due at end of period.

Text: none

Vocab: concentrate on vocab associated with state standards
Homework:  study note sets for a minimum of 30 minutes

Objective: Design test questions over state standard material for Thursday's test

Text: none

Vocab: any vocab associated with state standards
Homework:  study state standards for a minimum of 20 minutes

Objective: Review state standards and map strengths/weaknesses.  Key in on weak points for study.  There will be a test tomorrow over these standards

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework:  study for tomorrow's test

Objective:  Take graded test over state standards

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study state standards for a minimum of 20 minutes

Objective: Video, and make up test for anyone who missed yesterday's exam

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study state standards

Biology 3/21-3/25

Objective: To peer review state standards for the upcoming science assessment on 3/29 the first half of class.  Then do a worksheet over state standards the second half.  Worksheet due at end of period.

Text: none

Vocab: concentrate on vocab associated with state standards
Homework:  study note sets for a minimum of 30 minutes

Objective: Design test questions over state standard material for Thursday's test

Text: none

Vocab: any vocab associated with state standards
Homework:  study state standards for a minimum of 20 minutes

Objective: Review state standards and map strengths/weaknesses.  Key in on weak points for study.  There will be a test tomorrow over these standards

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework:  study for tomorrow's test

Objective:  Take graded test over state standards

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study state standards for a minimum of 20 minutes

Objective: Video, and make up test for anyone who missed yesterday's exam

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study state standards

Monday, March 7, 2011

Field Biology 3/7-3/11

Objective: Finish fish stocking poster and review for test

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: review for test, finish stocking poster

Objective: posters due; take test over farm pond management

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective:  Seniors absent today

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: Begin class insecta.  Discuss major insect & arthropod groups. 

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: class insecta.  outside if weather is nice

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Anatomy 3/7-3/11

Objective: Discuss hearing, ears, and their anatomy/physiology

Text: 563-573

Vocab: outer, middle, inner ear, pinnae, lobule, tympanum, malleus, incus, stapes, cochlea, semicircular canals
Homework: none

Objective: finish ear/hearing.  Give worksheet assignment out, and review sheet.

Text: none

Vocab: review note vocab
Homework: either finish worksheet in class, or take home and finish.  Look at review sheet at home, fill out what you can.

Objective: Begin review for special senses test on Friday.  The test will cover major anatomy of the ears, eyes, and mouth

Text: review chapter 16

Vocab:  see notes for vocab
Homework: study review sheet

Objective: Finish review for special senses test; Get into groups and work on some cooperative learning with peer grouping.

Text: review important parts of chapter 16.

Vocab: see notes for vocab
Homework: vocab sheet/definitions list; take home and do, and review for test.  Definitions list will be due Friday

Objective: To take special senses test

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Applied Earth Assist 3/7-3/11

Objective: Discuss ocean water chemistry, including salinity, temperatures, gases.

Text: 439-443

Vocab:  ppm, salinity, submersible, water column, density, pressure, temperature
Homework: 443 (1-4), 454 (1-10)

Objective: Discuss currents and climate.  Tie in the Coriolis Effect to the lecture.  Discuss how currents and upwelling interact to affect climate

Text: 446-452. 

Vocab:  Coriolis Effect, climate, currents, density, upwelling, El Nino
Homework: Study for Wednesday's quiz

Objective: Take quiz over ocean water chemistry and currents. Begin discussing the atmosphere.  Atmospheric composition and air information

Text: 498-507

Vocab: weather, atmosphere, ozone, water vapor, air quality, acid rain, temperature inversion
Homework:  #1-4 on 501, #1-5 on 507

Objective:  Measuring air pressure, and atmospheric layers.  Cover all major "spheres" of the earth

Text:  515-520.  Key in on page 517....there is an excellent graphic on that page which summarizes atmospheric layers nicely!!

Vocab: trophosphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere, exosphere
Homework: #1-15 on page 522

Objective: Video/DVD. 

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: review major points discussed this week over the weekend

Applied Biology 3/7-3/11

Objective: To begin review on state science benchmarks.  Overview on tested science indicators.  Analyze weaknesses and strengths according to formative results

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study handout for 20 minutes

Objective: Discuss standards 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.3.3.  Discussion with Mr. Hadachek, then cooperative learning/review in groups

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study handout for 20 minutes, prepare for quiz tomorrow.

Objective:  Quiz over 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.3.3.  Review questions on quiz with them and grade in class.  Review standards 3.4.1, 3.5.3, 3.6.1 with Mr Hadachek and then in cooperative learning groups.  Study for quiz tomorrow.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study for quiz!!

Objective: quiz over 3.4.1, 3.5.3, 3.6.1.  Grade/discuss quiz in class.  Hand out state standard word search puzzle, with vocab.

Text: none

Vocab: see vocab on word search
Homework: work on word search, due tomorrow

Objective: discuss state standards 3.7.2, 3.7.3.  Review all standards discussed this week.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study standards for 20 minutes/night each night over the weekend.

Biology 3/7-3/11

Objective: To begin review on state science benchmarks.  Overview on tested science indicators.  Analyze weaknesses and strengths according to formative results

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study handout for 20 minutes

Objective: Discuss standards 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.3.3.  Discussion with Mr. Hadachek, then cooperative learning/review in groups

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study handout for 20 minutes, prepare for quiz tomorrow.

Objective:  Quiz over 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.3.3.  Review questions on quiz with them and grade in class.  Review standards 3.4.1, 3.5.3, 3.6.1 with Mr Hadachek and then in cooperative learning groups.  Study for quiz tomorrow.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study for quiz!!

Objective: quiz over 3.4.1, 3.5.3, 3.6.1.  Grade/discuss quiz in class.  Hand out state standard word search puzzle, with vocab.

Text: none

Vocab: see vocab on word search
Homework: work on word search, due tomorrow

Objective: discuss state standards 3.7.2, 3.7.3.  Review all standards discussed this week.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: study standards for 20 minutes/night each night over the weekend.