Sunday, April 26, 2020

Anatomy 4/27 - 5/1

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery over the human reproductive system by completing a unit exam with a 100/85 performance objective.

Zoom meetings this week:

Tuesday & Thursday, 11am.

The unit exam will be Friday at 11am.

This week will be a recap of everything we've learned throughout this major unit; the assignment will be a review assignment for points, due at the end of class on Thursday.

6th Grade Science 4/27 - 5/1

Objective this week:  To demonstrate how chemical reactions can occur in your homes.

Zoom meeting this week:  Tuesday 4/27  at 10am.   This meeting will be MANDATORY to attend, as I will be taking attendance for a grade.  This is the only Zoom meeting for this week.  

This week's assignment (Due at 11:59pm Sunday, 5//3/20)

Find FIVE different examples of chemical reactions that have taken place in or around your home.  Remember what the signs are to look for in chemical reactions.  For full-credit with this assignment, include the following:

A written explanation of how a chemical reaction took place with what ever example you choose to show me.

Include a picture of each of the five examples, so you will need a total of five pictures.

7th Grade Life Science 4/27 - 5/1

Objective this week:  To learn about how bacteria can be used to help culture common foods we eat.

Zoom meeting this week:  Tuesday 4/27  at 12pm.   This meeting will be MANDATORY to attend, as I will be taking attendance for a grade.  This is the only Zoom meeting for this week.  

This week's assignment (Due at 11:59pm Sunday, 5//3/20)

Find THREE dairy products in your refrigerator.  Research and explain how each of the products are made and how bacteria plays a role.  For full credit, your assignment must include:

A written explanation of how bacteria helped in the making of each dairy product, in your own words.

TWO website URL's you used for reference.

Include a picture of each of the dairy products from your home.

Explain what Pasteurization is.

Biology 4/27 - 5/1

Objective this week:  To learn about how bacteria can be used to help culture common foods we eat.

Zoom meeting this week:  Tuesday 4/27  at 9am.   This meeting will be MANDATORY to attend, as I will be taking attendance for a grade.  This is the only Zoom meeting for this week.  

This week's assignment (Due at 11:59pm Sunday, 5//3/20)

Find THREE dairy products in your refrigerator.  Research and explain how each of the products are made and how bacteria plays a role.  For full credit, your assignment must include:

A written explanation of how bacteria helped in the making of each dairy product, in your own words.

TWO website URL's you used for reference.

Include a picture of each of the dairy products from your home.

Explain what Pasteurization is.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Zoom Meeting Times

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to post a reminder about your scheduled Zoom meeting times:

Tuesday & Thursdays for our meetings

Biology:  9-9:30 am

6th Grade:  10-10:30am

Anatomy:  11-11:30am

7th Grade:  12-12:30pm

Monday, April 20, 2020

Anatomy & Physiology 4/20 - 4/24

Objective this week:  To learn about fetal development and the birthing process, and to answer questions students may have over the topic..

Zoom meetings this week:  Tuesday 4/21 and Thursday 4/23 during your scheduled times.   Please be there, as these are very important meetings.  You always do a great job coming to these Zooms, so I look forward to seeing you.  :)

This week's assignments (Due at 11:59pm Sunday, 4/26/2020)

Assignment #1:

*Be prepared to have a class discussion on Thursday about various topics.  This will be a fun, "open-question" class period to ask questions about various things you're curious about.  Come prepared with a list of questions to ask, so I can give you points for the discussion.

Assignment #2: 

*Finish the vocabulary worksheet that acts as your study guide for the unit.

6th Grade Science 4/20 - 4/24

Objective this week:  To learn about nanobot technology and possible uses for them in the future.

While this is more a "life science" topic, I felt that it would be interesting for some research, especially since we spent so much time earlier in the year discussing the engineering design on, for the details........

Zoom meetings this week:  Tuesday 4/21 and Thursday 4/23 during your scheduled times.   These meetings will be graded for attendance this week, and will consist of new lecture material, so they will be MANDATORY for you to get those points, as well as the information.

This week's assignments (Due at 11:59pm Sunday, 4/26/2020)

Assignment #1:

*Write 15 facts over the lecture notes from Tuesday & Thursday's Zoom meetings, and submit those facts to me.

Assignment #2: 

*Find the nanobot assignment on Google classroom; find the websites, write the essay, and submit that assignment through Google Classroom.

7th Grade Life Science 4/20 - 4/24

Objective this week:  To learn about nanobot technology and possible uses for them in the future.

Zoom meetings this week:  Tuesday 4/21 and Thursday 4/23 during your scheduled times.   These meetings will be graded for attendance this week, and will consist of new lecture material, so they will be MANDATORY for you to get those points, as well as the information.

This week's assignments (Due at 11:59pm Sunday, 4/26/2020)

Assignment #1:

*Write 15 facts over the lecture notes from Tuesday & Thursday's Zoom meetings, and submit those facts to me.

Assignment #2: 

*Find the nanobot assignment on Google classroom; find the websites, write the essay, and submit that assignment through Google Classroom.

Biology 4/20 - 4/24

Objective this week:  To learn about bacteria specifics and how they affect your life.

Zoom meetings this week:  Tuesday 4/21 and Thursday 4/23 during your scheduled times.   These meetings will be graded for attendance this week, and will consist of new lecture material, so they will be MANDATORY for you to get those points, as well as the information.

This week's assignments (Due at 11:59pm Sunday, 4/26/2020)

Assignment #1:

Write 15 facts over the lecture notes from Tuesday & Thursday's Zoom meetings, and submit those facts to me.

Assignment #2: 

*Look at the link to bacteria worksheet in the assignments section .  Complete that worksheet and submit it to me.  

Monday, April 13, 2020

Anatomy & Physiology 4/14 - 4/17

Objective this week:  To understand how an embryo develops into a fetus, and the steps that take place as that process occurs.

**Class Zoom meetings this week will be on Tuesday & Thursday at the usual meeting time of 11am**

Remember:  All assignments are due by 11:59pm Sunday night, 4/19/2020.

Your two main tasks this week are both on Google Classroom, and are as follows:

1.   To watch the video called, "In the Womb:  Multiples"  The video demonstrates how fetal development happens.  After the video, be prepared to discuss the video the following week.  I feel this is one of the most interesting videos I show in this class, or any class for that matter.  No facts or reflections over the video this week.

2.  Complete definitions of all the words you're familiar with on the vocabulary sheet on Google Classroom.  Send me a picture of the paper, after you've written all the terms you know.  Or if it's easier, create a Google Doc with all of the definitions.  The goal is to completely fill in all of those vocabs for use as a study guide on the exam that will eventually take place for this unit. 

6th Grade Science 4/14 - 4/17

Objective this week:  To learn about chemical reactions and how they occur.

Zoom meetings this week:  Tuesday 4/15 and Thursday 4/17 during your scheduled times.   These meetings will be used to PRESENT YOUR MODELS FROM LAST WEEK.  You will be given points for presenting at these meetings.  It's mandatory to attend and present at one of these meetings to get the presentation points.

This week's assignments (Due at 11:59pm Sunday, 4/19/2020)

Assignment #1:

*Please watch the video over the Law of Conservation of Mass.  Please find three websites dealing with the Law of Conservation of Mass, then write your own definition of the Law, along with an example.  See Google Classroom for specifics.

Assignment #2: 

*Watch the science video for assignment #2.  Write ten facts you've learned over this video, and how chemical reactions differ from physical reactions.  See Google Classroom for specific details.

7th Grade Life Science 4/14 - 4/17:

Objective this week:  To learn about viruses and the role they play in your life.

Zoom meetings this week:  Tuesday 4/15 and Thursday 4/17 during your scheduled times.   These meetings will be used to PRESENT YOUR MODELS FROM LAST WEEK.  You will be given points for presenting at these meetings.  It's mandatory to attend and present at one of these meetings to get the presentation points.

This week's assignments (Due at 11:59pm Sunday, 4/19/2020)

Assignment #1:

These assignments are located in Google Classroom:

*Complete the virus website assignment as posted in GC.  This is designed to learn about other viruses that affect our lives.

Total points = +20

Assignment #2: 

*Watch the Smallpox video on GC and complete the assignment.  There are 15 things to write over what you'e learned from this video.

Biology 4/14 - 4/17

Objective this week:  To learn about bacteria & viruses and the role they play in your life.

Zoom meetings this week:  Tuesday 4/15 and Thursday 4/17 during your scheduled times.   These meetings will be used to PRESENT YOUR MODELS FROM LAST WEEK.  You will be given points for presenting at these meetings.  It's mandatory to attend and present at one of these meetings to get the presentation points.

This week's assignments (Due at 11:59pm Sunday, 4/19/2020)

Assignment #1:

*Choose five websites dealing with COVID-19.  Include the URL's with your assignment (+5).

*Choose ANY THREE of the links .... write reflections over each of the links, in multiple complete sentences.  There is no minimum requirement, but I'd say 10-15 sentences each would be good ...... (+5 for each reflection)

Total points = +20

Assignment #2: 

*Look at the link to bacteria on the main GC wall.  Then use the Internet to do this:

Research 12 ways bacteria can be beneficial to your life.  Be as specific as you can be about these things.  As with any assignment, they MUST be in your own words.  Please make them complete sentences.  Please include URL links for each of the 12 things if you want any credit.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Anatomy & Physiology 4//6 - 4/10

Objective this week:  To learn the parts and functions of the female reproductive system.  There will be meetings this week on Zoom during your scheduled times ..... on Tuesday & Thursday.

There will be a worksheet to complete over the female reproductive system, and a question set to submit to me .... both are due by 11:59pm on Sunday, 4/12.  More information is on Google Classroom.

7th Grade Life Science 4/6 - 4/10

Objective this week:  To understand viruses - what viruses are, types of viruses, etc.  There will be a Zoom meeting on Tuesday and Thursday; plan on being there.  Your assignment for the week is to build a model representing something you've learned in class over viruses.  This project is worth 28 points.  It's due by 11:59pm on Sunday, 4/12/2020.  We will present these to the class the following week, during Zoom meetings.

6th Grade Science 4/6 - 4/10

Objective this week:  To understand atomic structure - specifically, atomic number vs atomic mass.  There will be a Zoom meeting on Tuesday and Thursday to discuss these things ; plan on being there.  Your assignment for the week is to build a model representing an atom, with the correct number of protons, neutrons, & electrons to demonstrate you know the differences between atomic number & atomic mass.   This project is worth 35 points.  It's due by 11:59pm on Sunday, 4/12/2020.  We will present these to the class the following week, during Zoom meetings.

Biology 4/6 - 4/10

Objective this week:  To understand viruses - what viruses are, types of viruses, etc.  There will be a Zoom meeting on Tuesday and Thursday; plan on being there.  Your assignment for the week is to build a model representing something you've learned in class over viruses.  This project is worth 28 points.  It's due by 11:59pm on Sunday, 4/12/2020.  We will present these to the class the following week, during Zoom meetings.