Monday, April 13, 2020

7th Grade Life Science 4/14 - 4/17:

Objective this week:  To learn about viruses and the role they play in your life.

Zoom meetings this week:  Tuesday 4/15 and Thursday 4/17 during your scheduled times.   These meetings will be used to PRESENT YOUR MODELS FROM LAST WEEK.  You will be given points for presenting at these meetings.  It's mandatory to attend and present at one of these meetings to get the presentation points.

This week's assignments (Due at 11:59pm Sunday, 4/19/2020)

Assignment #1:

These assignments are located in Google Classroom:

*Complete the virus website assignment as posted in GC.  This is designed to learn about other viruses that affect our lives.

Total points = +20

Assignment #2: 

*Watch the Smallpox video on GC and complete the assignment.  There are 15 things to write over what you'e learned from this video.