Monday, April 20, 2020

Anatomy & Physiology 4/20 - 4/24

Objective this week:  To learn about fetal development and the birthing process, and to answer questions students may have over the topic..

Zoom meetings this week:  Tuesday 4/21 and Thursday 4/23 during your scheduled times.   Please be there, as these are very important meetings.  You always do a great job coming to these Zooms, so I look forward to seeing you.  :)

This week's assignments (Due at 11:59pm Sunday, 4/26/2020)

Assignment #1:

*Be prepared to have a class discussion on Thursday about various topics.  This will be a fun, "open-question" class period to ask questions about various things you're curious about.  Come prepared with a list of questions to ask, so I can give you points for the discussion.

Assignment #2: 

*Finish the vocabulary worksheet that acts as your study guide for the unit.