Monday, April 13, 2020

Biology 4/14 - 4/17

Objective this week:  To learn about bacteria & viruses and the role they play in your life.

Zoom meetings this week:  Tuesday 4/15 and Thursday 4/17 during your scheduled times.   These meetings will be used to PRESENT YOUR MODELS FROM LAST WEEK.  You will be given points for presenting at these meetings.  It's mandatory to attend and present at one of these meetings to get the presentation points.

This week's assignments (Due at 11:59pm Sunday, 4/19/2020)

Assignment #1:

*Choose five websites dealing with COVID-19.  Include the URL's with your assignment (+5).

*Choose ANY THREE of the links .... write reflections over each of the links, in multiple complete sentences.  There is no minimum requirement, but I'd say 10-15 sentences each would be good ...... (+5 for each reflection)

Total points = +20

Assignment #2: 

*Look at the link to bacteria on the main GC wall.  Then use the Internet to do this:

Research 12 ways bacteria can be beneficial to your life.  Be as specific as you can be about these things.  As with any assignment, they MUST be in your own words.  Please make them complete sentences.  Please include URL links for each of the 12 things if you want any credit.