Monday, April 13, 2020

Anatomy & Physiology 4/14 - 4/17

Objective this week:  To understand how an embryo develops into a fetus, and the steps that take place as that process occurs.

**Class Zoom meetings this week will be on Tuesday & Thursday at the usual meeting time of 11am**

Remember:  All assignments are due by 11:59pm Sunday night, 4/19/2020.

Your two main tasks this week are both on Google Classroom, and are as follows:

1.   To watch the video called, "In the Womb:  Multiples"  The video demonstrates how fetal development happens.  After the video, be prepared to discuss the video the following week.  I feel this is one of the most interesting videos I show in this class, or any class for that matter.  No facts or reflections over the video this week.

2.  Complete definitions of all the words you're familiar with on the vocabulary sheet on Google Classroom.  Send me a picture of the paper, after you've written all the terms you know.  Or if it's easier, create a Google Doc with all of the definitions.  The goal is to completely fill in all of those vocabs for use as a study guide on the exam that will eventually take place for this unit.