Sunday, April 26, 2020

6th Grade Science 4/27 - 5/1

Objective this week:  To demonstrate how chemical reactions can occur in your homes.

Zoom meeting this week:  Tuesday 4/27  at 10am.   This meeting will be MANDATORY to attend, as I will be taking attendance for a grade.  This is the only Zoom meeting for this week.  

This week's assignment (Due at 11:59pm Sunday, 5//3/20)

Find FIVE different examples of chemical reactions that have taken place in or around your home.  Remember what the signs are to look for in chemical reactions.  For full-credit with this assignment, include the following:

A written explanation of how a chemical reaction took place with what ever example you choose to show me.

Include a picture of each of the five examples, so you will need a total of five pictures.