Monday, December 15, 2014

Field Biology 12/15-12/19

Objective this week:  To learn about wildlife related careers and to apply learned concepts of fish identification and pond construction to a test that will show understanding of the concept.

Wildlife careers - an investigation

Wildlife careers assignment

Review for test

Test - fish identification, facts, and pond management


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Life Science 12/15-12/19

Objective this week:  To complete an activity over geologic time scales using paper towel rolls, and to successfully complete a test over artificial and natural selection.

Continue activity - geologic time scales and paper towels

Diagram analysis - fossil layers plus worksheet

Review for Thurday's test over artificial and natural selection

Test - artificial and natural selection


Anatomy 12/15-12/19

Objective this week:  To apply concepts learned throughout the semester and successfully complete a multiple-choice exam over this semester content with a 100/70 performance objective.  Successfully completing a brain dissection is also an objective this week.

Brain dissection day 1

Brain dissection day 2

Wrap up brain dissection.  Wrap up/review CNS material

Final exam.


Zoology 12/15-12/19

Objective this week:  To apply concepts learned throughout the semester and successfully complete a multiple-choice exam over this semester content with a 100/70 performance objective.

Discuss class Agnatha and class Chondrichthyes.  

Wrap up the Chondrichthyes and complete in-class study prep for the final exam

Final exam. 

Class Osteichthyes


Biology 12/15-12/19

Objective this week:  To apply concepts learned throughout the semester and successfully complete a multiple-choice exam over this semester content with a 100/70 performance objective.

Discuss the final exam.  Open study for the final today.  The final will cover protein synthesis, cells, cellular respiration, basic ecosystems, and basic genetics.

Final exam prep.

Final exam today.

Genetics discussion


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Biology Video Notes

Here is the "video version" of the notes we are taking in class today, in case you missed class or need to go back and review the important concepts .....

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Life Science 12/8-12/12

Objective this week:  To analyze and interpret data from patterns in fossil records to document life form diversity and modification throughout history

Video today.  Prehistoric beasts.

Introduction to natural selection.  Read pages 193-200 in your text.  Then do #1-9 on page 200.  When finished, read pages 201-209.

Begin discussing specifics in fossil layers.  Look at fossil evidence for natural selection.  Worksheet due today.

Fossil layers and fossil layer animals.  Describe fossil layer diagrams.  Reach level of mastery over these layers by Friday.

Quiz - fossil layers and fossil layer diagrams.  Review content and compare to artificial selection.

Field Biology 12/8-12/12

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery of farm pond construction and prepare a project explaining how to manage a farm pond to your specifications, and to complete a property management plan.

Monday, Tuesday
Specific fish management options in farm ponds.  Pond worksheet due.

Wednesday - Friday
Property management plan design

Zoology 12/8-12/12

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery with identification of shark features, and to prepare and take the semester lab practical final exam.

Wrap up shark dissection.  Begin review for Thursday's practical final

Tuesday, Wednesday
Open review  - practical final

Shark dissection packet due.  Practical final today.

Fish anatomy and physiology - jawless and cartilaginous fishes

Anatomy 12/8-12/12

Objective this week:  To discuss the motor divisions of the CNS and prepare for Thursday's practical final

Discuss motor divisions of the CNS and prepare for Thursday's practical final.

Tuesday, Wednesday
Practical final prep.  Final exam for CCCC students

Practical final.

Continue discussing the CNS

Biology 12/8-12/12

Objective this week:  To master the content of sex cell division through the successfull completion of a paperslide video over the concept.

Introduce the paperslide video project over meiosis.  Students will work on this project and will film on Wednesday & Thursday.

Paperslide project

Quiz - meiosis.  Video.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Biology Lecture - Meiosis

Here is the video lecture over meiosis.  There are some key differences that separate this process from mitosis.  Please watch the video and write the concepts down, then compare the two processes.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Field Biology E Mail assignment

The objective of this assignment is to learn and understand facts about different fish in Kansas.

Follow the directions & answer the following questions:

1.  Using the website, click on and download the "perch family" poster.  Write down THREE major differences between walleye, sauger, and saugeye (+3)

2.  Using the same website, click on and download the "temperate bass" poster.  Write down THREE major differences between the four fish listed. (+3)

3. Click on the fishing regulations link, and answer the following questions:

  • What is required for licensure to hand fish in Kansas, and what are all associated fees? (+2)
  • What are the legal hand fishing waters in Kansas? (+1)
  • What special exemptions/provisions are available for military personnel and Native Americans in the Kansas fishing regulations? (+2)
Please E Mail this to my school E Mail address at

Due tomorrow by class ....

Monday, December 1, 2014

Zoology Notes and assignment due 12/2

Here is a supplemental note set for chordates and their embryology.  Please look these over & ask questions if needed.  Also, complete the worksheet by tomorrow if you were absent.  Thank you.

embryology note set

embryology worksheet

A few Zoology notes...

Here are a few notes from zoology class today. We discussed chordates. Also, see the other post with embryological development notes. A worksheet is due tomorrow.


Life Science 12/1-12/5

Objective this week:  To understand how artificial selection is used in the world today, and the issues behind artificial selection through the completion of a worksheet, quiz, and guided discussion.

Video - designer babies

Begin discussing artificial selection and the video.  Students must read through the information at this site:

Worksheet over the website is due.

Differentiated activity over artificial selection (day one)

Differentiated activity day two.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Field Biology 12/1-12/5

Objective this week:  To identify Kansas fish and understand management techniques for fish. 

Kansas fish ID

Kansas fish ID

Email assignment due.  Begin farm pond mgmt

Quiz over KS fish. Farm pond mgmt

Farm pond mgmt

Anatomy 12/1-12/5

Objective this week:  To learn about & understand the important anatomical and physiological features of the central nervous system, and assess understanding through lab work and a brain dissection.

Video - neurotransmitters

Major regions of the cerebrum.  Discuss the anatomy & physiology of this structure

Cerebral regions continued in discussion.    Brain pre-lab exercise.

Brain dissection 1

Cerebral regions - lateralization of cortical functioning.Quiz over basic CNS structures.

Zoology 12/1-12/5

Objective this week:  To learn and understand the basics of vertebrates and begin discussion of fish.

Vertebrate discussion.  Learn about vertebrate characteristics, anatomy, and basic physiology

Vertebrate lab 1

Begin the fish unit; explain differences between freshwater and saltwater fish, and anatomy of these animals

Vertebrate lab 2 and lab quiz

Quiz - vertebrate characteristics.  Continue fish discussion

Biology 12/1-12/5

Objective this week:  To complete a kinesthetic activity over cell division and complete a quiz over the process.

Introduce "46 pairs".  Divide students into groups and begin the project.

46  pairs - continue activity

Perform 46 pairs.  Complete a worksheet extension assignment over the activity.

Review mitosis and take quiz.

Begin discussing meiosis and the major steps involved in the process.

Life Science 11/24-11/25

Objective this week:  To successfully finish the differentiated activity over seed design.

Finish the seed design project.

Seed design reflection and finish STEM graph.

Field Biology 11/24-11

Objective this week:  To learn differences in tracks & scats of various Kansas animals.

Scats and tracks of Kansas animals

Scats and tracks of Kansas animals

Anatomy 11/24-11/25

Objective this week:  To demonstrate a level of mastery in the understanding of the muscle unit by completing a muscle test.

Open review - muscle unit

Muscle unit exam

Zoology 11/24-11/25

Objective this week:  To understand and learn about the ocean and its animal occupants.

Complete the note set over ocean life and begin the multimedia assignment

Multimedia assignment - ocean life.

Biology 11/24,25

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of cell division to your life

Principles of mitosis.  Onion root tip analysis.

Video - basic genetics and artificial selection

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Zoology assignment today (11/18)

In class today we reviewed for tomorrows lecture test.  Remember there's a lecture test over arthropods tomorrow, and there's a practical on Thursday over the grasshopper.  In class, I assigned a 20-point assignment.  Students wrote down 20 review questions for a total of 20 points (one point per question).  They also wrote down an answer key on a separate sheet of paper.  This was due by the end of class.

If you were absent from class, you will need to complete this and turn it in to me when you return to school for the points.

Monday, November 17, 2014

This week's goals:

Building DNA in biology class!!

Life Science 11/17-11/21

Objective this week:  Discuss reproductive success of living things and complete a STEM activity to ensure comprehension of the topic.

Video - mutations

Mutations quiz.  Begin discussing plant reproductive success.  Watch a lecture video over this reproductive success.  The video can be found below:

Wednesday - Friday
Differentiated STEM activity

Field Biology 11/17-11/21

Objective this week:  To learn and understand how to age white-tailed deer by their jaw bones and identification of major mammal skulls of Kansas.  There will be a test at the end of the week to assess learning and understanding of these topics.

Jawbone aging tutorial.  Write script/film.

Wrap up aging tutorial and begin mammal skull lab

Finish mammal skull lab

Review for test

Test - whitetail deer lifecycle, photoperiodism, circadian rhythms, aging jawbones, and mammal skulls.  There is a 100/85 performance objective on this test.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Zoology 11/17-11/21

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery of understanding content over arthropods.  Wednesday there will be a lecture exam and on Thursday, a lab practical over the grasshopper will take place.

Begin reviewing arthropods for Wednesday's lecture exam.  Also explain ant castes, insects vs bugs, and important insect orders.

Review arthropods.  Include arachnids, crustaceans, and insects.

Arthropod lecture exam.  There is a 100/85 performance objective on this exam.  Review for the grasshopper practical.

Practical - grasshoppers.

Begin discussing fish

Anatomy 11/17-11/21

Objective this week:  To understand muscle bioelectricity and it's mechanisms, along with energy regeneration pathways through lectures, worksheets, and quizzes.  The lab objective for the week is to successfully complete a lab practical over lower body bones on Thursday with a 100/85 performance objective.

Monday - Wednesday
Muscle bioelectricity and muscle contraction energy pathways.

Practical - lower body bones.  Complete muscle contraction pathways.

Review contraction pathways.  There will be a test on Monday over the muscle unit.

Biology 11/17-11/21

Objective this week:  To understand the mechanics of protein synthesis, and the importance of it to your life.  Assessment will be given through a student interview.  We will also discuss the basics of genetic inheritance.

Review protein synthesis.  Watch two videos over the process.

Protein synthesis interview practice.  Prepare for an interview over the process.  Importance of the process, how it works, etc.

Protein synthesis interviews

Basics of heredity and chromosomal inheritance

Chromosomal inheritance and relevance to your life

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Transcription and Translation

If you missed class today, here are the videos for transcription and translation of proteins.  Please watch these videos and take notes over them.  Thanks.

Biology ..... DNA structures explained .....

Here is a video that explains how DNA is put together chemically.  Please watch this video.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Life Science 11/10-11/14

Objective this week:  To understand how mutations affect both DNA and the lives of organisms.  Students will learn about different mutation types, investigate, and then create their own mutation example to demonstrate understanding of the topic

Discuss mutations and their importance to the body.  Look at specific mutation examples.

Mutations - investigate mutations through a class assignment

Mutation assignment due today.  Students will begin and complete their own "mutation lab" after given critical background info.

Continue mutation project.

Present mutation projects to the class.  Mutation quiz today.

Field Biology 11/10-11/14

Objective this week:  To learn the life cycles of Kansas big game mammals and how to age them through jaw tooth wear.

Review photoperiodism and the life cycle of white tailed deer.  Begin discussing tooth wear, how to age deer based on various jaw bones, etc.

Aging mammals via tooth wear.  Practice aging mammals and prepare for multimedia assignment

Multimedia assignment - filming the tooth wear tutorial

Quiz - mammal timelines and finish filming the tooth wear tutorial project (due by 4pm)

Begin mammal skull lab work.  Be able to identify various mammal skulls

Zoology 11/10-11/14

Objective this week:  To learn and understand specific insect orders through class discussion, and the anatomy & physiology of a grasshopper through lab work.

Discuss specific insect orders.  Review insect mouth parts.

Grasshopper dissection 1

CPR training - no class/if students return early, complete insect order discussion

Grasshopper dissection 2

Quiz - insect orders, mouthparts, body plan.

Anatomy 11/10-11/14

Objective this week:  To understand the mechanics of muscle contraction (MWF) and learn the important components of the lower skeletal anatomy (T,U).  Learning will be assessed through multimedia assignments and a quiz at the end of the week.

Muscle contraction mechanics - sliding filament theory of muscle contraction

Finish Veteran's Day program - then discuss lower body bones.  Edmodo assignment given today.

Continue discussion of muscle contraction mechanics

Lower body bone discussion.  Edmodo assignment due by 4pm today.

Muscle contraction mechanics and quiz.

Biology 11/10-11/14

Objective this week:  To understand the anatomy & importance of DNA, and how it's responsible for putting proteins together that build your body.

Introduction to DNA - mechanics, functions, bonding rules, anatomy

Veteran's Day program.  No class.

Discuss protein synthesis today.

Discuss protein synthesis.  Build DNA models and protein synthesis models. 

Protein synthesis mechanics today through model building.  

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014

Field Biology 11/3 - 11/7

Objective this week:  To learn the basic identification of Kansas wildlife and apply that knowledge through identification projects.

Introduce Kansas wildlife and begin "Mammal Champions of Kansas" discussion.

Mammal champions continued; a worksheet will be given over these mammals

Whitetail deer specifics - photoperiodism and life cycle

Whitetail deer specifics - life cycle and aging teeth.

Quiz over basic Kansas mammal info from this week; begin tooth wear tutorial project.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Life Science 11/3-11/7

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of genetics to your life, differences in chromosomes and genes/sexual reproduction, and punnett squares.  Completion of worksheets, a quiz, and question-answer sessions will demonstrate fluency of major topic understanding.

Introduce dominant & recessive forms of alleles and traits.  Explain how genotypes and phenotypes differ.

Begin discussing punnett squares and punnett square practice

Wednesday & Thursday
Punnett squares, punnett square tutorials.

Punnett square quiz and punnett square bingo

Anatomy 11/3 - 11/7

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of muscles to your life, and how muscles function.  Lab objectives include mastery of the upper body bones and a practical over these bones on Thursday.

Functions of muscle and basic muscle anatomy.  Introduce sliding filament theory of muscle contraction.  Review ligaments if needed.

Quiz - ligaments.  Review upper body bones

Sliding filament theory of muscle contraction

Practical - upper body bones

Sliding filament theory of muscle contraction today.

Zoology 11/3 - 11/7

Objective this week:  To learn important facts about insects, their place in the world, and their anatomy/physiology.  Learning will be addressed through multimedia activities and a grasshopper dissection lab.  A crayfish practical will take place on Thursday.

Insects - basic orders, facts, and anatomy/physiology.  An Edmodo assignment will be given (due Wednesday by 4pm).

Grasshopper lab 1

Continue insect discussion.  Edmodo assignment due today by 4pm.  Review for tomorrow's crayfish practical.

Grasshopper lab 2/crayfish practical

Quiz - arthropoda.

Biology 11/3-11/7

Objective this week:  To demonstrate a higher level of understanding about cells by creating a student-designed model highlighting the important parts to a cell.  Successful completion of the model design and a quiz at the end of the week will be evidence of the completion of objectives/goals.

Cell model design introduction.  Explain the project, the required & graded components, and the goal with the project.  Brainstorm.

Cell model design

Cell model design

Wrap-up cell model.  Review for tomorrow's cell quiz.

Cell quiz today.  Show cell models to class.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Field Biology 10/27-10/31

Objective this week:  To understand population genetics and niche, competition, & predation/herbivory/parasitism relationships.  There will be a quiz over Hardy Weinberg equilibrium at the very beginning of the week, with a unit test to conclude the week.

Quiz - HW equilibrium/population genetics.  Begin discussing niches.

Review niches.  Discuss mutualism and species relationships.

Species relationships and interactions within niches.

Review for tomorrow's unit test.  Test topics include natural selection, population biology, predator/prey relationships, mutualism, and niches.

Test - ecosystem relationships and natural selection

Life Science 10/27-10/31

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery in cell division concepts through the completion of a test and a kinesthetic activity over mitosis

Continue working on the "46 pairs" kinesthetic activity over mitosis.  Finish up prep work today.

Rehearse 46 pairs and film the project.  Review for Thursday's test

Review for Thursday's test and complete a microscope lab over mitosis

Microscope lab - mitosis.  Review.

Test - mitosis

Zoology 10/27-10/31

Objective this week:  To understand the basics of the phylum arthropoda including body plan, anatomy, and physiology.  Learning will be assessed through multimedia activities, quizzes, and field collection activities.

Introduction of arthropods.  Discuss jointed body plan, species diversity, and internal anatomy

Crayfish dissection 1

Tick specifics - anatomy, physiology, species, exposure reduction

Crayfish dissection 2

Spiders - venomous and non-venomous spiders of Kansas and the world

Anatomy 10/27-10/31

Objective this week:  To learn the different types of joints and their importance, and lab time will be spent on learning bones of the skeleton.  Assessment will include a bone quiz and skeletal worksheets/Edmodo assignments this week.

Begin discussions of joints.  Include joint categories & synovial joint anatomy/physiology

Bone lab.  Review skull bones and begin bones of the upper torso

Synovial joint classes and joint disorders

Bone lab.  Skull bone quiz and bones of the upper torso

Review joint disorders and joint categories

Biology 10/27-10/31

Objective this week:  To understand the role of group behavior in survival success and begin discussing the importance of cells to your life

Differentiated project - cooperative animal behavior

Finish differentiation with the animal behavior project

Introduce the cell theory and the importance of cells to your life.  Distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

Cellular organelle discussion and Edmodo assignment over cells

Cellular organelles and Edmodo assignment due today

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Life Science 10/20-10/24

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of cell division to your life and the mechanics behind the process.

Introduction to mitosis, including the major steps

Mitosis onion root tip lab

Mitosis book reading assignment plus questions

Quiz - Mitosis steps.  Begin "46 pairs" kinesthetic activity

46 pairs continued

Field Biology 10/20-10/24

Objective this week:  To learn about and understand evolution and community ecology and how it relates to our environment

Discussion and note set - evolution and characteristics of natural selection.

Begin population genetics - Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium

Read about speciation and extinction and do book questions

Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium

Niche and competition specifics

Zoology 10/20-10/24

Objective this week:  To apply understanding of the mollusk unit to a written exam over the mollusk phylum through vocab review, lab work, and the exam itself.

Discuss the class bivalvia today - morphology, anatomy, physiology

Bivalvia dissection 1

Open review for Friday's exam.  Review from the review sheet and study/practice vocab

Finish bivalvia dissection.  Review for tomorrow's written exam.

Phylum molluska written exam.  There is a 100/80 performance objective on this exam.

Anatomy 10/20-10/24

Objective this week:  To demonstrate the level of mastery with the bone unit by completing a unit test at the end of the week.  Learned content this week will include bone disorders and diseases

Bone diseases and chemistry.  Also review general bone functions, bone shapes, and anatomy

Bone Lab 1:  Bones of the skull.  Review endochondral ossification.  Quiz over bone anatomy.

Open review - bone test on Friday.  Cover the review sheet.

Bone Lab 2:  Bones of the skull review, bones of the upper torso.  Bone test tomorrow.

Bone test - there is a 100/85 performance objective on this test

Biology 10/20-10/24

Objective this week:  To understand how group behavior in living systems increases survival opportunities and then be able to apply that understanding to your life.  Assessment will be determined through worksheets, question/answer sessions, and a quiz.

Introduce the importance of group behavior to class; discuss the role of ants in an ant colony.  Explain the success of ants, their castes, etc.  Hand out a worksheet over ant colonies.

Worksheet due; Watch the ant colony video today

Google Doc assignment - cooperative animal behavior

Project differentiation - cooperative animal/group behavior

Project differentiation - cooperative animal/group behavior

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Field Biology 10/13-10/15

Objective this week:  To discuss and apply population dynamics to ecosystems.

Population pyramids and worksheet today.  Discuss population pyramids.

Discuss limiting factors, emigration, & immigration of species

Mathematical computations of limiting factors and population dynamics

Life Science 10/13-10/15

Objective:  To apply the understanding of the big idea of body system interdependence toward a quiz, and to begin discussing the basics of chromosomes, DNA, and cell division

Quiz - body system interdependence.  There is a 100/80 performance objective on this quiz

Tuesday & Wednesday
Basics of chromosomes and DNA.  Explain genes and basic genetics starting on Wednesday.

Anatomy 10/13-10/15

Objective this week:  To understand the mechanics of bone breakage and repair, along with specifics of bone chemistry

Bone breakage and repair.  Begin bone chemistry.

Tuesday & Wednesday
Bone chemistry and hormonal control mechanisms

Zoology 10/13-10/15

Objective this week:  To apply concepts learned in class to a lab practical over the squid.

Review for lab practical

Lab practical exam

Gastropoda specifics today - anatomy, morphology, physiology

Biology 10/13-10/15

Objective this week:  To apply understanding of carrying capacity, limiting factors, and energy flow to a test which will demonstrate comprehension of these big ideas.

Review for Tuesday's test

Test - Ecosystem Dynamics

TBA - cellular anatomy

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Life Science 10/6-10/10

Objective this week:  To complete the nervous system differentiated activity early in the week, and then discuss how the nervous system helps other important body systems.  Successful learning will be shown through group activity, lab work, and worksheets.

Complete the brain safety design challenge today.  Share results with the class.

Discuss how the nervous system interacts with the digestive, respiratory, skeletal, and muscular systems.

Continue discussing interaction of body systems

Create an online concept map to help further your understanding of the human body systems and how they work together to promote a healthy life

Wrap up body systems and the concept map activity.  Review for Monday's test

Field Biology 10/6-10/10

Objective this week:  To apply the concepts of carrying capacity and density to the grasshopper field study.

Grasshopper collection today

Grasshopper collection today

Analyze all grasshopper data.  Read 104-109 in text.  Do #1-5 on page 109.

Page 109 questions due.  Discuss population growth models and logistics.

Population growth discussion/worksheet today.  Tie concepts back to the grasshopper study & complete analysis of data.

Zoology 10/6-10/10

Objective this week:  To understand the basic anatomy and physiology of the phylum mollusca through lecture, quizzes, and lab work.

Introduce phylum mollusca, and discuss the basic anatomy and characteristics of the phylum.  Then introduce Class Cephalopoda as a preview for this week's lab work.

Squid dissection day 1

Continue discussion of the cephalopods.  An Edmodo assignment will be given.  This will be due Friday.

Squid dissection day 2

Review cephalopods and introduce bivalvia and gastropoda.  Edmodo assignment due today by CLASS.

Anatomy 10/6-10/10

Objective this week:  To understand the components of bone and the functions of the skeletal system through lecture, lab work, discussions, and quizzes.

Bone anatomy and functions of bone; included will be facts about compact bone, spongy bone, bone categories, and bone composition

Bone lab #1

Continue bone anatomy; further discussion over anatomy and physiology of bones

Midterm Review

Midterm Exam - 100 points.  Multiple Choice.  Quia format.

Biology 10/6-10/10

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of density, carrying capacity, and limiting factors to your life through the completion of a differentiated case study.  Students will give an oral presentation of their case study at the end of the week, and take a test on Friday to demonstrate their understanding of these big ideas.

This week will focus almost entirely on a differentiated case study over carrying capacity of Rock Hills USD 107.  Students will be broken into committees and complete this task.  A review for Friday's test will be given on Thursday.

Test - carrying capacity, limiting factors, densities, and ecosystem dynamics (trophic levels).

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Life Science 9/29-10/3

Objective this week:  To enhance the understanding of the brain and nervous system through a group-based STEM activity.  Students will design and test "football helmets" to practice positive group skills, and test those helmets using eggs to simulate the brain.

Discuss brain lobes and their importance.  Also introduce neurons, and the CNS & PNS.   Introduce the STEM project

Introduce the basics of STEM - and explain the constraints of the project.  Students are to design/draw their helmets.

Vocab assignment - sub today

STEM design

STEM design/testing process

Field Biology 9/29-10/3

Objective this week: To wrap up the grasshopper field study and reflect on its importance to animal sampling techniques through data counting and field collection.

Grasshopper counts and collecting.  Worksheet handed out today

Grasshopper collection.  Worksheet due.

Konza Prairie trip - weather pending

Grasshopper collection - final day

Analyze all grasshopper data and discuss biodiversity

Anatomy 9/29-10/3

Objective this week:  To understand the mechanics of cancer, different stages of cancer, and the rule of nines/burn categories

Homeostatic imbalances of the skin - burns, burn categories, and the rule of nines

Burn discussion/cancer mechanics.  Edmodo assignment today over cancer

Vocab practice - sub today

Review burns and cancer.  Take a quiz over these concepts tomorrow

Cancer and burn super quiz today.  There is a 100/85 performance objective on the quiz

Zoology 9/29-10/3

Objective this week:  To familiarize and understand parts of a segmented worm through the dissection of an earthworm and related lectures, notes, activities, & quizzes.

Wrap up the earthworm dissection.  Begin discussing the segmented worm phyla and classes.

Segmented worm anatomy and physiology lecture and assignment

Vocab practice - sub today

Review  segmented worm anatomy

Quiz - segmented worms.  Begin discussing phylum mollusca

Biology 9/29-10/3

Objective this week:  To gain a better understanding of carrying capacities of ecosystems through lecture, quizzes, and differentiated activities.

Wrap up the biological scavenger hunt and post Edmodo threads.  When finished, discuss food chains and energy flow

Discuss number vs density and carrying capacity.  Explain the importance of carrying capacity.  Do carrying capacity worksheet

Vocab practice - sub today

Explain how limiting factors can affect the carrying capacity in an ecosystem (both density dependent and independent)

Quiz - limiting factors and carrying capacity.  Begin differentiated project

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Life Science 9/22-9/26

Objective this week:  To complete a test over cells with a 100/85 performance objective and introduce concepts of major human body systems to the class.

Review for tomorrow's cell test

Cell test; there is a 100/85 performance objective on this test today.

Introduce the "organ" and "organ system" level of development in life forms.  Introduce the nervous system to class and how the nervous system helps our bodies to stay in balance.  Explain tissues vs organs here.

Discuss nervous system

Worksheet today over nervous systems

Field Biology 9/22-9/26

Objective this week:  To reach the level of mastery over wildlife legislation and its importance through the completion of an exam.  There is a 100/85 performance objective on this exam.  Our other objective this week is to complete the grasshopper field study & analyze the data with the study.

Complete a test over wildlife legislation and reach the performance goal outlined in the weekly objective.

Grasshopper collection outside today

Grasshopper collection counts

Thursday - Friday
Collection analysis

Zoology 9/22-9/26

Objective this week:  To reach level of mastery with worm content through completion of student taught, rubric-based lessons and a worm exam.  Also we will introduce the segmented worms toward the end of the week.

Wrap up student teaching module over worms.  Prepare and study for Wednesday's worm exam

Open study and review sessions for the worm exam tomorrow

Worm exam today.  There is a 100/80 performance objective for this exam.

Begin discussing segmented worms - the earthworms and leeches.  Explain major anatomy and physiology of these creatures and how they relate to your life

Segmented worms and multimedia assignment

Anatomy 9/22-9/26

Objective this week:  There are several this week;  Lab objectives  To be able to reach the level of mastery with epithelial tissue identification under a microscope through lab work and a lab practical exam.  Lecture objective:  To understand the importance of oil glands as compared to sweat glands, and to take the first integumentary system exam on Friday with a 100/85 performance objective.

Discuss oil glands and how they're different from sweat glands

Tissue lab:  Open study to prepare for Thursday's lab practical exam

Wrap up the first portion of the integumentary system unit.  Review for Friday's exam - items on the test will include major epidermal layers, functions of the dermis, hair anatomy & physiology, and all gland discussion.

Tissue practical and study for tomorrow's exam

Integumentary system exam 1 today.  Continue with integumentary system.

Biology 9/22-9/26

Objective this week:  To learn basic information about energy flow through ecosystems and how it changes form.  Assessment will be done through quiz work, worksheets, and other activities to ensure understanding of the content.

STEM Pathway presentation

Begin discussing ecosystem specifics.  Concentrate on energy flow from one form to another.  Discuss populations, communities, ecosystems, and biomass.

Begin discussing trophic levels and explain how energy flows through these levels.  Watch the lecture video over trophic levels and answer the questions that follow the video.

Ecosystem scavenger hunt outside

Share scavenger hunt photos to Edmodo and participate in the collaboration thread on Edmodo.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Field Biology 9/15-9/19

Objective this week:  To understand and practice field collection techniques for collecting wildlife species through a grasshopper study

Field work - grasshopper study

Wildlife legislation quiz - remaining laws on the list.  Grasshopper study

Wildlife legislation quiz - all laws.  Grasshopper study.

Take the wildlife legislation test.  There will be a 100/85 performance objective on this test. Grasshopper study.

Life Science 9/15-9/19

Objective this week:  Students will apply their knowledge of cell parts by constructing a plant cell model and presenting it to the class.  Grading will be done via a specific rubric-based score sheet.

Monday, Tuesday
Construct cell models both of these days

Wrap up cell model construction and begin student presentations.

Student presentations of cell models and review for Friday's cell test

Cell test today.  There is a 100/85 performance objective on this test

Zoology 9/15-9/19

Objective this week:  To learn the basics of roundworms and understand their importance to your life. Students will then create a teachable lesson in which they teach a lesson over the worm phylum of their choice to reach the level of mastery in their knowledge about worms.

Introduce roundworms and the phylum Nematoda.  Discuss parasitic and non-parasitic forms of the phylum.

Tuesday - Thursday
Begin designing a differentiated lesson based on flatworms or rounworms.

Begin student presentations over flatworms or roundworms in a student-taught lesson to the class.

Anatomy 9/15-9/19

Objective this week:  Students will be able to learn, discuss, and apply their knowledge of tissues and hair from the integumentary system.  Grading will be done through quizzes and lab work.

Begin discussing hair specifics.  Include hair layers, types of hair, functions of hair, etc.  Also discuss Trichotillomania

Histology Lab 1 - students will observe histology slides under a microscope

Trichotillomania discussion and Edmodo assignment

Histology Lab 2 - review all histology slides and take a quiz over the basic epithelial tissue types

Review Trich and hair.  Begin discussing glands of the body

Biology 9/15-9/19

Objective:  To apply the knowledge you've gained through cellular respiration to a differentiated project involving making and marketing your own brand of sports drink.  Assessment will be done through a rubric-based grading system.

Introduce the sports drink activity.  Discuss the rubric, the groups, the differentiated group roles, and begin brainstorming ideas.

Tuesday - Thursday
Differentiated group work for the sports drink activity

Present the sports drink activity for the class

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Miss biology notes today? Here they are ....

Here's the easy way to get notes that you missed on the board:  I took photos of the notes before I erased and I'm posting them here......

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Field Biology 9/8-9/12

Objective this week:  To learn and understand the importance of population estimates, wildlife legislation and how they relate to conservation of natural resources through study techniques, quizzes, and written assignments.

Review major wildlife laws and learn how to apply population estimates to ecosystems (Lincoln-Peterson index)

Review major wildlife laws.  Continue discussing population sampling.  Population sampling worksheet due.

State Fair/Husker Harvest Days.

Wildlife laws quiz (first seven).  Review for first test - natural resources and their importance

Review, Outside/field work

Life Science 9/8-9/12

Objective this week:  To understand how the organelles of cells work through lecture, labs, quizzes, and hands-on activities.  Also, learn how to use a microscope correctly.

Discuss the roles of important cellular organelles.

Microscope basics; microscope lab #1 today

Microscope lab:  Cell lab #1

Review microscope handling rules and take a quiz over microscopes and cell organelles.

STEM:  Discuss the cell model build project

Zoology 9/8-9/12

Objective this week:  To learn and understand differences between non-parasitic and parasitic worm species through lecture, labs, worksheets, and quizzes.

Begin discussing worm phyla.  Discuss Phylum Platyhelminthes today, their anatomy, morphology, and classes.

Complete a worksheet over the platyhelminths.  Begin discussing the Nematoda.

State Fair/Husker Harvest Days.  Review platyhelminths and nematodes.

Nematoda assignment (Edmodo) due tomorrow.  Quiz tomorrow over platyhelminths

Platyhelminthes quiz today.  There will be an Edmodo wall post assignment due on Monday (students, please see Edmodo).

Anatomy 9/8-9/12

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of the integumentary system and learn the anatomy and physiology of this system through lecture, labs, and quizzes.

Learn the basic "statistics" of the integumentary system, i.e. size, shape, and basic anatomy/physiology.  Explain the major skin layers and their functions.  Worksheet over epidermal layers.

Review integumentary basics and skin layers and introduce skin color.  Worksheet due today.

State Fair/Husker Harvest Days.  Review integumentary basics

Worksheet due; Discuss and explain the exocrine glands of the skin.  Study for quiz tomorrow.

Exocrine gland review, quiz, and lab over basic skin anatomy and physiology

Biology 9/8-9/12

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of cellular respiration and learn how it works through a series of discussions, videos, activities, and a quiz.

Introduction to ATP and cellular respiration.  Learn the difference between aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration and fermentation pathways.  Use your E-Text to read the basics of cellular respiration and the pathways associated with it.  Pages 250-260 in textbook.  Assign #1-4 in E-Text on page 253.

Cellular respiration review.  Complete fill-in activity and prepare a tutorial in small groups explaining how the process works.  Use Play-Doh to explain the electron transport mechanism.  Page 253 questions due.  Assign worksheet due on Thursday

State Fair/Husker Harvest Days.  Remaining students are to review pages 250-260 over cellular respiration

Worksheet due; Prepare for the STEM project - designing your own energy drink.  Review the concepts of cellular respiration.

STEM - designing your own energy drink.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Environmental Science 9/2-9/5

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of wildlife and resource management, the history of it, how that management takes place, and what the future holds for wildlife management.  Assessment of learning goals will take place through quizzes, worksheets, and multimedia samples.

Discuss the history of resource management in the United States and the events that led up to modern wildlife management.  Then watch the video over the North American model of wildlife management & complete a worksheet over it.

Wednesday - Friday
Worksheet due Wednesday; begin discussing the National Wildlife Refuge System and modern-day game management, along with important wildlife legislation.  There will be a quiz Friday over the history of wildlife management.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Life Science 9/2-9/5

Objective this week:  To complete a basic unit over the cell theory, the importance of cells, and basic cell parts.  There will be two book question sets due this week as well as a quiz on Friday to assess understanding of the content.

Discuss cell theory with students.  Assign # 1 - 10 on page 48 in textbook due tomorrow.  Review/re-read pages 43-48.

Book questions due.  Review material and re-read/review # 1 - 10 on page 58.  This will be due Thursday

Book questions due.  Review cell structure, function, and cell theory.  Quiz tomorrow!

Cell quiz today, cooperative learning over cells.

Zoology 9/2-9/5

Objectives this week:  To focus on mastery of vocabulary over components of sponges, jellyfish, and hydras.  Students will complete crossword puzzles, worksheets, and cooperative learning exercises to demonstrate understanding of the content.  There will be a test on Friday over the Phylum Porifera and Phylum Cnidaria.

Review all major vocabulary terms through the completion of a crossword puzzle and group work

Review of vocabulary terms through completion of a worksheet, group work, and quiz design.

Review all components of the two major phyla for the test coming up tomorrow.

Test - Phylum Porifera, Phylum Cnidaria

Anatomy 9/2-9/5

Objectives this week:  To complete a student-taught lesson over their choice of a major concept in unit one.  Students are to pick their weakest area and teach a concept to the rest of the class to show mastery of content and genuine understanding.  They will also take a test on Friday to assess learning over unit one content.

Tuesday & Wednesday:
Work on student-designed teaching lesson over a unit one concept.  Present Wednesday and Thurday

Present student lessons, and review for tomorrow's test

Unit one test - there is a 100/85 performance objective on this test.

Biology 9/2-9/5

Objectives this week:  To complete a student-created paperslide video that demonstrates student understanding of photosynthesis and the reactions taking place, and to take a test over the concept to assess student learning over photosynthesis.

Work on paperslide videos.  Complete all paper portions of the project.

Film the paperslide show project today and study for Friday's test

Test review - cooperative learning over photosynthesis

Photosynthesis test.  There is a 100/85 performance objective on this test.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Biology - Life Properties Video

Please watch this video and take notes over the content.  Pause/rewind as often as you need to so that you can take them at your own pace.  Also, re-wind the video when needed if you have questions about the content.  After watching the video and taking notes, answer the two questions at the end of the assignment.  Please answer in complete sentences.  The copy machine question will take some thought .... look at it from the stand point of what life characteristics does it possess, and which ones are NOT present in the copy machine to keep it from being alive.

When you go to turn in the assignment, don't on the "Turn In" button and submit it that way.  I'll help you if there are any questions.  If you have problems with Edmodo, you can always E Mail me the assignment.

Here is the video:

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Life Science 8/25-8/29

Objective this week:  To learn how energy flows through ecosystems based on levels of organization and apply those directly to your life

Review the conditions that make life.  Discuss video questions.  Discuss the level of organization among living things .... focusing on the molecular level and working our way up to organisms

Atoms, molecules, chemicals, and cells - energy transfer and its importance.  Discuss physical vs chemical reactions

Begin creating a blended media project over energy transfer in living things.

Continue blended media project

Film blended media projects and discuss on video

Field Biology 8/25-8/29

Objective this week:  To learn about the important natural resources of Kansas and the county in which you live and understand how they impact your life

Investigate the natural resources of Kansas.  Explain their importance and diversity

Brainstorm and determine a Kansas natural resource to investigate more in-depth.  Begin preparing for a differentiated project over Kansas natural resources

Wed - Friday
Work on the Kansas natural resource project and read the natural resources section in your e-text

Anatomy 8/25-8/29

Objective:  To learn and understand the significance of feedback mechanisms and anatomical terms.

Explain differences between positive and negative feedback mechanisms.  Discuss feedback

Discuss anatomical and directional terms.  Include body planes and dimensional terms.

Introduce a differentiated, multimedia learning activity designed to master the concepts discussed this week.

Differentiated activity today

Finish differentiated activity and take a quiz over this week's topics

Zoology 8/25-8/29

Objective this week:  To learn the anatomy of basic invertebrates, including sponges and hydras and understand their importance to the ecosystem and your life.

Animal basics.  What makes an animal what it is?  Investigate animals online and share basic animal information via Edmodo.  There will be a dichotomous key quiz on Wednesday.

Anatomy and physiology of sponges.  Discuss their importance to the environment

Dichotmous key quiz.  Multimedia activity over sponges.

Transition into freshwater hydras and jellyfish.  Discuss differences.

Jellyfish specifics, types of jellyfish, jellyfish multimedia

Biology 8/25-8/29

Objective(s) this week:  To understand what life is.....and what life is not....and then learn what photosynthesis is and how it contributes to your life and all life around you, through the completion of video notes, a modular activity, and a quiz.

Watch a lecture video over life properties.  Complete the questions at the end of the lecture video, and submit the assignment via Edmodo.

Discussion/reflection on life properties.  Begin discussing photosynthesis.  Introduce the basic equation of photosynthesis and the importance of the process.

Introduce a modular activity over photosynthesis.  This module will consist of two segments lasting two days.

Conclude modular activity today.  Reflect on photosynthesis

Photosynthesis reflection.  Quiz at end of period

Friday, August 22, 2014

Life Science - Friday, 8/22

Today's objective:  To understand what makes an organism "living" vs something else "non-living", and be able to explain to your classmates and parents why this is the case.

Please watch the video below as many times as you need to get a better understanding of the content.   Write notes down as you go, pausing as needed to keep pace with the material.  Be sure to submit the answers to the review questions when finished to my E Mail, which is

Good luck!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Zoology 8/20-8/22

Objective this week:  This week is officially, "Welcome Back Week" to school.  I'm excited to have you back in the building and in class!  Most of this week centers around familiarizing yourself with iPads, new teachers, awesome classes, and any new procedures dealing with all of those things.  Your goal is to familiarize yourself with my classes and prepare for a great school year!  Read on to find out the specifics:

Wednesday & Thursday
Begin discussing Zoology.  Discuss reasons for taking the course, classroom rules, review leadership outcomes and Champions by Choice.

Review classroom leadership procedures, set up Edmodo accounts.  Practice with Edmodo.

Biology 8/20-8/22

Objective this week:  This week is officially, "Welcome Back Week" to school.  I'm excited to have you back in the building and in class!  Most of this week centers around familiarizing yourself with iPads, new teachers, awesome classes, and any new procedures dealing with all of those things.  Your goal is to familiarize yourself with my classes and prepare for a great school year!  Read on to find out the specifics:

In class for approx. ten minutes.  Give a basic ice-breaker for the class.

Question & answer session about biology.  Discuss facts about class, Champions by Choice, and why leadership in my classes is so important.  Discuss Boys Town rules.

Review classroom leadership procedures, set up Edmodo accounts.  Practice with Edmodo.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Life Science 5/19 - 5/21

Objective this week:  To wrap up the reflection study and discuss the success of the school year and understanding of important content.

7th grade activity

Reflection projects/update journal

Reflection projects/update journal


Anatomy 5/19 - 5/21

Objective this week:  To take the final exam and reflect upon the success of the school year and understanding of important content.

Final exams and/or review for final exams

Reflection over important content


Zoology 5/19 - 5/21

Objective this week:  To take the final exam and reflect upon the success of the school year and understanding of important content.

Review for final exam

Final exam

Wrap up the course - finish rat dissection or bird watching route


Biology 5/19 - 5/21

Objective this week:  To wrap up the STEM project and to reflect on a very successful school year through discussion of understanding and importance of content.

Wrap up the STEM project.  Discuss understanding of protozoans.

Earthworm dissection 1

Earthworm dissection 2


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Anatomy Final ..... The Lowdown!!

Here's what you can expect from this year's Anatomy final:

  • There will be a maximum of 50 questions.
  • The test will be comprehensive throughout the entire year
  • The test will be on Quia and will be multiple choice.

Here are some things to study/key in on:

Anatomy Introduction

  • understand directional terms
  • understand positive and negative feedback
  • understand afferent & efferent pathways
  • know the difference between anatomy and physiology

Integumentary system

  • know the basic functions of the skin, nails, hairs, glands
  • burns - first second, third degree and rule of nines - what do these mean?
  • trich - what is it?
  • what are endocrine glands and what are exocrine glands?
  • sebaceous glands and sebum - what are they?


  • know functions of bones, what they do, how they work
  • be able to identify bones from a picture, and/or name bones


  • sliding filament theory - how does it work?
  • what are the functions of muscle?

Nervous system

  • cerebrum, cerebellum ... what are they?
  • gyri, sulci, corpous callosum - explain what these are
  • hypothalamus, motor cortex, premotor cortex, frontal cortex, sensory cortexes - what do they do?

Special senses

  • basic eye parts and ear parts - anatomy, bones of the middle ear, etc

Reproductive unit:

  • male and female anatomy vocabulary words
  • basic differences between the menstrual and ovarian cycles
  • facts about STI's and contraception
  • major events in the childbirth process

Digestive unit

  • events of the digestive process
  • mechanical vs chemical digestion
  • functions of major organs and parts of the small intestine & stomach

**There may be other questions from material not listed on here as well.  There should be approx. 5-6 questions per unit discussed in class.**

Monday, May 12, 2014

Life Science 5/12 - 5/16

Update changes in reflection project and video.  Prepare data tables.

Tuesday - Thursday
Reflection projects this week

Mr. Hadachek absent.  Work in class on reflection project report.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Field Biology - Important Aquatic Insect Study Information:

Today in class we discussed your final field report for the school year - the aquatic insect study.  Here are the requirements, how it will be graded, and when it's due:

Also, for reference, I've included a very helpful link for the identification of aquatic insect species below:


Field Biology 5/12 - 5/16

Objective this week:  To wrap up the course and the aquatic field study project.

Aquatic study - Lake Emerson

Complete the aquatic study and sampling.  Prepare journal for completion

Add information to your aquatic journals.  These journals are due tomorrow.

Aquatic insect journals are due today.  Finish them up!  This is the last day for class (Seniors last day).

No class 

Anatomy 5/12 - 5/16

Objective this week:  To finish the cat dissection and assess understanding of major systems learned throughout the year with a practical exam.

Monday, Tuesday
Wrap up cat dissection and review for Wednesday's cat practical

Cat practical.  There is a 100/85 performance objective on this practical.

Begin discussing the urinary system and prepare for the final next week.

Open study for final - Mr. Hadachek absent today.

Zoology 5/12 - 5/16

Objective this week:  To apply concepts learned from the mammal unit with a rat dissection and learn the basics of cryptozoology.

Rat dissection day one

Rat dissection day two

Final for Seniors and wrap up rat dissection

Cryptozoology basics

Mr. Hadachek absent - Senior day @9am (class will be in Little Theater)

Biology 5/12 - 5/16

Objective this week:  To apply concepts learned throughout the semester on a hands-on/inquiry-based learning project that will demonstrate a higher level of understanding of content.

Continue working on the water filtration project

Water filtration project design & testing

Water filtration project design & testing

Filtration project (final version) due today.

Mr. Hadachek absent today - complete word search puzzles due MONDAY.  

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Afternoon Classes 5/7:

If you missed today, there was a sub.  My Field Biology students and I went on a field trip.  Here's what you missed:


Do questions 17,19,20,22,23,27,31, and critical thinking #1 on pages 906-907.  Consult the review on pages 903-905 and/or Chapter 24 itself for help with these questions.  Also we did a word search puzzle and you need to define the words in the word search.  Both of these will be due tomorrow by class.  You can stop by in the morning and get help with these questions if you'd like, I will be here by 7:30am at the absolute latest.

Here is the link for the word search...print it off and turn it in by class tomorrow.  The DEFINITIONS should be your top priority on this and then the word search:

Life Science:

We worked on two word searches today; you need to finish both of these by class tomorrow.  Be sure to do the definitions first, as they should be your top priority.  Here are the word searches to print out/work on:

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Life Science 5/5 - 5/9

Objective this week:  Apply learned concepts to a reflection project.  Learning will be assessed through in-field questions, quizzes, and updates to their Google journals.

Outside for reflection project planning

Track meet - remaining students will work on reflection project.

Reflection project

Reflection project

MAPS testing - all 7th graders.

Field Biology 5/5 - 5/9

Objective this week:  To apply concepts learned throughout the semester with hands-on field work.  Learning will be assessed through directed questions and completion of a field journal.

Aquatic field study - Emerson Lake

Aquatic field study - Emerson Lake

Marsh scavenger hunt field trip

Field work and completion of field journals

Anatomy 5/5 - 5/9

Objective this week:  To apply concepts learned throughout the year to a dissected cat specimen.  Learning will be assessed through dissection packet questions/answers and lab quizzes.

Cat dissection - digestive system and lab quiz.

Cat dissection - finish digestive system and begin discussing cardiovascular system

Cat dissection - respiratory system (video 7th period)

Cat dissection wrap-up and review for cat practical

Zoology 5/5 - 5/9

Objective this week:  To apply concepts learned throughout the semester to field work & animal identification, with learning assessed through quiz work and successful answering of directed field questions.  We will also introduce mammals this week.

Bird practical; there is a 100/85 performance objective on this test.  Begin the introduction of mammals.

Bird watching route today

Mammal discussion/assignment

Field work - animal identification/application of semester concepts

Mammals of Kansas

Biology 5/5 - 5/9

Objective this week:  To understand the importance of Protista through a STEM activity where we will build filtered survival drinking straws.  Learning will be assessed through a quiz on Monday, as well as the overall plan developed by the group for the STEM project.

Protista quiz and STEM project

STEM - begin gathering materials

STEM project

STEM project.  The project should be WELL underway at this point.

MAPS Testing first period

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Biology Quiz Monday - Protista

Here's what to study for the protista quiz on Monday:

Protista Basics and Protozoans:

  • Are they prokaryotic or eukaryotic?  What does this mean?
  • Are they single-celled or multi-celled?
  • Do they reproduce sexually, asexually, or both?  (you don't need to know the names binary fission or conjugation)
  • Understand how amoebas feed (phagocytosis) and how they move
  • Protozoans are "animal-like".  Why are they given this recognition?
  • What are differences between cilia and flagella?

Radiolarians and Foraminiferans:

  • Understand the importance of these creatures to our life/environment (limestone facts?)
  • What are "tests"?

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly:

  • Be able to explain how algae plays such a huge role in the lives of organisms around the world
  • Be able to explain how malaria and South American Trypanosomiasis is spread

Sample Test Question:

List three ways algae is important to either you, oil companies, and/or other living things


  • 15 - 20 points, short answer/multiple choice/fill-in (questions will show life relevance)

Zoology Bird Practical - What to Expect and Date Change

The date for the bird practical has been pushed back to Monday 5/5.   Here are some things to key in on for that test:

External Anatomy:

  • Differences between feathers (contour, down)
  • Anatomy of a feather (shaft, barbs, barbules)
  • Be able to distinguish between primaries, secondaries, and coverts
  • Uropygial gland - be able to locate it and give its function

Internal Anatomy:

  • Respiratory system - locate trachea and general area of air sacs
  • Digestive system - anything discussed in class is fair game here.....esophagus, crop and gizzard (plus functions of each), proventriculus, small intestine, cloaca (and any functions of these).
  • Kidneys - Be able to identify.  
  • Syrinx - identify and function
  • Male vs. Female .... how to tell?  Identify ovaries and testes.

Critical Thinking Questions:

  • There will be a couple of these .... be able to apply what you've learned to the bird's life; "If a bird was built differently, how would not having a ______________ affect the bird and how would it have to adapt?"  Several questions like these will be on the test.  Study the anatomy of the birds, how they are specialized for flight, etc to help answer this.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Miss Class Today (4/28)? Here's the scoop:


We did the modular activity today.  This assignment is due by the end of class tomorrow, so it's critical that you work on it so you stay within the school's homework policy.  Read through this assignment and click on the links to complete it.  If you can't print it out, no problemo!  Just answer and send via E Mail to my school E Mail address!  The lab portion (Module 5) you will have to do in class.


We updated our bird watching journals on Google Drive, including the pictures we took.  Please do this ASAP.

Life Science:
Modular activity over the importance of algae


Cat dissection.  See me about procedure question set #1 if you missed (Hunter).

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Lesson Plans 4/28 - 5/2

Time Codes:

Biology 0:43
Zoology 2:17
Anatomy 2:58
Field Biology 3:40
Life Science 4:51

Life Science 4/28 - 5/2

Objective this week:  To learn what microscopic life forms exist in the water you use for recreational activities.  Learning will be assessed through lab work and directed questions.

Lake water lab today - protista.  Complete lab handout.

The handout can be found at this link:

Track meet today - yesterday's lab handout due for all students.  Any student not in track will begin setup of their reflection project

Hadachek absent - video today

Thursday, Friday
Reflection projects on these days

Field Biology 4/28 - 5/2

Objective this week:  To successfully complete an aquatic insect study and to continue preparing for the city wide cleanup.  Learning will be assessed through directed questions to students while in the field.

Project CLEAN continued; finalize the flyer for businesses.  PR work on the lesson plan blog.  Review business list and place sign up sheet in office for city cleanup.

Distribute flyers to downtown businesses

Field trip to Manhattan, KS

Reflect on field trip and enter data into aquatic insect journals

Aquatic insect study at Emerson Lake

Anatomy 4/28 - 5/2

Objective this week:  To understand key principles of lessons throughout the year via cat dissection.  Learning will be assessed through directed student questions as well as a quiz at the end of the week.

Monday, Tuesday
Cat dissection - external anatomy and cardiovascular system.  

Hadachek absent - video

Thursday, Friday
Cat dissection - cardiovascular system and digestive system plus quiz over these areas

Zoology 4/28 - 5/2

Objective this week:  To understand and master the internal and external components of a bird's anatomy through dissection.  Assessment of learning will be evident through successful completion of a dissection lab practical by the end of this week.

Make necessary additions to bird watching journals.  Internal dissection of birds

Finish bird dissection as necessary and begin studying for Friday's dissection practical

Hadachek absent - bird video

Open review for bird practical

Bird practical today - there is a 100/85 performance objective on this practical

Biology 4/28 - 5/2

Objective this week:  To understand different aspects of the protista.  Learning will be assessed through successful, accurate completion of a modular activity as well as a quiz on Friday.

Modular activity - protista (multiple components)

Modular activity continued (finish components)

Hadachek absent - watch video

Review for protista quiz

Protista quiz 1

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Anatomy Assignment due Tuesday 4/29

Please read this article link:

The article lists several reasons as to why this device might be helpful for people.  Write a review of the article in complete sentences and explain the benefits.  Then discuss your thoughts on what sort of consequences this device may cause.  This needs to be written in paragraph form and will be worth ten points.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Biology Assignment due 4/25:

Using the worksheet found at the link below, answer the questions and submit to me.  You can either print off a hard copy and submit the answers or you can E Mail me the answers to my school E Mail address (this is probably the easiest option of the two)......this will be due at the beginning of class, 4/25 (8:15am).  If you have questions, please E Mail me your questions/concerns or visit with me before school to get help with the assignment.  Thanks.

Assignment link:

Field Biology Assignment 4/23

Objective:  Your goal today is to expand upon your learning and understanding of the life cycle of an aquatic insect.  Choose an aquatic insect of your choice from the five selections below:

  • Mayfly
  • Dragonfly
  • Damselfly
  • Water Boatman
  • Backswimmers

Now do the following via E Mail submission and complete sentences:  

  1. Find a web site that discusses the aquatic insect.
  2. Review the website and write down at least five interesting facts you learned from the website regarding it's lifecycle, eating habits, body plan, etc.  (+5)
  3. Share the web-site URL with me as a link (+2)
  4. Find a YouTube video dealing with the life cycle of one of these insects.  Watch the video.  
  5. Write down a minimum of three facts about this video and explain why you chose it (+3)
  6. Share the YouTube video with me as a link (+2)

This will be due tomorrow 4/24/14 by class.

Here's an example of how to set up the assignment E Mail:

Web-site Link:  (put URL link here)

Interesting web site facts:

YouTube Link: (put URL link here)

Interesting video facts/why did I choose this?

Monday, April 21, 2014

Life Science 4/22 - 4/25

Objective this week:  To work on the reflection project, finalize your study plan, and share your journal with me in Google Drive.

Tuesday - Friday
Differentiated group work:  Work on the reflection project, share your journal with me in Google Drive, and begin your reflection research.

Field Biology 4/22 - 4/25

Objective this week:  To work on the CLEAN project and prepare for the aquatic insect study

CLEAN project - discuss, prepare, clean.

Wednesday - Friday
Aquatic insect life cycles and CLEAN project as needed

Anatomy 4/22 - 4/25

Objective this week:  To understand the functionality of the digestive system through classroom lecture and hands-on dissection procedure.

Tuesday & Wednesday
Begin discussing major structures of the digestive system

Thursday & Friday
Cat dissection & analysis of it's digestive system

Zoology 4/22 - 4/25

Objective this week:  To learn the anatomy of a bird through a pigeon dissection & continue our bird watching journals

Update bird watching journals.  Begin bird dissection #1 - external anatomy.

Bird dissection #2 - internal anatomy.

Bird watching route #2.

Update journal.  Bird watching journal route #3.

Biology 4/22 - 4/25

Objective this week:  To work on the semester reflection project and the Google Doc that must accompany it.

Much of the class will be gone today for the track meet.  Work on the reflection project and add specifics to your testable idea.  Share the Google Doc with me.

Create a hypothesis to add to the reflection project.  This will help narrow your focus in the project itself.  All proposals must be completed - and shared with me - by Friday of this week.

Thursday, Friday
Kingdom Protista/reflection projects

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Music Review Battles

Here is a new idea I thought about for a review .... I call them, "Music Review" battles where we have a friendly competition between two groups of students.  They write as much as they can on the board based of what knowledge they've retained, and then I have them switch off with other students in the group and they add to the content on the board.  All while jamming out to some righteous tunes!  We then reflect on accuracy when finished.

Here's a pair-off between two students discussing bird adaptations ..... being inspired by Van Halen's "Jump"!

Biology Reflection Project Info .....

Here are the guidelines for the reflection project for biology:

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Life Science .... Reflection Project Specifics

Here are the specifics for the Life Science Reflection Project:

Here are specifics for how to change formats in Google Drive:

Field Biology Aquatic Insect Study Journal Setup

Here are the specifics for the journal you need to set up for the aquatic insect study:

Here is a video on how to make changes to Google Docs to customize the look of it.  I have also included a link to this video in the assignment specifics above:

Monday, April 14, 2014

Biology Test Teaser .....

......try to answer this question:

4. As the years go by, bacteria have remained very small, simple living organisms.  In terms of the future, is it in their advantage to become more complex, or to remain small and simple for long term survival?  Explain.  (+4)

Anatomy Class - Review for Thursday's Test:

Here is the review for Thursday's reproductive unit/pregnancy test:

Let me know if you have any questions in class or by E Mail.  Thanks!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Aquatic Field Study

My Field Biology students recently went out to investigate aquatic animals.  We are beginning our spring field study over aquatic insects....stay tuned for updates!!!

A Practical Guide to Bird Beaks

Here is a video highlighting useful information about bird beaks as explained by one of my students:

Life Science 4/14 - 4/17

Objective this week:  To create an end-of-year reflection project that will demonstrate understanding of important content throughout both semesters.

Finish earthworm dissection.  Dissection packet due today.  Also discuss planaria lab

Begin nature trail journal and brainstorm for your end of year project

Nature trail work and review for worm quiz tomorrow.

Nature trail work and worm quiz.