Monday, February 28, 2011

Field Biology 2/28-3/4

Objective: Remind students about Wednesday's field trip; students to gym for pep rally @3:05

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: Discuss field trip .... what to wear and bring.  Be ready to go!  Work on fish stocking posters.  Posters due Monday, 3/7.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: Scavenger hunt to Brzon Wildlife Area in Republic County.  Leave @7am, plan to return around 3pm.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: Begin review of farm pond management; text next Wed, 3/9.  Go over pond management review sheet

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: Farm pond concept map/worksheet

Objective:  Work on fish stocking posters.  Due this coming Monday!!

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: Finish fish stocking poster over the weekend, review pond management note set for at least 20 minutes/day over the weekend.

Anatomy 2/28-3/4

Objective: To learn about the basics of taste and smell; remind students to bring food/snacks/drink for Thursday. 

Text:  536-541

Vocab: chemoreceptors, fungiform papillae, circumvallate papillae, gustatory hairs, taste pore, transduction

Homework:  none

Objective: To review taste mechanisms from Monday's lecture; taster lab; what kind of taster are you?  We will find out!!

Text: 536-541

Vocab:  see Monday vocab

Homework:  none

Objective:  There will be a sub.  To reinforce knowledge of the special senses by answering questions in the book.  

Text:  Chapter 16.

Vocab:  Any vocab in the notes to this point

Homework:  #1-10, 30, 32-37, Critical Thinking #3 on pages 583-585.  Due tomorrow.

Objective: Lab - to map localizations of taste on your tongue by using different types of foods.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: To learn about the anatomy of the ear; basic ear & auditory structures, external, middle, and inner ear. 

Text:  563-570

malleus, incus, stapes, external auditory canal, pinnae, lobule, spiral organ of Corti, semicircular canals, auditory hairs, tympanum

Homework:  Review notes over the weekend for at least 15 min/day.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Applied Earth Assist 2/28-3/4

Objective: To introduce wave action, basic wave intro

Text:  428-433

Vocab:  frequency, trough, wave height, longshore drift, sandbar, rip current, groin

Homework: #1-4 on page 433

Objective:  To watch a video over ocean life, including the effects of man on coral reefs.  This will lead into ocean properties and the water column
Text: review pages 428-433
Vocab:  none
Homework:  none
Objective: There will be a sub.  Students need to complete the worksheet over the "Coastal Hazards" packet handed out in class.  The packet is not available on the blog, but you can print the worksheet if you need to.  The worksheet will be due at the end of the period. 

Text:  Coastal Hazards packet

Vocab: n/a

Homework:  complete worksheet questions from the packet.  Due at the end of the period.


Objective:  S.HS.4.3.2.  Understand the relationship between the earth, moon, and sun explains the seasons, tides, and moon phases.  Tie in potential & kinetic energy standards with tidal energy facts.

Text:  434-438

Vocab:  title bulges, spring tide, neap tide

Homework:  Tide worksheet, which covers state standards.

Objective: Introduce model-making activity; speed build models over the tide diagrams/conditions on page 437.  Use any in-class materials to build your model.

Text:  436, 437

Vocab:  spring tide, neap tide, full moon, new moon, first quarter moon, third quarter moon

Homework:  study for tomorrow's quiz for as long as needed;  in-class project will count as grade.

Applied Bio 2/28-3/4

Objective: To implement cross-curricular learning and writing.  To write a humorous one-page hand-written essay over the life cycle of a jellyfish.

Text:  none

Vocab:  see jellyfish vocab
Homework: none

Objective:  Make study guides for jellyfish/sponge test (Friday of this week)

Text: none

Vocab: all associated sponge/jellyfish vocab from notes
Homework:  fill out concept map over jellyfish and sponges

Objective:  There will be a sub.  Read pages 693-702 in the biology book.  Do questions 1-25 on page 704.  Tuesday's concept map due.

Text:  Read pages 693-704

Vocab:  vocab from note set
Homework:  #1-25 due at end of period.  Turn in what you have done by then, even if incomplete.

Objective:  Review for sponge/jellyfish test. 

Text: none.
Vocab: study note set
Homework:  study as long as needed @ home for test. 

Objective:  To take sponge/jellyfish test.  Performance objective:  100% of class get at least an 85 on this test.  Test WILL NOT be on will be a paper-based test.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Biology 2/28-3/4

Objective: To implement cross-curricular learning and writing.  To write a humorous one-page hand-written essay over the life cycle of a jellyfish.

Text:  none

Vocab:  see jellyfish vocab

Homework: none

Objective:  Make study guides for jellyfish/sponge test (Friday of this week)

Text: none

Vocab: all associated sponge/jellyfish vocab from notes

Homework:  fill out concept map over jellyfish and sponges

Objective:  There will be a sub.  Get books out from the back of the room.  Read pages 693-702 in the biology book.  Do questions 1-25 on page 704.  Tuesday's concept map due.

Text:  Read pages 693-704

Vocab:  vocab from note set

Homework:  #1-25 due at end of period.  Turn in what you have done by then, even if incomplete.

Objective:  Review for sponge/jellyfish test. 

Text: none....but will check out books for study guide/encyclopedia reference....

Vocab: study note set

Homework:  study as long as needed @ home for test. 

Objective:  To take sponge/jellyfish test.  Performance objective:  100% of class get at least an 85 on this test.  Test WILL NOT be on will be a paper test.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Monday, February 21, 2011

Extra Credit Options!!!

Okay everybody .... here is your chance to gain some valuable extra credit points!!  This is a blog-exclusive opportunity to reward those who check in on this blog from time to time.  Find which class you're in and what you must do to earn some way cool bonus points!!  You will gain a total of TEN extra credit points by doing these activities.  ALL EXTRA CREDIT ACTIVITIES MUST BE TURNED IN BY THIS FRIDAY, 2/25.

Biology:  Find three science-related current events from newspapers (NOT Internet!!).  Clip them out and bring them in with your name on them.

Applied Biology:  Find three science-related current events from newspapers (NOT Internet!!).  Clip them out and bring them in with your name on them.

Applied Earth:  Do #1-5 on page 403, #1-4 on 422.

Anatomy & Physiology:  Do #30-37 on page 584.

Field Biology:  Write a hand-written report over any Kansas freshwater fish of your choice.  The report must be a minimum of one side of one page, single spaced, and reasonable-sized handwriting

Field Biology 2/21-2/25

Objective: Study hall; one student will be in class today.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: Fish stocking basics and regulating fish harvest.  Discuss the all-purpose stocking option

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: Field work - pond analysis

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: finish pond analysis worksheet #1.  Study for quiz tomorrow

Objective: Quiz over pond construction.  Discuss panfish & big bass stocking plans

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Objective: field work - pond analysis


Homework: pond analysis worksheet #2

Anatomy 2/21-2/25

Objective: Introduction to the special senses; students will learn about mechanisms of sight/vision

Text: 542-550

Vocab: cornea, sclera, retina, conjunctiva, lacrimal apparatus, lacrimal canal, tarsal glands, fibrous tunic, choroid, vascular tunic, lysozyme, saccades, scanning eye movements,

Homework:  review notes for 15-20 minutes tonight

Objective: discuss near & far-sightedness, accomodation, visual processing.  Watch a short video over Lasik surgery

Text:  550-563

Vocab:  hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism

Homework:  Eye worksheet; due tomorrow

Objective: To dissect a cow eye and practice/reinforce vocab & structures learned from Monday & Tuesday

Text: Read lab handout

Vocab:  see lab handout

Homework:  Work on eye dissection handout; due tomorrow

Objective: Finish eye dissection if needed.  Lasik eye surgery, wrap up eye section of Chapter 16.  Quiz tomorrow over eye parts

Text:  Review pages 542-550

Vocab:  review vocab in note set

Homework:  Study for quiz tomorrow

Objective: Quiz over the eye, and eye dissection.  Concentrate on parts of the eye, and what makes up fibrous, vascular, and sensory tunics.  Watch a video over taste

Text:  none

Vocab: none

Homework:  none

Applied Earth Assist 2/21-2/25

Objective: To discuss renewable forms of energy, including solar,  wind, and water energy.  Also, nuclear energy will be covered

Text: 333-345

Vocab:  solar, passive solar system, active solar system, hydroelectric power, geothermal energy, nucleus, meltdown, fusion, fission
Homework: none

Objective: To learn about alternative fuel sources in the CRC.  Students will go to and complete a worksheet based on vegetable oil-powered vehicles.

Text: none

Vocab: review vocab from yesterday
Homework:  complete CRC assignment, turn in by end of period.

Objective: Discuss & review the water cycle; this will mainly be a review from previous science class material. 

Text:  Read 378-381

Vocab:  aquifer, water table, evaporation, condensation, transpiration
Homework:  #1-4 on 381

Objective: Review material from this week for the quiz tomorrow. 

Text:  Study material from pages 326-350, and 378-381 (compare notes with book material)

Vocab:  study vocab from notes
Homework:  study for quiz tomorrow

Objective: Combo quiz over fuel resources and water cycle/importance.  The quiz will be up to 30 questions (multiple choice/fill in, etc)

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Applied Bio 2/21-2/25

Objective: Vertebrate & invertebrate notes; begin discussing sponges.

Text:  693-695

Vocab:  collar cells, spongin, spicules, sessile, osculum, amebocytes, gemmules, regeneration

Homework: sponge worksheet on the assignment list - based off the biology link, "sponges & sea squirts"

Objective: Starfish dissection; follow all lab rules & safety procedures. 

Text: none - see lab handout

Vocab: see lab handout

Homework: answer the lab handout & turn in questions.  Lab handout due tomorrow

Objective: wrap up sponges; begin discussing jellyfish.  Discuss anatomy & lifecycle.  Turn in sponge worksheet that was assigned on Monday.

Text: 696-702

Vocab:  polyp, medusa, cnidocyte, nematocyst, sexual, asexual, budding

Homework:  Jellyfish worksheet

Objective: Video - ocean life 

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: State assessment formative testing in CRC; prepare students for upcoming science assessment on 3/29/11

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework:  review this week's notes for 15 minutes/day for each of the two days over the weekend

Biology 2/21-2/25

Objective: Finish discussion of basic animal facts and body plans.  Begin phylum Porifera and Cnidaria.   Body plans of sponges. Look at sponge slides under a microscope.  Go to CRC if there's time (depends on the amount of student questions)

Text: none

Vocab: sessile, collar cells, osculum, spongin, spicules, filter feeders, amebocytes, gemmules, regeneration

Homework:  Look at the "sponges & sea squirts" website and answer the questions on the sponge worksheet found under "Biology Stuff"

Objective:  Virtual starfish dissection with Froguts.  Take two quizzes for grades.  Quizzes will be taken within the dissection module.

Text: none

Vocab: review vocab from Monday's class

Homework:  review notes

Objective: To learn about the body plan of cnidarians; jellyfish reproduction, facts, etc. 

Text: none

Vocab: medusa, polyp, sexual, asexual, budding, bilateral symmetry, radial symmetry, zygotes

Homework:  Jellyfish worksheet

Objective:  Jellyfish worksheet due; video about oceans & its inhabitants
Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework:  none

Objective:  State assessment formative testing in CRC; prepare students for the upcoming science assessment on 3/29/11

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework:  story due at end of period; study notes from this week for 15 minutes/day throughout the weekend.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Field Biology 2/14-2/17

Objective:  Review pond construction basics; discuss notes over dam construction, banks, and compatible-use options.  Note set covered:  The Dam through Pond and Fish Ecology

Text: none

Vocab:  stocking, irrigation, livestock, compatible-use, spawning, recreation, siltation
Homework:  Kansas Pond Construction #1

Objective:  To discuss pond construction specifics, in the CRC.  Use Youtube and other media sites to learn about pond construction

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: turn in pond construction #1

Objective: no school ...... parent-teacher conferences



Anatomy 2/14-2/17

Objective: To review for PNS test tomorrow; work on extra-credit vocab.

Text: PNS and neural integration chapters

Vocab:  see review sheet
Homework:  work on extra-credit vocab if desired, and study accordingly for test

Objective: Take PNS test; 100/80 performance objective.  Test on Quia.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none

Classes dismissed early for parent-teacher conferences

Applied Earth Assist 2/14-2/17

Objective: Geologic time test; 100/85 on test

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective:  Review test; begin energy use.  Fossil fuels.

Text:  Read 326-332;

Vocab:  fuel, combustion, electricity, coal, oil, natural gas, hydrocarbons, refineries, petrochemicals

Homework:  Do fossil fuel worksheet

Objective:  To learn about renewable energy sources.  

Text:  Read 333-338.  

Vocab:  renewable resources, solar energy, passive solar system, active solar system, hydroelectric power, biomass fuels, geothermal energy.  

Homework:  Review notes for at least15 minutes for two out of the three days you have free starting tomorrow.  Fossil fuel worksheet due!!

Applied Bio 2/14-2/17

Objective: Review/reinforce basic animalia facts; symmetry review (hands-on).  Virtual dissection in CRC

Text: none

Vocab: review terms covered to this point
Homework: none

Objective: To investigate animals in the CRC; look at  This is basically a free period to investigate animals

Text:  Read the vertebrate section in the animal chapter in your book

Homework:  animalia worksheet #1

Objective: Wrap-up animal section #1; take a quiz over animal characteristics and symmetry

Text: none

Vocab: practice vocab learned to this point
Homework:  study at least 15 min/day for each day over the three-day weekend

Biology 2/14-2/17

Objective: To introduce the Kingdom Animalia, including basic body design.  Finish "Deadly Bugs" video.  Turn in questions

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework:  none

Objective: Kingdom animalia; symmetry patterns and advanced body plans. 

Text: none

Vocab: bilateral symmetry, radial symmetry, cephalization, anterior, posterior
Homework:  Animalia worksheet #1

Objective: To investigate invertebrate anatomy slides under a microscope.  Students will practice & reinforce all focusing & magnification rules

Text:  none

Vocab: none
Homework: turn in animalia worksheet #1, finish lab handout

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Plans updated!

Hey everyone, the lesson plans have been updated for the rest of the week.  Plan accordingly!!  Be safe, stay warm!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Test/Quiz Updates

There is a good chance of winter weather once again this week.  At this point it's too early to tell if there will be any snow days or late starts, but the best chance for winter weather is tomorrow (Tuesday) and Wednesday; if there are no cancellations, all quizzes and tests will go on as planned.  If cancellations do arise, biology will still take their test on Friday.  All other classes will take any missed tests or quizzes the day we return to school.  It's still too early to know what this week will bring, but plan ahead of time and take your study materials home tonight!!! 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Quiz/Test Reminders

Biology - protista test Fri, 2/11
Applied Biology - bacteria/virus test Wed, 2/9
Anatomy - quiz over basic PNS material Wed, 2/9
Field Biology - Kansas fish quiz Tues, 2/8.  Wildlife careers test Wed, 2/9

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Field Biology 2/7-2/11

Objective: Investigate non-sport fish in Kansas (and sport fish).  Non-sport fish section of note set will be covered on Wednesday

Text: none

Vocab:  see note set

Homework:   Bass worksheet.  Study for ten point quiz over Kansas fish

Objective: 100% of class gets an 85% or higher on quiz.  Take Kansas fish quiz.  Review for wildlife careers test.  Finish Kansas fish slide show and discuss non-sport fish

Text: none

Vocab: see note set(s)

Non-sport fish worksheet.  Study for wildlife careers test

Objective:  100/85 on wildlife careers test.  Review fisheries notes

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none
Objective: Begin aquaculture; what is aquaculture, aquaculture facts and industry

Text:  none

Vocab:  see notes

Homework:  Work on largemouth bass worksheet

Anatomy 2/7-2/11

Objective: Make a quiz study guide and peer review.  Write quiz questions for study & practice

Text:  all pages previously assigned this week - review.  Page 466-467 for the worksheet

Vocab:  cranial nerve vocab on 466-467

Homework:  Cranial nerve worksheet

Objective: Take quiz over last Thursday/Friday's material.  Investigate neural integration.  Brain wave patterns and sleep.  Neural integration section of note set.

Text:  525-530

Vocab:  EEG, brain waves, alpha waves, beta waves, theta waves, delta waves, epilepsy, NREM, REM

Homework:  Review notes for 15 minutes

Objective: Discuss dreams, and memory mechanics.  How memories are stored in our brains

Text: 530-532

STM, LTM, fact memory, skill memory, rehearsal, hippocampus, engram

Homework: Memory worksheet due Friday

Objective:  Wrap up any un-covered material from PNS unit.  Begin review for PNS test.  Hand out & discuss review sheet.  Test next Wednesday over PNS.

Text:  Review any specified pages on these lesson plans over the PNS unit

Vocab:  Review all major PNS vocab

Homework:  Study note set for at least 30 minutes over the weekend

Applied Earth Assist 2/7-2/11

Objective: Discuss the Mesozoic Era and all related periods

Text: 314-315

Vocab:  Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous

Homework:  Mesozoic Worksheet

Objective: Discuss Cenozoic Era and all periods

Text: 315, 319 & 320

Vocab: Tertiary Period, Quarternary Period

Homework: #1-5 on 320

Objective: Discuss Cenozoic Era and all periods ...then link together all Eras & Periods

Text: 308-320, key in on 315, 319, 320 for today's lecture material

Vocab:  Study note vocab & terms

Homework:  #1-5 on 320
Objective:  To watch a geologic time DVD program over the life of the dinosaurs ("Walking With Dinosaurs"
Text: none

Vocab:  Study note vocab & terms

Homework:  none
Objective:  To review for the upcoming test next Tuesday over geologic time

Text: Geologic time chapter

Vocab:  Study note vocab & terms

Homework: complete vocab review over geologic time, due Monday

Applied Bio 2/7-2/11

Objective: To review all major terms and concepts for the bacteria/virus test

Text: Chapters 24, 25

Vocab:  see review sheet

Homework:  study!!! Concept map over terms due on Tuesday.

Objective: Open study/cooperative group study over bacteria & viruses

Text:  Chapters 24, 25

Vocab:  See review sheet

Homework:  study review sheet, all related terms

Objective: 100% of class to get 80% or better on bacteria/virus test.  Test on Quia.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: Introduce Kingdom Animalia.  Learn specific characteristics about animals, and how to classify them.  Characteristics through body plan on note set

Text: 667-673

Vocab: specialization, heterotrophy, differentiation, neurons, autotrophs, radial symmetry, bilateral symmetry, cephalization, germ layers

Homework:  673 (1-6)

Objective: review animal basics from yesterday.  Discuss animal diversity, vertebrate  characteristics

Text: 674-679

Vocab:  gills, segmentation, exoskeleton, circulatory system, nervous system, hermaphrodite, larva, endoskeleton, vertebrae, lungs, integument

Homework:  Review notes for 20 minutes/day over the weekend

Biology 2/7-2/11

Objective: Practice protista vocab - cover tables with paper and make protista study guides

Text: none

Vocab: protista unit vocab applies here

Homework: none

Objective: Protista Lab #2 - algal diversity

Text: none

Vocab: vocab from algae section in protista note set

Homework: finish lab sheet #2

Objective: Review for protista test.  Hand out vocab list/concept map

Text: none

Vocab: Protista unit vocab

Homework:  study for test; concept map due Thursday.
Objective:  Review for protista test/cooperative learning in study groups

Text:  none

Vocab:  Protista unit vocab

Homework: study for test

Objective:  Take Protista test.   100/85 on test

Text: none

Vocab:  none

Homework:  none

Field Biology 2/3-2/4

Objective: Introduce fish from Kansas.  Kansas Fish Set #1.  Concentrate on catfish species.  Catfish section in KS Fish note set

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework:  Kansas Fisheries worksheet (catfish)

Objective: Discuss other sport fish from Kansas.  Specifically walleye, white bass, wipers, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, and panfish.  Scan/read Kansas Largemouth Bass Management Plan

Text: none

Vocab: see note set

Homework:  Largemouth Bass Management Plan Questions

Anatomy 2/3-2/4

Objective: Introduce peripheral nervous system divisions.  PNS through parasympathetic division in PNS note set

Text: page 364; 456-457

Vocab:  sensory, motor, autonomic, mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, photoreceptors, chemoreceptors, nociceptors
Homework: Sensory receptor worksheet

Objective: Introduce reflex activity in various body regions. Reflex activity section on note set

Text:  Read 484-490

Vocab: Integration, spinal reflexes, tendon reflexes, reflex centers
Homework:  Review/study notes for at least 15 minutes

Earth Science Assist 2/3-2/4

Objective: To learn about the basics of geological time, including eras, periods, and epochs.  To put geological time into perspective based on our perception of time.  Discuss Precambrian & Cambrian Time, and Paleozoic Era.

Text:  303-305

Vocab: era, period, epoch

Homework:  classwork:  Draw geological time clocks.  Homework page 305 #1-4 due tomorrow

Objective: Discuss/review Pre-cambrian time and Paleozoic era.  Watch DVD over sabertooth  cats.

Text: 308-313

Vocab:  Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian

Homework: none

Applied Bio 2/3-2/4

Objective: To learn about one of the deadliest viruses in the world - Ebola by viewing a video about its destructive effects

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: turn in Ebola video questions

Objective: Finish Ebola video, hand out vocab practice sheet or concept map for bacteria/virus unit

Text: Chapters 24 & 25 in book

Vocab: see vocab practice sheet
Homework:  Define vocab words and turn in by Mon.

Biology 2/3-2/4


Objective:  Discuss Malaria.  To learn & discuss algae protists.  Protista note set algae section

Text: none

Vocab: bacilliarophyta, chlorophyta, rhodophyta, phaeophyta
Homework:  Look up the Malaria (Nat Geo) link on the biology sites link and answer worksheet questions

Objective:  Protista Lab #1 - Non-algal protists, and protozoa

Text: None

Vocab: Paramecium, Nostoc, Amoeba
Homework:  Nat Geo homework due; finish lab handout

Snow Day Update

Due to recent school closings because of the winter weather, these lesson plans have been pushed back by three days.  I am in the process of updating lesson plans for Thursday and Friday.  Stay inside and stay warm!!!