Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Applied Bio 2/7-2/11

Objective: To review all major terms and concepts for the bacteria/virus test

Text: Chapters 24, 25

Vocab:  see review sheet

Homework:  study!!! Concept map over terms due on Tuesday.

Objective: Open study/cooperative group study over bacteria & viruses

Text:  Chapters 24, 25

Vocab:  See review sheet

Homework:  study review sheet, all related terms

Objective: 100% of class to get 80% or better on bacteria/virus test.  Test on Quia.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: Introduce Kingdom Animalia.  Learn specific characteristics about animals, and how to classify them.  Characteristics through body plan on note set

Text: 667-673

Vocab: specialization, heterotrophy, differentiation, neurons, autotrophs, radial symmetry, bilateral symmetry, cephalization, germ layers

Homework:  673 (1-6)

Objective: review animal basics from yesterday.  Discuss animal diversity, vertebrate  characteristics

Text: 674-679

Vocab:  gills, segmentation, exoskeleton, circulatory system, nervous system, hermaphrodite, larva, endoskeleton, vertebrae, lungs, integument

Homework:  Review notes for 20 minutes/day over the weekend

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