Monday, February 28, 2011

Anatomy 2/28-3/4

Objective: To learn about the basics of taste and smell; remind students to bring food/snacks/drink for Thursday. 

Text:  536-541

Vocab: chemoreceptors, fungiform papillae, circumvallate papillae, gustatory hairs, taste pore, transduction

Homework:  none

Objective: To review taste mechanisms from Monday's lecture; taster lab; what kind of taster are you?  We will find out!!

Text: 536-541

Vocab:  see Monday vocab

Homework:  none

Objective:  There will be a sub.  To reinforce knowledge of the special senses by answering questions in the book.  

Text:  Chapter 16.

Vocab:  Any vocab in the notes to this point

Homework:  #1-10, 30, 32-37, Critical Thinking #3 on pages 583-585.  Due tomorrow.

Objective: Lab - to map localizations of taste on your tongue by using different types of foods.

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework: none

Objective: To learn about the anatomy of the ear; basic ear & auditory structures, external, middle, and inner ear. 

Text:  563-570

malleus, incus, stapes, external auditory canal, pinnae, lobule, spiral organ of Corti, semicircular canals, auditory hairs, tympanum

Homework:  Review notes over the weekend for at least 15 min/day.