Monday, February 21, 2011

Anatomy 2/21-2/25

Objective: Introduction to the special senses; students will learn about mechanisms of sight/vision

Text: 542-550

Vocab: cornea, sclera, retina, conjunctiva, lacrimal apparatus, lacrimal canal, tarsal glands, fibrous tunic, choroid, vascular tunic, lysozyme, saccades, scanning eye movements,

Homework:  review notes for 15-20 minutes tonight

Objective: discuss near & far-sightedness, accomodation, visual processing.  Watch a short video over Lasik surgery

Text:  550-563

Vocab:  hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism

Homework:  Eye worksheet; due tomorrow

Objective: To dissect a cow eye and practice/reinforce vocab & structures learned from Monday & Tuesday

Text: Read lab handout

Vocab:  see lab handout

Homework:  Work on eye dissection handout; due tomorrow

Objective: Finish eye dissection if needed.  Lasik eye surgery, wrap up eye section of Chapter 16.  Quiz tomorrow over eye parts

Text:  Review pages 542-550

Vocab:  review vocab in note set

Homework:  Study for quiz tomorrow

Objective: Quiz over the eye, and eye dissection.  Concentrate on parts of the eye, and what makes up fibrous, vascular, and sensory tunics.  Watch a video over taste

Text:  none

Vocab: none

Homework:  none