Thursday, February 17, 2011

Biology 2/21-2/25

Objective: Finish discussion of basic animal facts and body plans.  Begin phylum Porifera and Cnidaria.   Body plans of sponges. Look at sponge slides under a microscope.  Go to CRC if there's time (depends on the amount of student questions)

Text: none

Vocab: sessile, collar cells, osculum, spongin, spicules, filter feeders, amebocytes, gemmules, regeneration

Homework:  Look at the "sponges & sea squirts" website and answer the questions on the sponge worksheet found under "Biology Stuff"

Objective:  Virtual starfish dissection with Froguts.  Take two quizzes for grades.  Quizzes will be taken within the dissection module.

Text: none

Vocab: review vocab from Monday's class

Homework:  review notes

Objective: To learn about the body plan of cnidarians; jellyfish reproduction, facts, etc. 

Text: none

Vocab: medusa, polyp, sexual, asexual, budding, bilateral symmetry, radial symmetry, zygotes

Homework:  Jellyfish worksheet

Objective:  Jellyfish worksheet due; video about oceans & its inhabitants
Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework:  none

Objective:  State assessment formative testing in CRC; prepare students for the upcoming science assessment on 3/29/11

Text: none

Vocab: none

Homework:  story due at end of period; study notes from this week for 15 minutes/day throughout the weekend.