Monday, February 21, 2011

Applied Earth Assist 2/21-2/25

Objective: To discuss renewable forms of energy, including solar,  wind, and water energy.  Also, nuclear energy will be covered

Text: 333-345

Vocab:  solar, passive solar system, active solar system, hydroelectric power, geothermal energy, nucleus, meltdown, fusion, fission
Homework: none

Objective: To learn about alternative fuel sources in the CRC.  Students will go to and complete a worksheet based on vegetable oil-powered vehicles.

Text: none

Vocab: review vocab from yesterday
Homework:  complete CRC assignment, turn in by end of period.

Objective: Discuss & review the water cycle; this will mainly be a review from previous science class material. 

Text:  Read 378-381

Vocab:  aquifer, water table, evaporation, condensation, transpiration
Homework:  #1-4 on 381

Objective: Review material from this week for the quiz tomorrow. 

Text:  Study material from pages 326-350, and 378-381 (compare notes with book material)

Vocab:  study vocab from notes
Homework:  study for quiz tomorrow

Objective: Combo quiz over fuel resources and water cycle/importance.  The quiz will be up to 30 questions (multiple choice/fill in, etc)

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none