Sunday, February 27, 2011

Applied Bio 2/28-3/4

Objective: To implement cross-curricular learning and writing.  To write a humorous one-page hand-written essay over the life cycle of a jellyfish.

Text:  none

Vocab:  see jellyfish vocab
Homework: none

Objective:  Make study guides for jellyfish/sponge test (Friday of this week)

Text: none

Vocab: all associated sponge/jellyfish vocab from notes
Homework:  fill out concept map over jellyfish and sponges

Objective:  There will be a sub.  Read pages 693-702 in the biology book.  Do questions 1-25 on page 704.  Tuesday's concept map due.

Text:  Read pages 693-704

Vocab:  vocab from note set
Homework:  #1-25 due at end of period.  Turn in what you have done by then, even if incomplete.

Objective:  Review for sponge/jellyfish test. 

Text: none.
Vocab: study note set
Homework:  study as long as needed @ home for test. 

Objective:  To take sponge/jellyfish test.  Performance objective:  100% of class get at least an 85 on this test.  Test WILL NOT be on will be a paper-based test.

Text: none

Vocab: none
Homework: none