Sunday, February 27, 2011

Applied Earth Assist 2/28-3/4

Objective: To introduce wave action, basic wave intro

Text:  428-433

Vocab:  frequency, trough, wave height, longshore drift, sandbar, rip current, groin

Homework: #1-4 on page 433

Objective:  To watch a video over ocean life, including the effects of man on coral reefs.  This will lead into ocean properties and the water column
Text: review pages 428-433
Vocab:  none
Homework:  none
Objective: There will be a sub.  Students need to complete the worksheet over the "Coastal Hazards" packet handed out in class.  The packet is not available on the blog, but you can print the worksheet if you need to.  The worksheet will be due at the end of the period. 

Text:  Coastal Hazards packet

Vocab: n/a

Homework:  complete worksheet questions from the packet.  Due at the end of the period.


Objective:  S.HS.4.3.2.  Understand the relationship between the earth, moon, and sun explains the seasons, tides, and moon phases.  Tie in potential & kinetic energy standards with tidal energy facts.

Text:  434-438

Vocab:  title bulges, spring tide, neap tide

Homework:  Tide worksheet, which covers state standards.

Objective: Introduce model-making activity; speed build models over the tide diagrams/conditions on page 437.  Use any in-class materials to build your model.

Text:  436, 437

Vocab:  spring tide, neap tide, full moon, new moon, first quarter moon, third quarter moon

Homework:  study for tomorrow's quiz for as long as needed;  in-class project will count as grade.